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Chapter 361 Frontier Fortress

By the Jinshui Bridge.

As the ceremonial officer with the loudest voice from the Ministry of Etiquette sang loudly.

All the officials headed by Zhang Juzheng prostrated themselves on the ground in accordance with etiquette, and knelt three times and kowtowed nine times to the emperor on the dragon throne and the empress dowager in the royal chariot.

The mountains are shouting long live.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

After the great ceremony.

Zhu Yijun, who was sitting on the dragon chair, said in a serious tone: "Everyone is at peace."

The civil and military officials quickly got up, straightened their clothes, and looked at their noses with serious eyes, noses, and minds.

But there was something unusual about this solemnity.

Not long after.

Then Feng Bao, the general manager of the inner court, took a few steps forward, cleared his throat, and sang loudly according to etiquette: "If you have something to do, go to court early, if there is nothing to do, leave the court."

This is what the ministers were waiting for.


From the ranks of the civil and military classes, a dozen impatient adults stood up, saluted the emperor one after another, and then started shouting anxiously.

"I have my own notes!"

"I also want to play!"

This scene was really lively.

The grand ceremony had just ended, and the court meeting immediately turned into a vegetable market. At this time, it was a competition to see who had the loudest voice, and whoever had the loudest voice would be the right one.

at last……

After all, it was the Master of Yushitai who spoke louder.

Got the first one.

An old censor with gray hair but good spirits said loudly: "I impeach Chen Xuan, the commander-in-chief of water transportation, and Wang Chengxun, the deputy commander-in-chief. These two neglected their duties and were not strict with their subordinates. As a result, the grain was robbed, and the people were in fear... I

Your Majesty, please punish Wang Chengxun to death!"

As soon as this memorial came up, people from all over the Yushitai stood up to attack it.

"I second the proposal!"


As the Yushitai couldn't wait to lift the cover of the Tongzhou Caoliang Robbery and started shouting and killing, saliva started flying all over the sky.

Bullets were coming towards me.

It's coming menacingly.

But the Yushitai side had just launched an attack on the Water Transportation General Military Office, and someone in the Wu Xun queue opposite the civil servants stood up to fight back on the spot.


With an unhappy snort.

From the queue of military honors opposite the civil service train, a majestic veteran wearing a python robe immediately stood up.

The veteran adjusted his python robe and shouted loudly: "I also have my own story. I think Chen Xuan and Wang Chengxun handled it well and the loss was not big... Not only did these two people have no fault, they actually made merit!"



So the Yushitai and the martial arts warriors stood together like this, glaring at each other from a distance of ten feet, blowing their beards, and spraying each other with glares.

Curses abounded.

In chaos.

Standing in the front row were Zhang Juzheng, Zhang Siwei and other cabinet bachelors, but they said nothing but lowered their eyes, like majestic clay Bodhisattvas.

What a civil and military fight.

This matter.

It was the norm in the Ming Dynasty, generally speaking under such circumstances.

We have to wait until the officials have had enough quarrels.

If there is no result from the quarrel, the quarrel will continue at the next court meeting.

The courtiers of the Ming Dynasty quarreled over trivial matters in front of the emperor. When the quarrel got heated, some even threw boots and official hats at each other, and even beat each other.

In the most serious cases.

People were even beaten to death during the great court meeting by the Jinshui Bridge.

I think back when Emperor Yingzong was defeated in Tumubao.

It's also by the Jinshui Bridge.

The furious civil servants of the Ming Dynasty beat the commander of the Jin Yiwei, Ma Shun, to death in front of the acting emperor Zhu Qiyu.

Beating Ma Shun to death was not enough, so he also beat Ma Shun's accomplices Mao Gui and Wang Chang to death, which frightened the acting emperor Zhu Qiyu to the point where he trembled.

Zhu Qiyu gave up his job on the spot, jumped off the throne and ran away.

It was Yu Qian who persuaded him to come back with all his sincerity.

