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Chapter 197 The Female Shopkeeper

It seemed that in just half an hour, the originally empty lobby miraculously became full of people.

It seemed that all of a sudden, the business in the store picked up.

At three o'clock in the morning, an endless stream of customers walked into the store and started rummaging through the brands, trying to find something that suited their appetites from various major cuisines.

It really feels like a good start.

Shen Lie stood aside and watched carefully. All the guests who came to place orders were wearing Imperial College uniforms, and there were not many of them.

However, these Gongsheng students are more generous than the others. They order delicious food and wine that ordinary people cannot afford without blinking an eye!

He is a rich man after all!

All of a sudden, there were shouts and shouts in the lobby: "Bring it to a boil and cook it for five portions... just send it to the signing room outside the Imperial College."

"A portion of garlic paste, roast goose, and a pot of Huadiao!"

In the hustle and bustle, Yun'er and several waiters were busy walking around, handing over pieces of wooden signs and charcoal pens, while Yue Xuan'er was responsible for keeping accounts and collecting money.

It's really strange to say that.

Under the arrangement of the stunning female shopkeeper Yue Xuan'er, everything seemed to be in order. One of her slender hands was tapping the abacus, and the other was holding a notebook in writing, looking very serious in her busy but not chaotic manner.

The heavenly fragrance and national beauty cannot be hidden.

Shen Lie looked on with a smile, and soon his mouth became crooked when he smiled. It was obvious from one look at this scene that Bai Gongsheng must have spread the news.

Only then did he attract the enthusiastic support of these Imperial College officials.

At this moment, Shen Lie's slightly frowned brows relaxed and he sighed softly: "Good man!"

He planned to add some delicious dishes to the Bai Gongsheng.

There was such a buzz of people.

Shen Lie sighed happily. Now he not only had customers, but also repeat customers. The big stone hanging in his heart finally fell to the ground.

"It's done!"

Pulling himself together, Shen Lie rolled up his sleeves and ordered several of Tian Hong's men: "Go, quickly send the signs to various restaurants and tell them to prepare early."

Several helpers hurriedly bowed and saluted, saying respectfully: "Young man understands."

At this moment, the eyes of these helpers clearly showed admiration, and even a bit of awe, and they hurried away with ordering signs in their hands.

The helpers all looked vigorous and energetic.

In the hearts of these miserable young Ming adults at the bottom, at least one thing is certain, you will definitely not worry about going hungry if you follow this Master Shen!

In this era, having a full stomach is already the greatest happiness.

Seeing the respect and awe in the eyes of these young disciples, Shen Lie smiled slightly and rang out that classic quote again.

The Ming army has no pay, but with pay it is invincible.

Amidst the hustle and bustle, the time came at night.

Shen Mansion.

As the business improved in a very short period of time, everyone felt relaxed. Shen Lie ordered people to put the top-grade Qiulu Bai in the flower hall of the inner house, as well as a table of delicious dishes.

In front of the flowers and under the moonlight, we drink and talk happily.

Everyone spoke softly, but as they drank a glass of wine, the atmosphere gradually became more lively. Everyone was making suggestions, and most of them were appreciative.

Tian Hong was grinning from ear to ear, drinking glass after glass of wine, his big, dark, square face full of smiles.

Several women were also smiling.

Yun'er looked at the young master with little stars in her eyes.

Miss Zhang was also convinced, and glanced over from time to time with her soul-stirring eyes. The affection in those eyes could not be hidden.

Even Yue Xuan'er smiled sweetly. After Yun'er, she was trained by Shen Lie to become the female shopkeeper and began to learn accounting from Yun'er.

Moreover, she is extremely talented and seems to be very willing. Her picturesque eyebrows are a bit more delicate.

It seems that this first-class Yangzhou thin horse, who has been in trouble since childhood and entertained people with his sounds and colors, has found the meaning of life at this moment.

There was light in her eyes.

As Yingying Yanyan whispered softly, Shen Lie picked up a cup of Qiu Lu Bai and drank it down, then picked up the cattail leaf fan and fanned the wind.

The enthusiasm for the Gongsheng students made him unexpectedly find a way to open up the situation, a road leading to mountains of gold and silver!

Think about it.

Shen Lie then asked Zhang Jingxiu: "When is the general examination?"

Zhang Jingxiu also thought about it and said softly: "The examination will naturally be in February next year, but..."

She seemed to understand her sweetheart's plan, and her bright eyes lit up, and she said in surprise: "But the mountains are high and the roads are long. At this time... there should be many candidates who have arrived."

Shen Lie nodded while holding the wine glass.

This is reasonable.

For scholars all over the world, the importance of the examination is needless to say. This is the most important examination in the world, because scholars all over the world gather in the capital to take the exam.

Hence the name Huixi.

And because it is presided over by the Ministry of Rites in spring, it is also called "Chun Wei" and "Li Wei".

The Ming Dynasty held an examination every three years, scheduled for Chen, Xu, Chou, and divided into three sessions on the ninth, twelfth, and fifteenth day of February in the last year.

In the first test, there are four books and three meanings, and in the classics, there are four points. In the second test, there is one discussion, five judgments, edicts, imperial edicts, and one answer from the table. The third test is based on five classics and history.

All candidates admitted to the provincial examination can take the examination.

There is no fixed quota for admission at first. When the number is small, more than 300 people are admitted, and when there are many, it is as many as 500 Jinshi. This is not a small number.

Count on your fingers.

It’s almost time to go to the Wanli Tenth-Year Examination.

But in this era without airplanes, high-speed rail, or cars, it is not easy for people to come to Beijing to take the exam.

Candidates in the Gyeonggi area are okay, but for those in the south and border towns, most of them have to leave half a year or even a year in advance.

Shen Lie smiled and nodded. It was thanks to the compliments of those Gongsheng students that he saw the huge business opportunities. This principle is so simple and easy to understand.

In modern society, who generally likes fast food the most, office workers, student parties, single aristocrats...

So Shen Lie thought about the capital city of this era, office workers, government servants, and ordinary people really couldn't afford such thoughtful meal delivery services.

But scholars can afford it!

Those poor scholars are all a matter of the previous dynasty.

Scholars in the Ming Dynasty were very wealthy, especially those who left their hometowns and came to the capital to take part in the examinations. At worst, their families had to be local gentry.

And these people don’t cook or eat.

So Shen Lie suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked again: "But I wonder where there are the most scholars inside and outside the capital?"

Tian Hong said hurriedly: "Dongyue Temple is not far from our place."

As Shen Lie patted his leg with a slap, he immediately made a decision: "Let's go to Dongyue Temple in two days!"

He planned to print a batch of leaflets first, and then distribute them to places where scholars gathered in Ciyun Temple, so as to make a lot of money from these masters.

"Those masters who have lifted people up..."

Shen Lie muttered quietly, Master Juren is naturally richer than Master Gongsheng, and he is also straightforward and generous. This must be a good way to make money.

As soon as this method was announced, everyone immediately clapped their hands and applauded.

This chapter has been completed!
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