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Chapter 382 Wolf Smoke

Watching the tough Liaodong man walk away quickly.

Wang Hu and others were all dumbfounded. It took a long time to come back to their senses. He was indeed from Liaodong. His behavior was very similar to that of their Mr. Li.

go straight.

When Shen Lie picked up the box on the table, opened it and took a look, there was a house deed and a land deed neatly placed inside the box.

And there was a note.

on the note.

There are three big characters written on it: dragons and phoenixes.

"It's settled."

This is obviously Li Rusong's handwriting.

Looking at this deed, this key, this note...

Shen Lie and Wang Hu looked at each other.

A little messy.

It took a long time to come back to reality.

Wang Hu couldn't help but praise: "This Mr. Li is really righteous!"

It must have been that Li Rusong saw the lease notice posted outside and wanted to repay Shen Lie, so he took the initiative to send the land deed.

At this moment, Shen Lie was also speechless.

in mind.

The young and heroic face of Mr. Li could not help but emerge.

Mr. Li's intention was already obvious. He was grateful for Mr. Shen's support at the last banquet, so he sent this house deed and title deed in return.

For a while.

The yamen of the hundreds of households in Dongchang were filled with praises.


"What a Liaodong man!"

Amidst the bursts of praise from his subordinates.

Shen Lie was stunned but also had many thoughts. He never expected that the store problem that had troubled him for several days would end so easily.

This Mr. Li...

Shen Lie nodded.

Smile slightly.

"He's a deal-breaker!"

The atmosphere in the official office became more relaxed.

Shen Lie carefully looked at the land deed and looked at the location of the shop on the land deed. The location of the shop could not be said to be good or bad, it could only be described as so-so.

But it still solves an urgent need.

Stand up.

Shen Lie patted his official uniform and said with a smile, "Let's go and have a look."

So a group of people happily left the Yamen.

Go straight to Tongzhou Pier.

Half an hour later.

Shen Lie and others slowly walked into the dusty shop and looked around. The shop was actually facing the street and the goods inside had been moved away.

This is also a three-story building.

Look at this small building, this spacious courtyard and the warehouse...

Shen Lie understood in his heart.

What does this shop sell? It sells old wild ginseng produced in Liaodong, various fur coats from wolves, bears, tigers and leopards, and maybe even Korean ginseng.

Whose property does this shop belong to?

Li family of Liaodong.

Naturally, Shen Lie would not naively think that Li Chengliang, the local tyrant who was now in charge of Liaodong, was an honest man. That would be a big mistake.

That's not a peaceful person either.

But the words came back again.

Li Chengliang, Commander-in-Chief Li, had hundreds of thousands of Liao troops under his command. He could not afford to do so with the military pay provided by the court alone. He had to do business to raise troops in Liaodong.

Otherwise, the troops will be scattered.

I want the horse to run fast, but I don’t want the horse to eat grass.

Is there such a thing in the world?

Suppressing the thousands of thoughts in his heart, Shen Lie waved his hand and said slowly: "Go find someone and repair this shop as soon as possible."

After being delayed for so long, it’s time to do something serious!

Wang Hu responded with a smile: "Yes."

With the craftsmen and labor in place, Shen Lie began to plan carefully, and everything was decorated according to the specifications of the cheap shop in Beijing.

Demolish what needs to be demolished and build what needs to be built.

Within ten days.

As time enters the late summer and early autumn, after a heavy rain, the hot weather suddenly becomes cooler.

On the edge of the bustling Tongzhou Pier, among the numerous shops, there was a newly opened Bianyifang without realizing it, and a swaggering banner with the word "dining" on it.

There was a slight chill in the morning after the rain.

In Tongzhou Bianyifang in the early morning.

It's just dawn,

In a private room on the third floor, Shen Lie was chatting with Tian Hong, Bai Zhenzhen, and the shopkeepers of three nearby restaurants and restaurants.

These days.

Shen Lie used all his strength and a sharp tongue to persuade these three restaurants to join Bianyifang's food delivery business.

It's not that the restaurants in Tongzhou don't understand the beauty of it. Nowadays, anyone who opens a restaurant in the Gyeonggi area knows the name of Bianyifang.

I am also very interested in this food delivery business.

It is really.

No one wants to do business in partnership with a Dongchang Qianhu from Beijing.

No choice.

Shen Lie could only comfort himself.

Don't panic.

Let time and profit speak for everything.

In a soft voice.

Yun'er, wearing a floral dress, walked in from the stairs carrying a pot of hot tea, poured tea for several people, then picked up a rag and started wiping the table.

Pouring tea is fake.

Surveillance is real.

While the loyal maid was wiping the table, she would look at the little white lady with exquisite makeup and a red dress from time to time.

Bai Zhenzhen was obviously dressed up carefully today, and she looked very gorgeous.

The atmosphere is a little subtle.

Tian Hong picked up the tea bowl, lowered his head and took a sip, pretending not to see anything.

In embarrassment.

Shen Lie stood up, pretended to lower his head and coughed twice, and then slowly walked to the north window under the gaze of several people.

Open the window.

Looking at the water gate on the pier that had not yet been opened, and the various boats that were densely lined up in the river, I couldn't help but squint my eyes.

Further north.

It is the official road leading to the capital.

While meditating.

Someone knocked lightly on the door behind me.

Then Wang Hu walked in and said excitedly: "Sir, the... advertisement you mentioned has been sent out."

Shen Lie nodded and looked at the big flag with the word "meal" outside, as well as the endless layers of blue brick houses and the boats parked on the river.

Confidence came immediately!

Business in Tongzhou is easier than in Beijing.

In the river outside and on the pier, there are a large number of traders, boat operators and even officials traveling to and from the capital every day, waiting for customs clearance and inspection.

Boat and carriage jams are common here, and sometimes the jam lasts for several days. People eat, drink, and poop on the boat, and eating becomes a big problem.

Deliver lunch boxes here...

The more Shen Lie thought about it, the more reliable it became, so he excitedly said: "Opening!"

After a burst of crackling firecrackers.

The weather is also sunny.

As the widened door slowly opened, a large flag with the word "dinner" fluttering in the wind, all that was left was to wait quietly.

Under the expectant gazes of Shen Lie and others, a few more casual-looking people hurried into the ordering hall not long after.


A few people began to look through the brands and choose dishes under the guidance of the waiter.

When the noise started and crowds came from the pier in an endless stream, Shen Lie let out a sigh of relief, sat down on a chair and started chatting with several shopkeepers.

Sure enough, Shen Lie expected it to be true.

The businessmen of the Ming Dynasty, the businessmen on those cargo ships were really smart, their minds were flexible, and their ideas were far more open-minded than those of scholars.

Such people are naturally very receptive to this kind of lunch box ordering.


This food delivery business immediately became popular on the first day it opened.


Shen Lie never expected it to be so popular.

Although the conversation in the private room was very lively.

The business was done.

It seems that there is still a lot of money, but these shopkeepers are still trembling in front of Shen Lie, for fear of offending the Dongchang master.

The shopkeepers sat for a while and then stood up to leave.

Shen Lie sent a few people away with a helpless look. Seeing them hurried away as if they were avoiding the plague, he touched his nose in embarrassment.

This shows how bad Dongchang’s reputation was back then!

It’s so sad!

This chapter has been completed!
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