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Chapter 456: Corrupt Confucianism

At this time, Mr. Shen Ge was pinching his half-white beard.


And began to doubt life.


Old Shen Ge muttered silently, but suddenly he understood that he, a veteran of three dynasties and an assistant minister, seemed to have been tricked by this nineteen-year-old young emperor.

A set was made.

Intimidating, threatening, and frightening...

The emperor actually tricked his teacher.


Pinch his beard.

Shen Shixing vaguely understood that this young emperor, who had shown his sharpness at the age of nineteen, sternly reprimanded his teacher in the name of justice.

This is to follow the path of scholars and leave scholars with nowhere to go.

"But this?"

Then here comes the problem.

Where did Long Live Master learn these tricks from?

At this moment, Mr. Shen Ge was in a very complicated mood, and he couldn't help but try to recall the lessons he had taught the young emperor in those years.

The clear eyes gradually became confused.

in those days.

Although our young master is the third prince, because his two brothers died very young, he inherited the throne before he was ten years old. It can be said that he is destined by fate.

His study is naturally a top priority.

It is the foundation of the country!

As a result, countless great scholars in both the government and the public learned the lessons of the Jiajing Dynasty. In order to prevent His Majesty from taking detours, they imitated the obscure Jiajing Emperor.

Everyone brainstormed and formulated a very profound study plan for the emperor.

From daily lessons in the study room to lectures at the Sutra Banquet, he was taught the Four Books and Five Classics every day when he was a child. When he was older, he began to teach the science of governing the country and governing the world.

All the great Confucian scholars, Hanlin scholars, and top scholars are on the battlefield, with top-notch resources and famous teachers.

What to teach?

Teach the bright road!


They are all good laws for governing the country.

But when did the emperor learn to be bad?

Shen Shixing began to be suspicious, but at this moment, a heroic and slightly honest face appeared in his mind.

"Is it possible?"

It's him?

Shen Shixing was still thinking wildly.

Several of his sons have already been busy, writing letters to fellow villagers, classmates, and people from the Zhejiang Party all night long. Anyway, the core idea is just one sentence.

Let relatives, friends, and people in the Zhejiang Party quickly stay away from those salt gangs, Cao gangs, and other sects and sects that do bad things.

This time.

The imperial court is really coming.

For the sake of this position of chief minister, the Prime Minister has ordered those in the Zhejiang Party who have anything to do with these villains with pus on their heads and sores on their soles to be cut off as soon as possible.

It is estimated that this big storm will soon blow from the capital to the south of the Yangtze River. If you don't listen to the advice and persist in it, you will have to bear the consequences!

But don't involve the Shen Mansion.

By the time.

Don't blame the Prime Minister for turning his back on you!

So after a while of confusion.

The lights in Shen Mansion were brightly lit and he stayed up all night.

Under night.

Taishi Mansion.

In the inner house.

The gorgeous bedroom was filled with the smell of musk. Ma Jintang, a famous doctor in Dingzhou, had just left when the beautiful second lady walked in cautiously with several maids.

Taking care of Zhang Juzheng's daily life.

Used medicine.

The door opens.

The eldest son, second son, and sixth son of the Zhang family who were waiting outside walked into the room and exchanged greetings.

Several ministers working in the Hanlin Academy whispered something in front of Zhang Juzheng's bed.


The eldest son hesitated to speak, but finally said anxiously: "Just take care of the fourth child and my sister-in-law."

On the sickbed.

Zhang Juzheng, who was still looking good, said slowly: "What happened to Lao Si and Shen Lie?"

The fourth child and his son-in-law were getting closer and closer, almost to the point where they were wearing the same pair of trousers. Of course he knew this.

Also acquiesced.

Faced with his father's inquiry.

Several Hanlin officials looked at each other, you pushed me, I pushed you.

Finally, the boss stood up and said hesitantly: "Father, the fourth child and my sister-in-law... are going to cause a big mess this time!"

The faces of several Hanlin officials from the Zhang family were filled with worry.

Just one sentence from you, and I started talking one sentence at a time.

"The Yan Gang, the Cao Gang, and the Qinglian Sect have a large number of people and powerful powers. They have so many followers and followers that they don't know how many of them there are. How can they tamper with them without permission?"

"Yes, father... If my fourth brother and my sister-in-law encourage Your Majesty to act so recklessly again, it will definitely trigger a civil uprising and cause chaos in the world. How should I, the Zhang family, deal with ourselves?"

"Father, please take care of it."

"If this continues, my fourth son and my sister-in-law will bring trouble to our Zhang family and will be in disgrace for thousands of years."

A fourth boy plus a Shen Lie, a Jin Yiwei commander, and a Dongchang talker. These two bastards encourage the emperor to do whatever he wants every day.

Isn't this a proper Yan Shifan and a Liu Jin?

Hear this.

Zhang Juzheng was slightly startled, then he opened his eyes and looked at the worried Hanlin sons. He pondered for a moment before he understood.

There is a big storm happening outside.

The factory guard used the knife again.

But as Zhang Juzheng's pupils shrank violently, he seemed to have discovered some mystery, and his chapped lips opened slightly.

A weak voice escaped.



The name of a generation.

His knowledge is naturally a hundred times better than that of his sons. When he figured out what was going on outside, he frowned slightly.

So Zhang Juzheng looked at these useless sons, his slightly chapped lips opened slightly, and two words spilled out.


What a rotten person.

Zhang Juzheng couldn't help but shook his head and said in a low voice: "How can a few coolies from the Salt Gang and the Cao Gang, a few devils, charlatans, and a bunch of stupid men and women cause a civil uprising?"


Speaking of the civil uprising, it was never the people at the bottom who started the trouble. The real trouble was always the local tyrants and evil gentry behind the stupid men and women!

These scandals.

I'm afraid no one in the world knows better than Zhang Juzheng, what is the Cao Gang, Yan Gang, Qinglian Sect, and which of the top officials there is not a township party member?

Who is standing behind these township parties?

Of course they are the adults in the court!

"Civil uprising...hehehe."

Zhang Juzheng sneered.

Now that the Jin Party has lost power, the Zhejiang Party has just come to the forefront.

The position of chief minister is not yet secured!

Will Jiangnan Shilin, headed by the Zhejiang Party, have trouble with the emperor and the factory guards because of a few rural gangsters who do all kinds of evil in daily life?

Of course it won’t!

on the contrary.

In order for Shen Shixing to secure his position as chief minister, the Zhejiang Party will not hesitate to stand on the side of the emperor and the imperial party, and kill those crooks in the rural party!

Just a clown!

"The key to this matter... lies with the Zhejiang Party."

Zhang Juzheng explained to his sons that as long as the Zhejiang Party, which is now in power, stands on the side of the emperor, the civil uprising will be just a joke.

"No need to worry!"

The Zhejiang Party and the Imperial Party are now mixing honey with oil, and Shen Shixing's position is not secure. With Shen Shixing's shrewdness, he will not be confused at this time.

He is a very smart man, and he will definitely support the imperial party with all his strength.


Zhang Juzheng nodded.

Appreciate in my heart.

The timing was really good.


As long as the scholars led by the Zhejiang Party do not jump out to oppose it, and are even willing to restrain their disciples and gang members and cooperate with the factory guards, how can there be any civil uprising?

If the imperial court is unable to suppress such a bunch of gangsters, then what do the factory guards, the third battalion, the border army, the Liao army, the Zhejiang army, and the local government officials do?

Can those monsters with magic sticks who only have kitchen knives and bamboo poles in their hands be able to fight against the imperial court's muskets and cannons?

This chapter has been completed!
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