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Chapter 201: Accompanying You

Zhang Jianxiu couldn't help but be surprised.

It’s only three o’clock in the morning and there are so many guests?

He has been busy with official duties these days and has been too busy to pay attention. When will the business in my little sister's shop get better?

The commander was astonished. He never expected that this ingenious food delivery model would actually be implemented by the little sister and his gang.

He was watching intently.


Zhang Jianxiu saw a fat figure, surrounded by a group of tough followers, hurried back from the end of the long street, and then got into the cheap shop.

For a moment he was stunned.

The conductor made the adult feel that the figure seemed a bit familiar.

That is……

Turning around suddenly, Zhang Jianxiu's eyes widened and he asked a flag officer guarding the gate: "Did you see it?"

This question is confusing.

The chief flag officer of Beizhen Fusi was naturally confused and asked: "What do you mean, sir? I... didn't see it."

Zhang Jianxiu then cursed angrily: "That's the fucking emperor!"

The chief flag officer trembled in fright and let out a soft cry: "Huh?"

During the conversation.

Then I saw my commander, as if his foot had been stepped on, jumped up and rushed towards the newly opened restaurant opposite.

The commander-in-chief was confused and hurriedly led a few soldiers to rush over.

We rushed across the long street and ran under the big sign with the word "dining" in it.

Zhang Jianxiu calmed down, quickly straightened his clothes, and then quietly walked out of the store, then raised his ears and listened.

Cheap square.

Everything is ready.

Shen Lie was about to set off with Miss Zhang and others when he looked up and bumped into a group of people, including a few familiar faces.

The first person to walk in was a familiar Dongchang stall.

Shen Lie was slightly startled, and when he was about to speak, he saw the Dongchang stall owner winking at him, calling him Master Shen, and then stood aside on guard.

in the crowd.

A slightly chubby young man came over and showed a warm smile to Shen Lie: "Master Shen, it's been a long time since we last saw each other. It feels like it's been three autumns."

Seeing the smile on this young man's face, Shen Lie and others were stunned for a moment, and then trembled instinctively.

"Hey, Emperor..."

After a period of silence, it was Tian Hong who reacted the fastest and stepped forward.

He straightened his brocade clothes and was about to kneel down, but received a look from Dongchang's guard and had to stand up again in embarrassment.

There are so many people here, so naturally I won’t let you kneel down.

Tian Hong had no choice but to straighten up and stand aside in embarrassment.

Shen Lie was numb and hurriedly took a few steps forward and asked tentatively: "Mr. Zhen, what are you...

What's going on this early in the morning?

Zhu Yijun smiled easily and said, "Let's take a look."


Now he is the big shopkeeper here.

Then, in full view of everyone, the young man began to pace around the ordering hall, and made exclamations of admiration from time to time.

With this demeanor and demeanor, he really doesn't regard himself as an outsider.

He even kept waving his little chubby hands to greet Zhang Jingxiu, Yun'er, and the few guests who were ordering: "What do you want to eat... don't be restrained... eat more!"

The guests who were choosing their lunch had no idea who this young man was, so they had to greet him with a few polite words, and then continued to order food.

The atmosphere gradually became peaceful.

But when the young man's eyes fell on Yue Xuan'er, who was lowering his head and playing with the abacus at the counter, he touched his nose with some guilt.

Then he avoided looking and pretended not to recognize him.

Yue Xuan'er didn't want to see him either. After all, her temper as a famous prostitute in the capital was getting worse. She just lowered her pink neck and carefully fiddled with the abacus beads with her delicate hands.

The young emperor was indeed at a loss, so he had no choice but to walk away, rubbing his nose in despair.

This picture is a little weird.

Shen Lie had a look of helplessness on his face and had no choice but to walk a few steps quickly to follow closely while greeting softly: "Master Zhen, aren't you busy today?"

Zhu Yijun listened with a smile and nodded frequently: "Not busy, not busy."

Shen Lie had no choice but to ask again: "Master Zhen, do you want tea?"

Zhu Yijun was still smiling and responded casually: "I drank when I came here. You can be busy and ignore me... Zhen."

This is what I said.

How dare Shen Lie really ignore him, so he had to accompany this man around the store, from the ordering lobby on the first floor to the private room on the second floor, and then to the third floor.

After walking around for a while, we returned to the lobby on the first floor.


Zhu Yijun's eyes fell on the stack of small advertisements held by Shen Lie, and his eyes lit up involuntarily.

Zhu Yijun asked curiously: "What is this?"

Shen Lie was dumbfounded, paused, and then quickly organized his words to explain the strange marketing method he had come up with.

Then the emperor's eyes lit up.

The emperor was very interested. He rolled up his sleeves on the spot and said excitedly: "Let's go together. Let's go together."

As soon as I said this.

Shen Lie was stunned on the spot and began to doubt his ears.

What does it mean?

The emperor wants to go with his group to distribute small advertisements?

Shen Lie was speechless for a long time, and then he hurriedly persuaded: "Hey, Emperor... Mr. Zhen, you have such a high status, how can you do such a vulgar thing?"

Shen Lie almost cried: "Please don't go."

Really inappropriate!

If the news leaks out and the Empress Dowager, Mr. Zhang, and the censor who likes to make trouble out of nothing come to know, it will be another big turmoil!

Shen Lie seemed to have seen the censors spitting saliva all over the sky, throwing magazines and magazines over, crying, making trouble, and hanging themselves.

That picture is too scary!

But Zhu Yijun ignored him and still said happily: "Don't stop me... Zhen's trip is not just for fun, but also to understand the sentiments of the people."

Finished speaking.

He snatched the stack of small advertisements from Shen Lie's hand and walked out the door happily, naturally followed closely by a group of Dongchang guards.

Shen Lie looked helpless and could only wave to the people who were also stunned and said softly: "Let's go."

I can't stop it!

So everyone had to follow in a hurry.

outside the door.

Under the big words "dinner", Zhang Jianxiu and several imperial guards had been waiting for the signature for a long time. When he saw the emperor coming out, he was about to step forward to salute.

But the emperor didn't even look at him seriously, and without even saying hello, he hurried away under the guard of more than a dozen Dongchang masters.

Then Shen Lie and others ran out and followed closely...

Only a group of Jinyiwei people were left messy in the wind.

Soon, Zhang Jianxiu and several Jin Yiwei commanders and colleagues, who were left alone, became numb when signing, and watched as the emperor and Shen Lie walked away fussing over each other.

After a while of embarrassment.

A fellow commander of the Jin Yiwei came over and said awkwardly: "Sir, what should we do?"

Zhang Jianxiu kicked the colleague hard, knocking him backwards, and cursed angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about... follow me!"

Do you even need to ask?

"Go find a horse... Did a donkey kick your head?"

So amidst the curses from the commander, the guards in imperial robes also got into a hurry and hurriedly went to find horses and call people.

This chapter has been completed!
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