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Chapter 462 Cleansing

These are really a bunch of corrupt people...

Following the officials of the Zhejiang Party in the Wenhua Hall, the officials shook their heads, and then heard the words "relentless" coming from the mouth of acting chief assistant Shen Shixing.

"Boom out!"

This is the order.

The guards in front of the palace strode in with murderous intent, kicking and kicking them, and drove out these blind Jin Party corrupt officials.

In the commotion.

The subordinate officials of Wenhua Palace and the officials of the Zhejiang Party smiled slightly.

Cursing in my heart.


Who is the minister of your family, Mr. Zhang Ge?

Your family, Mr. Zhangge, has lost power and is now a cold dock that no one cares about. It is a favor that the emperor did not let the factory guards raid the Zhang family!

We, Mr. Shen Ge, are now sitting on the throne, only half a step away from the position of supreme minister!

Who the hell is with you!

You're stupid.

When speaking.

Mr. Shen Ge was already impatient. He dug out a thick roster among the piles of case files and handed it to a capable official.

He ordered in a low voice.

"Send it to the Chief of Ceremonies, present it to the Emperor for preview...and then hand it over to the Ministry of Personnel for disposal."

The subordinate officer hurriedly responded.

With an excited heart and trembling hands, I took over the roster.

Everyone in the hall understood clearly.

Taking advantage of the east wind sent by the factory guards, Zhang Siwei lost power, and a major purge against the Jin Party began. All Jin Party officials on this list would probably pack up and leave.

Dismissal from office is a minor matter and will never be used again.

If the people's anger is too great, if you do too many evil things, and you are sued by the people...

Then they would have to be executed at Lingchi, and the seats vacated by these Jin Party officials would naturally be divided up by the Zhejiang Party, Qi Party, and Chu Party.

"It's only been a few days."

The courtiers and their colleagues were whispering, thinking that the Grand Master was seriously ill and that the Jin Party could successfully take over the government, but unexpectedly things changed.

The earth trembled and the mountains shook.

The Jin Party has become the target of public criticism!

"God's will, God's will."

After a while of confusion.

Wenhua Hall once again regained its former tranquility.

Still busy.

same time.

In Xiyuan.


The Dongchang, Jinyiwei, Wucheng Military and Horse Department, and the Criminal Department are so busy that they are almost overwhelmed by the people's complaints.

Probably since Lord Yongle moved the capital, except for that Lord's repeated expeditions to Mobei, the Factory Guards and the Wucheng Soldiers and Horses Division have never been so busy.

But Long live the Lord is happy.


It seemed that through a wall, one could faintly hear the millions of people in the capital shouting hoarsely for "Long Live the Mountain" and singing the shouts of His Majesty the Holy Spirit.

"This is what the people want!"

The nineteen-year-old Emperor Wanli's face flushed with excitement, and he kept walking around his courtyard, raising his arms and cheering.

“The people’s hearts are with me!

And all around.

The accompanying eunuchs, maids, and guards also smiled and moaned, no longer hiding the joy in their hearts. The admiration in their eyes was indeed sincere.

Especially the light, joy, and admiration in the eyes of the beautiful palace maids made the young and energetic Lord Long Live feel very refreshed.

What is awe, what is heartfelt support and admiration.

Zhu Yijun can still tell the difference.


The nineteen-year-old boy Wan Li felt that the flattering and fawning behavior of his concubines was extremely boring.

What's fake is fake.

It can't be true.


Be happy.

Long Live Master waved his hand, revealing some of his reckless aura, and gave big red envelopes to the guards, maids, eunuchs, and the disciples of his martial arts hall.

And in the heat.

The thanksgiving sounds of Yingying and Yanyan rang out.

Shen Lie smiled.

It seemed that he had expected it. Looking at the excited face of the young emperor, he couldn't help but think about it.

What does an emperor want most?

Naturally, he is admired by all the people, opened up borders and cracked the soil, left his name in history, and became an emperor for eternity, even the most stupid emperor.

Who is the person in this world who least wants the Ming Dynasty to perish?

It's the emperor.

Because this world belongs to him, and as an emperor, he only wants his people to suffer unless his head is kicked by a donkey.

I just hope that foreign enemies will invade and wars will rise everywhere,

Of course.

Some of the emperors who became faint emperors were incompetent, some were cowardly in character and had weak ears, and some were corrupted by rotten scholars who had their brains washed away since childhood.


But one thing is certain, no emperor in this world is willing to be a coward in this ancient land.

As long as there were several heroes like Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and Emperor Yongle in the past dynasties, the territory of this great dynasty could be much larger.

But who is it?

Putting the blame for the kingdom's annihilation on the emperor?

Think carefully.

Shen Lie seemed to have the answer in his heart.

After a while.

When the emperor's excitement subsided, he lowered his head and coughed lightly, winking at Shen Lie. Shen Lie understood...

So the monarch and his ministers walked towards the imperial study room not far away.

Close the door.

I looked around and saw that there was no one around. Only a few close confidants, the Jiyong eunuchs, were pretending to be dumb. I looked at the hope in Long Live Lord's eyes.

Shen Lie took out the list of house searches from his sleeve and quickly stuffed it in, while Zhu Yijun took the thick list.

The smile on the face with sparse stubble turned into a flower.


This list feels heavy as soon as I hold it in my hand.


So Long Live Lord sat down, crossed his legs, and looked at the list happily while listening to the report of his favorite general.

"Your Majesty, the factory guards have confiscated a total of more than 800,000 taels of silver, 20,000 taels of gold, more than 500 shops, more than 120 houses, and too many acres of land, which are still being investigated. ...The exchange rate is about two million taels of silver."

Finished speaking.

Zhu Yijun shook his hands, trembled a little, and cried out: "How much?"

Shen Lie hurriedly said: "More than two million taels."

Long Live Master was dumbfounded.

"so much?"

Shen Lie nodded, feeling a little guilty.

He understands why those great eunuchs who have been notorious for thousands of years, such as Liu Jin and Wei Zhongxian, like to frame Zhongliang and raid their homes so much.

This thing makes money so fast!

This is just a copy of some of the Green Lotus Sect, and the little Karami of the Dirty Clothes Gang copied more than two million taels of silver, which is equivalent to the military expenditure of the Ming Dynasty for a year!

What if one day, all the Jin Party’s pawn shops and ticket numbers were confiscated?

Shen Lie thought of the huge amount of wealth confiscated from Li Zicheng's house when he came to Beijing. Legend has it that a total of about 70 million taels of snowflake silver were confiscated.

That’s all in cash!

Not counting the most valuable bulk stolen goods such as properties, shops, and real estate.


Shen Lie believed that the property copied by Li Zicheng's army was definitely more than this amount. Someone under Li Zicheng must have embezzled a large amount of dirty money and concealed it!

Shen Lie feels...

700 million taels is still about the same.

And at this time.

Mr. Long Live touched his head innocently, and gradually his eyes turned red and began to spin around, making people worry that he was addicted to ransacking homes.

"Straight bitch!"

No one is around.

Long Live Master cursed in the street, biting his back teeth and cursed. How much money does he have in his own money? He has worked hard to save it for ten years.

A total of six million taels were saved.


Red eyes.

Zhu Yijun said bitterly: "I will put these things inferior to beasts to death in Lingchi!"

This chapter has been completed!
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