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Chapter 448 Cleaning up factory guards

"This is a fat guy!"

Shen Lie said proudly: "Is it worse to eat food from the cheap shop than to eat the royal food?"

Do you look down on the takeaway boy?

The legendary takeaway group.

That’s a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger!

This self-righteous speech made Tian Hong and the others speechless again, but if you think about it carefully, it is true that you can indeed make a lot of money by delivering food to Bianyifang.

It is not an exaggeration to make twelve a month.

In the capital city of Ming Dynasty, this is a new profession with extremely high income.

If you put aside the gray income you get from bullying the people, the monthly salary of a Jinyi captain who eats the imperial rations is only three to five taels of silver.

There's no comparison at all!

it is true.

Several people looked at each other and said sincerely, "Your Excellency is wise."

Shen Lie pondered for a moment and then said slowly: "If there is a thorn in the side that cannot be removed, relying on the merits of the ancestors, resting on one's laurels, and suing the troublemakers everywhere... just give it to the Beijing camp."

It all depends on people.

The methods are all thought up by people.


Tian Hong felt numb and couldn't help but touch his head and asked curiously: "Then the Jingying camp is willing to accept it?"

You said it all.

These people who can't be laid off are thorny figures. After they disobey discipline, they will definitely complain everywhere. What do you mean by sending these people to the capital camp?

Will the British public be happy?

Aren’t you trying to trick Jingying?

Shen Lie touched his nose and said with a guilty conscience: "Hey... the British prince is already 70 or 80 years old, he is old and confused."


"Since he is a meritorious official, the capital camp will naturally be happy to accept him."


They also eat royal food.

The Beijing camp is much more corrupt than our factory guards. Except for the three elite battalions, most of the 200,000 men in the Beijing camp are living on empty wages and waiting to die.

It is true that a general does not know his soldiers, and a soldier does not know his generals.

There are more officers than soldiers!

"The Jingying camp has even raised two hundred thousand straw rice buckets, how many more thornheads are needed?"

The implication.

Anyway, the capital camp is already rotten, and cramming a few more people into it is nothing more than throwing a few more smelly salted fish into the mire.

Presumably the British public knows his righteousness well.

Will understand.

Finished speaking.

All the subordinates around him were dumbfounded and stared blankly at their Tongzhi-sama, as if they were looking at a bastard full of bad intentions.

Can be considered carefully.

This may be the only way.

"I can't control that much!"

A dead Taoist friend will not die a poor Taoist.

Shen Lie's face darkened and he said solemnly: "I don't care about others. The factory guards must undergo a major purge and a major blood change. They can't continue to be like this."

The factory guard team must be purified!

Left and right were solemn.

Busy and eager to promise.


So Shen Lie looked at the newly recruited tough Qin soldiers, touched his nose and said: "In the future, if there are people who cannot be laid off... we will do it this way."

Left and right were left speechless again.

He quickly and silently agreed.


You are an adult and you have the final say. You are not afraid that the British prince will fall out with you and file a lawsuit.

What are we subordinates afraid of?

Ever since.

After solving the major problem of layoffs, Shen Lie happily waved his hand and asked Tian Hong to take away these Qin soldiers who voluntarily defected to Dongchang.

It was getting late at this time.

The tired bird returns to the forest.

Under the shade of the trees, the vision becomes dark.

The city gate was about to close, but Shen Lie did not leave. He was still standing with his hands behind his back, watching Tian Hong silently as he brought a group of ragged Shaanxi teenagers in front of him.

There are about a hundred young people in total.

The youngest is sixteen or seventeen years old, and the oldest is only eighteen. They are all orphans who lost their parents and relatives in the earthquake. They followed the fleeing people to the capital.

They all looked unkempt and skinny.

In silence.

Shen Lie waved his hand and said softly to Victor, who was standing aside: "Old Taoist, I've left the job to you. Take him back to the village for training."

Victor hurriedly said: "Okay."