Who could bear to have three officials beaten to death during a court meeting? Such a ridiculous situation was all due to a word from Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty.

"Don't be guilty of what you say."

It was so noisy and uproarious.

The young man sitting at the top, Wan Li, was so angry that his nose was crooked. He was still a young man after all.

Can't hold my breath.

Zhu Yijun felt like his head was buzzing.

He naturally recognized the two officials who were spitting at each other. One was Chen Zan, the imperial envoy to the Zuo capital, and the other was the British Duke Zhang Rong.

Ordinarily, this person is a high-ranking official in the dynasty, so he would not roll up his sleeves like this and lead the civil and military officials to spit on each other regardless of their manners.

But what happened today was extraordinary.

Zhu Yijun is no longer the ignorant young man he was back then. He has a bright mirror in his heart. This matter has nothing to do with the hijacked grain ship.

These courtiers didn't care at all how much food was lost, and it didn't matter whether they could get it back or not.

The drunkard's intention is not to drink.

What they care about is the power of water transportation.

Nowadays, there are two yamen in charge of the world's water transportation, and one is the General Military Yamen. The military officers control the General Military Yamen, and the civil servants maintain the Governor's Yamen.

There was a fierce fight between the two yamen.


In recent years, civil servants have gradually gained the upper hand, and calls for the abolition of the General Military Office and only the retention of the Governor's Office have become louder and louder.

Just in time to catch up with this shocking case...

Naturally, the Yushitai gathered together to attack, taking advantage of this major grain robbery to beat the Chief Water Transport Soldier and the Deputy Chief Soldier to death with a stick on the charge of dereliction of duty.

Then isn’t the governor’s power over water transportation completely controlled by the civil servants?

Of course.

In this critical situation where martial arts were being suppressed, British Duke Zhang Rong, as the leader of martial arts, naturally would not stand idly by and would step forward to protect the General Military Yamen.

If it were a good-tempered and patient emperor, he would be able to endure it and wait until the ministers had had enough quarrels before talking about business, but the young and energetic Zhu Yijun really couldn't bear it.

The slightly childish white and fat little face gradually turned red.

The young Wanli looked at his teacher Zhang Juzheng and the cabinet bachelors, fully expecting that these important ministers would stop him.

But his teacher didn't say a word.

I don't want to stop it either.

What does this mean?

Zhu Yijun soon figured it out that the chief assistant was ultimately the head of the civil service.

Where can his teacher stand?

As the first assistant and grand master, Zhang Juzheng remained silent, and the second assistant Zhang Siwei also remained silent. This naturally represents the attitude of the cabinet.

Naturally, the cabinet is on the side of the civil servants.

Ignore or ask.

Indulge the Yushitai and civil officials to attack Wu Xun.

This scene.

Zhu Yijun became more and more unbearable. He felt a rush of blood rushing to his head, and his temper could no longer be suppressed, and he finally burst out with a shocking roar.

"shut up!"

This roar made all the officials stunned, and they fell silent instantly.

The noisy ministers couldn't help but look up at the dragon chair on the bridge, only to see the young emperor blushing, clenching his fists, and standing up suddenly.

Then the emperor walked away angrily with his hands behind his back.

After a while of dead silence.

By the time the young emperor's fat figure, wearing a dragon robe, took a turn in front of a large hall, he disappeared from the sight of the ministers.

Feng Bao, who was the general manager of the inner court, couldn't help it anymore and looked at the silent Empress Dowager Li on the imperial chariot, and then at Zhang Juzheng, who was like a clay bodhisattva.

Feng Bao sighed quietly.

Soon a louder noise broke out from the bridge.

"Old man Zhang Rong, do you want to protect your subordinates and take bribes and pervert the law?"

"Chen Zan, don't talk nonsense!"

"Everyone...Qiu Ba!"

Keep making noise.

But at this moment.

Outside the palace gate.

Qingqi, who came from Tongzhou to report the news, had been waiting outside the Meridian Gate for two full hours, but was stopped by the imperial guards.

This chapter has been completed!
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