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Chapter 445 Remembering the Past

"You, you!"

The emperor looked at Shen Lie with a look of disgust on his face and couldn't help laughing. He pointed at Shen Lie's nose and said, "How can anyone call himself a dog official?

What a mouthful!


"I won't say anything anymore. Don't just give up your pick."

Then everything seemed to go back to the time when the two met for the first time. As Shen Lie's eyes became dim, Zhu Yijun also began to miss him.

At that time.

The emperor went out to the palace incognito, and met Shen Lie by chance. The two hit it off at first sight, and later went to the brothel together, raised their head cards, and drank flower wine...

It was so carefree then.

With deep remembrance in his heart, Shen Lie suddenly felt emotional and blurted out: "If life could only be like the first time we met..."

The words fell.

On the dragon boat.

Several palace ladies trembled, as if they were fascinated by this poem, while the fragrance of flowers and moonlight flowed quietly.

a long time.

Zhu Yijun urged: "This poem is so good... just read on!"

Shen Lie's face turned red and he said awkwardly: "I forgot the next sentence."


At this time.

The beautiful maids serving on the left and right finally couldn't hold it in anymore and laughed out loud, then they knelt down in panic, trembling like quails.

Zhu Yijun didn't take it seriously and said calmly: "Get up."

There is nothing to panic about.

Seeing Shen Lie's blushing face, Long Live Master became even happier and pretended to be angry: "Where did you copy such a good poem?"

Shen Lie said seriously: "In a dream."


As Lord Long Live laughed so hard that he couldn't stand up straight, the snickers of the palace maids and eunuchs sounded again.

This time it was just for fun.

The laughter subsided.

Zhu Yijun sat down on the dragon boat anchored in the middle of the lake as usual, took off his boots, and fanned himself.

This high-spirited young emperor may have mixed feelings in his heart, so he started talking again: "You think... can I revive the Ming Dynasty?"

Shen Lie thought for a while.

His face looked troubled.


Shen Lie began to wonder whether to tell the truth?

After the Jin Party came to power during the Longqing Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty implemented the policy of appeasement for so many years, and after negotiating peace, the military was now lax, border towns were in decay, and military households fled in large numbers.

The nonagon is the same as a fictitious one.

Party strife arose.

Capital is out of control.

And the Tatars, Oaras, Jurchen tribes outside the Pass, the northwest, Japan, and the southwest chieftains are all so fat.

Each of these rebels is stronger than the last, and the military reforms led by Zhang Juzheng and Qi Jiguang have not yet been completed, and the Ming Dynasty is facing unprecedented military pressure.

Shen Liexin said, this is all the mess your grandfather and your father left for you. You really can't blame anyone else.

Can you blame anyone else?

The damage caused to the Ming Dynasty by the Jin Party in such a short period of time was undoubtedly astonishing!

The Jin Party destroyed the spirit of this prosperous dynasty.

But in Shen Lie's opinion, generally speaking, when a dynasty is besieged on all sides, the New Deal is unlikely to succeed.

The only way out is foreign war!


Not to mention breaking up the territory, but also inspiring people with victory after victory and making enough profits from the war, the empire can probably survive for a hundred years.

If you lose the fight.

Shen Lie thought of the Battle of Salhu that this man fought in his later years.

That's all.

Seeing Shen Lie looking embarrassed and confused.

Long live the Lord was slightly stunned, then he couldn't help but said angrily: "You bastard, can't you just say a few nice words to cheer me up!"

Are you still hesitating?

Praise me.

How difficult is it to say that I am wise and powerful?


Shen Lie was startled. Seeing that the emperor was a little annoyed, he had no choice but to endure the hardship and said against his will: "Your Majesty is wise, powerful, young and promising. With my whole mind, maybe... I can fight my way out?"

This was said without conscience.

Shen Lie wasn't sure either.

Anyway, from the history I know, Saarhu did not win.

And lost miserably.

And at this time.

The maids and eunuchs on the boat were all stunned. Everyone could see that Master Shen was perfunctory and did not mean what he said.

Especially the timid palace maids were frightened.

Is this to fool the emperor?

Is this the attitude a minister should have?

This Mr. Shen is really a weirdo. No matter when doing things or talking in daily life, he always behaves like those adults who like to brag and praise the emperor's bad feet.

There's a huge difference.

Zhu Yijun was stunned for a moment, his face turned red, and then he said angrily: "If you don't know how to say it, then don't say it!"

Shen Lie hurriedly said: "Yes."

I won’t say it, but I have to say it.

What can I do?

a long time.

Long live the Lord said angrily: "Unlucky!"

Shen Lie then hurriedly responded: "Yes."

"I am guilty."

It was getting late at this time.

The dragon boat slowly docked at the shore.

Under the watchful eyes of the palace maids, eunuchs, and guards, Lord Long Live and Lord Shen got off the boat and strolled leisurely, accompanying Lord Shen all the way to the exit of Xiyuan.

The atmosphere became very strange.

"Long live……"

Is this sending Master Shen out of the palace in person? Everyone was dumbfounded. Who has ever seen Lord Long live escorting his ministers out of the palace in person?

This great honor made the foreman of the guards and the chief eunuchs tremble, but the monarch and his ministers walked to the exit of Xiyuan while chatting as if no one else was around.

At the exit of Xiyuan, the imperial guards were under tight security.

The monarch and his ministers stopped.

After looking at the guards not far away, Shen Lie finally got down to business and lowered his voice: "Your Majesty, please expand the number of factory guards."

Shen Lie felt that it was time to massively expand the factory guard and enrich the secret service agency of this great empire.

Zhu Yijun said without hesitation: "Yes!"

Revitalize factory hygiene.

Just the right time!

At this time, the imperialist party had just won a beautiful battle to overthrow the cabinet, and its reputation was greatly enhanced. It should greatly expand the strength of the factory guards.

The ruling Zhejiang Party will certainly not object.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

There was a pause.

The young emperor then patted Shen Lie on the shoulder again and said softly: "Do your job well and let go. You will not let me down, and I will never let you down."

My heart trembled.

Shen Lie hurriedly responded.

Think about it.

Shen Lie hesitated again and said: "Your Majesty, King Jin..."

He remembered what Li Huai said about the Ming Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty, and the vassal kings from all over the world, who occupied the salt fields all over the world and resold salt to cause such nonsense.

Zhu Yijun was stunned and asked: "How about King Jin?"

Shen Lie suddenly felt something was wrong, so he swallowed the second half of his words and changed his words: "I made a mistake, I...resign."

A gift to the ground.

Then Shen Lie resigned, leaving Zhu Yijun alone, standing at the gate of Xiyuan, and began to reflect on the deep meaning of Shen Lie's words.

"Prince Jin?"

His face darkened.

Long Live Master began to think, but Shen Lie's back disappeared under the night.


The inner residence of Shen Mansion.

Red Luan Zhang is warm.

Although there were several ice basins placed in the room, the bed was swaying gently in the blazing heat, and sweat dripped down from the pretty face, one drop at a time, falling on the man's bronze chest.

The delicate voice murmured, as charming as silk. The most beautiful woman in the capital, who was already a beautiful young woman, sometimes screamed softly, sometimes breathed softly, babbling, and gradually fainted as her long and slim body trembled slightly.

I was so confused that it took a long time to calm down.

Sweating and fragrant.

This chapter has been completed!
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