These teenagers who have just grown up are also part of Shen Lie's expansion plan and are cultivated as his confidants.

At the third-grade level, if you have more than a hundred servants, no one else can find anything wrong with you, but if you train these hundreds of servants well.

Shen Lie's eyes became serious.

Then you won't have to worry about any thieves.

After accepting these orphans, Shen Lie slowly walked out of the shade of the trees and looked at the torches on the official road.

The long procession of victims has been walking for a day, and there are still many old, weak, sick, disabled, and helpless victims who are still reluctant to leave.

It was as if waiting patiently under the Ming Dynasty's imperial city gave them a vague sense of security.


We will wait until one day suddenly, when we can wait for the benevolent court, or perhaps a certain Qingtian Grand Master to save all people from the fire and water.

"Send me the warrant."

Shen Lie said softly: "Send someone to the Pingyao Escort Bureau in Datong and invite Mr. Li, the escort chief, and ask him to summon all the escort bureaus in Beijing... to send him a ride, and come to Dongchang to collect the necessary fees."

Tian Hong and others hurriedly bent down to salute and whispered: "Your Excellency, you have mercy."

And Shen Lie couldn't bear to look at it anymore.

Then he got on his horse.

He led a group of subordinates and galloped away.

A blink of an eye.

Two days later.

Early morning.

The palace door had just opened, and Long live the Lord, who was in a good mood, had just left the court. He had a rare moment of leisure, so he took the Queen with him.

Accompanying Queen Mother Li to Yuanjing Temple in Wanshou Mountain to eat fast and chant sutras.

On filial piety.

The people of Ming Dynasty were not targeting anyone, and governing the country with filial piety is not an empty talk.

But as soon as the Queen Mother and the Emperor arrived at Yuanjing Temple, the Marquis of Fengcheng and several other dignitaries gathered around the elderly British Duke Zhang Xun and came to ask for an audience.

Zhu Yijun didn't take it to heart at all, so he apologized to the Queen Mother first, then took a seat in the side hall and called the Wu Xun bosses in.

As soon as you enter the door.

Marquis Fengcheng made a fuss angrily, spitting all over the place and scolding Shen Lie, the manager of the East Factory, bloody.

"It's not that deceptive!"

"Too much of an animal!"

Looking at the aggrieved Fengcheng Hou and others.

Zhu Yijun was a little confused. It took him a long time to figure out what happened. It turned out that Shen Lie, who was cleaning up the factory guards in the past two days, and Zhang Jianxiu, the commander of the Jinyi Guards.

A group of people were severely laid off.

They were all the lazy and genuine school captains in the factory guard system. There were over 500 layoffs in total for the boss of the East Factory, the hundreds of households, the general banner, and the small banner officers of the Jinyiwei.

More than 300 of them were also given to the Beijing camp. The old British man was confused and accepted them for some reason.


The entire Beijing camp was no longer willing to do so, and the big bosses, led by the Deputy Governor of the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion and the Marquis of Fengcheng, took advantage of the British government and came to complain.

"He Zhang Jianxiu and Shen Lie want to abolish the factory guards. What does that have to do with our Beijing camp?"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty has to make the decision for me in the capital!"

all of a sudden.

There are 300 more mouths to eat in Jingying.

Moreover, these two people are still relatives, but now they vent their anger through the same nostril.

Isn’t this bullying an honest person?

Amid a chorus of curses.

The Long Live Lord was speechless and was confused for a long time before he bit the bullet and asked the British Duke Zhang Xun: "Old Duke, is this the case?"

But the British man was low on energy and a little deaf, so he responded in a daze: "Huh?"

Looking at the confused look on the old man's face.

Zhu Yijun knew that this was probably true.

But I don't know why.

Long live the Lord looked at the indignant martial arts bosses and felt a little guilty. He lowered his head and touched his nose unnaturally.

His confidant and beloved general.

What he did was really immoral.

This chapter has been completed!
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