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Chapter 24 Silent Night Thoughts

When she heard that Shen Lie wanted to use the money to redeem the ancestral home, the little maid nodded desperately. At this time, she looked at the young master with eyes full of trust.

When Shen Lie had a huge sum of money in his hands, it was reasonable for him to be eager to redeem his ancestral home. After all, it was really bad in this era to own the ancestral home.

It's not a pleasant feeling to live under someone else's roof.

Looking at Yun'er's shining eyes and pretty little face, Shen Lie smiled fondly and said, "Are you full? Go to sleep."

Not long after.

The room became quiet.

Soon it was midnight, and the capital of Ming Dynasty fell into silence.

In the warm wing, Shen Lie lay on the bed with his arms pillowed on his head.

But not long after, in the darkness, Shen Lie heard a rustling sound in his ears. Yun'er's soft and tender body climbed onto his bed, got into his quilt, and squeezed hard. He walked into his arms and hugged Shen Lie's waist tightly with his thin, naked arms, curling up like a kitten.

She found a comfortable position by herself, resting on Shen Lie's arm, and soon she snored slightly. The girl's sweet breath came to her nostrils, and Shen Lie could only put his hands on her delicate waist and caress her gently. , feeling the girl's soft skin that can be broken by blows.

This girl has become more and more coquettish recently, and she also likes to get into Shen Lie's bed, posing as if she is willing to be picked by anyone.

It seemed that she felt some kind of threat and was afraid of losing Shen Lie's favor...

And as the days got better and her nutrition kept up, this girl's little body, which had not yet grown, became fuller and taller day by day. It was obvious that she had some signs of the long legs of northern women.

Holding the devoted little maid in his arms, feeling her slightly hot and sweet breath.

Shen Lie had no choice but to suppress the restlessness in his heart. He looked at the dark roof with faint eyes, and his heart was ups and downs again.

At this time, he was thinking hard about the bad things that happened between Zhang Juzheng and Emperor Wanli.

Who Zhang Juzheng was is naturally unknown to everyone in later generations. He was a famous prime minister, the chief minister of the Wanli Dynasty's cabinet, and the only person in the Ming Dynasty who was awarded the title of Taifu or Taishi while he was still alive.

As everyone knows, Zhang Juzheng assisted the Wanli Emperor Zhu Yijun in implementing the Wanli New Deal and prolonging the life of the aging Ming Dynasty.

Where is Emperor Wanli today?

This man is not an ordinary person. He became a prince at the age of six. He is diligent, studious and intelligent, and is deeply loved by his grandfather, Emperor Jiajing.

But this little emperor's father left when he was ten years old, leaving behind Wanli and Empress Dowager Li, an orphan and a widowed mother.

Later, the little emperor met Zhang Juzheng, the imperial master. Zhang Juzheng... really educated the little emperor like a son!

According to historical records, Zhang Juzheng was extremely demanding of the young emperor Wanli, even to the point of harshness. He would scold him loudly every time he read a wrong word, and he did not regard himself as an outsider at all.

And Empress Dowager Li, the mother of Emperor Wanli, was also cheering on the side.

When Emperor Wanli was still young, it was no problem to do this, but as the emperor grew up and began to rebel, Zhang Juzheng still reprimanded him.


Shen Lie thought in his heart and sighed quietly, so the relationship between the emperor and his ministers, who were famous throughout the ages, and who once shared the same affection as father and son, eventually turned into a large-scale overturn scene.

When Zhang Juzheng was alive, Emperor Wanli could tolerate even three points, but as soon as he died, Wanli immediately deprived him of all honors during his life and death!

Not only did he confiscate his home and force his son to death, but he also went on a rampage to liquidate the cronies of the Zhang family.


In the dark side room, Shen Lie pondered and thought, letting time flow quietly with his thoughts, his clear eyes shining with wisdom.

He is not a top student in a key university and does not understand many principles, but he understands the principles of this world. A strict teacher will produce a good disciple, but after all, accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger!

After thinking about it, Shen Lie counted with his fingers. In the ninth year of Wanli, the current emperor Wanli was exactly eighteen years old.

"It's the rebellious period."

Still in the rebellious stage of the young emperor...

A teenager in the rebellious stage is like a docile donkey, but you can't be tough with him, you have to touch him along with the hair. Obviously Mr. Zhang doesn't understand this principle.

Shen Lie sighed softly again, and a thought popped up in his mind involuntarily. So, is there any room for recovery in the relationship between the monarch and his ministers?

Thinking about it, I fell asleep unconsciously.

The next day, early morning.

Shen Lie still got up early, carefully tucked Yun'er into bed, walked from the warm wing to the yard, and tightened his tight clothes.

Looked up.

Watching the red sun rise in the east.

Shen Lie started his preparations as usual. After moving his muscles and bones, he performed another set of punches, then opened the courtyard door and ran out, starting to practice hard regardless of rain or shine.

It's three o'clock in the morning.

Shen Lie took a hundred taels of silver notes and walked into the pawn shop opened by an Hui merchant. He stood in the cold and ruthless pawn shop lobby and kept bowing to the cunning pawn shop owner.

But the pawn shop owner was holding a tea bowl and speaking in an official tone, lazily saying: "Mr. Shen, when the pawn ticket expires, it is a waste ticket. Now if you want to redeem it again... there is no such rule!"

Shen Lie felt an unknown fire rising in his heart, but he could only say in a deep voice: "You make an offer."

After all, it is the ancestral home and must be redeemed no matter what.

The pawnshop owner looked at him and showed a successful smile: "You can redeem the house if you want, but you have to buy and sell it according to the market price..."

The market price of this house was eighty taels, so Shen Lie had no choice but to admit it. After all, it was his own fault, and he had to admit it even if he pinched his nose.

So after a period of busy work, Shen Lie finally took back his ancestral home three days later.

This day, afternoon.

Shen Lie took Yun'er, his pots, pans, and a large pile of goods into the empty ancestral house, looking at the broken window lattice and debris everywhere.

There was not much silver left in his hand, so he couldn't help but sigh again. After calculating this, it was equivalent to Shen Lie using this ancestral home as a mortgage and taking fifty taels of silver from the pawn shop.

I used it for more than a year and then bought it back for eighty taels.

This time again and again...

Thirty taels are gone.

With a little more money, you can buy a new house!

At this moment, Shen Lie's heart was filled with unknown fire, and a familiar word popped up in his mind. He was cut off by a pawnshop.

For the first time in his life, Shen Lie had a strong desire to change the world!

After cheering up, Shen Lie waved to Yun'er and said softly: "Come on, let's... pack up the house."

Yun'er nodded vigorously and said softly: "Yes!"

Pulling himself together, he calmed down and asked Yun'er to put the pots and pans into the kitchen. After thinking about it, Shen Lie quickly walked out of the house and went to find a plasterer, a carpenter, and two helpers...

Not long after.

The house became busy. Seeing the old window lattice being removed and replaced with new ones, Shen Lie also had a smile on his face.

I braced myself and picked up the sledgehammer, shook the muscles that were forming on my arms, and swung it against the dilapidated courtyard wall.

"Eighty, eighty!"

In the blink of an eye.

It's noon.

Shen Lie put down the hammer, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and watched Yun'er, wearing a floral apron, bringing a large basin of hot noodle soup from the kitchen with deft hands and feet.

Then he shouted at the carpenters, plasterers and gangsters.

"Let's eat!"

Soon the sound of snoring and drinking noodle soup could be heard in the Shen family yard.

This chapter has been completed!
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