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Chapter 393 The villain sues first

Outside the Grand Master's Mansion.

Even the bearers and guards gathered together and murmured that there was a big disturbance at Tongzhou Pier where Dongchang beat a scholar and injured him, and the rumors were vivid.

"Isn't Dongchang laid off?"

"I heard there's been a commotion again."

At this time, the reception room of Taishi Mansion was already filled with excitement.

In the commotion.

Zhang Juzheng was sitting at the top, his second assistant Zhang Siwei, his fourth son Zhang Jianxiu, and the Du Yushi from the Yushitai were sitting beside them, looking at the Tongzhou patrol censor who had come back to complain.

The senile Tongzhou patrol censor was filled with indignation at this moment, recounting today's tragedy on the Tongzhou dock: "Dongchang wantonly beats and hurts people... it's simply arrogant!"

The old man beat his chest and stamped his feet.

Tears burst into tears.

"Grand Master, Pavilion Elder, if this matter is not severely punished... the country will be ruined!"

As the adults frowned, their faces turned livid.

The merits of right and wrong have long been forgotten.



The imperial envoys on the left and right sneered again and again.

The chief assistant Zhang Juzheng's face was also ashen, and unknown fire rose up in his heart, so he slapped his hand on the huanghuali wood table.

"Here comes someone."

The Grand Master's instinct was about to kick in: "Take my note and go to Tongzhou..."

But before he finished speaking, he was stopped by a voice.

at this time.

Zhang Jianxiu, the fourth eldest son of the Zhang family, who was sitting beside him, was anxious. He ignored the presence of all the adults and hurriedly spoke out to dissuade him: "Dad... wait a minute!"

The words fell.

All the adults looked at the fourth child of the Zhang family.

In a hurry.

Zhang Jianxiu ignored it and said in a deep voice to his father: "It is a matter of great importance. This matter... needs to be discussed in the long term."

I can't blame Zhang Jianxiu for getting angry in a hurry.

As the only high-ranking military official of the Zhang family and the commander of the Jinyi Guards, he has the deepest understanding of the current situation of the old Zhang family.

The relationship between the old Zhang family and the emperor has just eased a bit. If there is another quarrel at this time, all efforts will be in vain.

At this time, Zhang Jianxiu thought of the invisible net hanging over the old Zhang family, and couldn't help but feel anxious in his heart.

There was a moment of silence.

All the adults were stunned and looked at the Grand Master again.

But all I saw was.

Zhang Juzheng also froze, as if he remembered something, he hesitated a little at this time, and slowly raised his hand that was on the table.

Zhang Jianxiu felt anxious and shouted again: "Dad!"

Zhang Juzheng lowered his head, picked up the tea bowl on the table and took a sip.

There was another moment of silence, a little awkward.

The second assistant, Zhang Siwei, quickly lowered his head and coughed softly: "Well, what Jian Xiu said is not unreasonable. Everyone... go back first."

Several censors were stunned.

Still want to argue.

However, Zhang Jianxiu stood up unceremoniously and said gloomily: "Here you come, let's see you off!"

See this scene.

Although several censors were unwilling to do so, they had no choice but to resign angrily, looking as if their parents had died or a dog that had lost its home.

After another moment.

Several censors were angry and walked out of the side door of the Grand Master's Mansion. They stood outside the door waiting for Zhang Siwei, the second assistant, and wanted to pester him.

But he never thought that Mr. Zhang Ge just waved his long sleeves and got into the eight-carriage sedan, then walked away without a care.

A quarter of an hour later.

The eight-carrying official sedan entered the Chaoyang Gate, but turned a corner at the crossroads, hid in the alley a few times, and headed towards the Xiyuan in a corner of the Forbidden City.

As the official sedan stopped outside the courtyard where the emperor was staying, Second Assistant Zhang Siwei got off the sedan, straightened his official clothes, and walked towards the deep and quiet courtyard.


In the heavily guarded courtyard, the deep voice of Ming Dynasty's Second Assistant could be heard faintly: "Veteran Zhang Siwei pays homage to Your Majesty."

Then came the slightly immature voice of young man Wan Li: "Get up, someone will come... give Mr. Zhang Ge a seat."

not far away.

The great eunuch Feng Bao, who was directing the eunuchs to prepare for the Mid-Autumn Festival ceremony, looked at Zhang Siwei's sedan chair from a distance, his wrinkled old face full of worry.


a long time.

Feng Baocai sighed faintly: "This man's heart...is separated from his belly."

In the night.

The inner residence of the Taishi Mansion.

In a quiet and quiet courtyard.

The fragrance of flowers is pleasant.

The thrush chirped.

Zhang Jingxiu, who was wearing a thin coat, was leaning on a chair near the window as usual, leaning on his white chin and looking at the miserable night outside with his bright eyes.

Suddenly he started to sigh.

But suddenly I had a whim, and I always felt that something big was about to happen.

at this time.

A capable maid walked in quickly, stood in the yard and looked around, then walked quickly towards the window and called softly.

"Miss, miss."

Zhang Jingxiu woke up with a start, raised his head and looked at it, and said feebly: "Yeah."

The maid wanted to speak but stopped.

Think about it.

The maid gritted her teeth and walked quietly to the eldest lady. She bent down and whispered softly: "Miss, there is an uproar outside, saying that something big happened at Tongzhou Pier..."

Zhang Jingxiu's heart skipped a beat, and he instinctively thought of Shen Lie.

Follow the maid's talk.

The blood on that bright and pretty face gradually faded.

She could still force herself to calm down in front of the maid, but when the maid retreated, she could no longer hide the panic in her heart and thought about it.

She began to rummage through the cabinets and found a few sets of men's clothes that she had not worn for a long time, and then hurriedly changed her clothes.

As the thin inner garment fell off the thin shoulders, and slid down the slender waist, the slender legs fell to the ground, and soon a snow-white Confucian robe was covering it.

Covering up the infinite spring.

I thought about it again.

Zhang Jingxiu gritted his teeth and looked into his boudoir. He didn't even want his favorite folding fan, but just packed up a few pieces of clothes he wore frequently.

Then he walked to the bookshelf on the wall, took out the money box, stuffed it into the small bundle, and hid the bundle under the quilt.

Miss Zhang pretended to be calm and lay down, but her slightly trembling hands and clenched red lips betrayed her. It looked like...

She is running away from home...

After much patience, I finally waited until the dead of night.

In the silence of midnight.

There was a faint sound of opening the door in the inner chamber of Taishi Mansion, and then Miss Zhang crept out of the boudoir holding a small package.

The maids are all asleep.

There is no one around.

Miss Zhang followed the already planned escape route to the ladder in the corner, and then climbed up the ladder to the top of the wall. Below was a piece of soft green grass.

Once he gritted his teeth, he closed his eyes.

Miss Zhang jumped down, and her slim body landed on the soft grass. She froze for a moment, and found that she was not injured, so she quickly stretched out her delicate hand and patted her heart.


But she just stood firm.

There was a slight cough from behind, and then a familiar man's voice came: "Ahem... Jing'er, where are you going?"

Then Miss Zhang's slim figure froze again.

Turn around.

Zhang Jingxiu walked towards her fourth brother, who was standing in the shadow behind her, and walked out with the stout woman responsible for guarding her and several guards.

no way.

Zhang Jingxiu could only say hello with her little mouth pouted: "Brother."


was discovered.

This chapter has been completed!
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