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Chapter 1271 How much wrong has she suffered here?

The identity replaced by Fu Yancheng does not have a strong presence in the villa, and he is responsible for doing chores every day.

But this man's skills are not weak, otherwise he wouldn't be selected.

He went to the kitchen, picked up the dishes prepared by the chef, and walked quietly to the door.

The bodyguard opened the door, "Why don't you go in quickly? What are you looking at?"

There was no light in the room, and through the light from the corridor, I could only see a woman sitting in front of the window.

Fu Yancheng tightened his grip on the dinner plate, feeling like he wanted to crush the entire villa.

"Wait a minute."

One of the bodyguards looked at his back and frowned.

"Joker, have you grown taller?"

Fu Yancheng didn't say anything, but the other bodyguard rolled his eyes, "I think you stayed up all night last night, and now your eyesight must be blurred."

Fu Yancheng ignored the two men, entered the room and closed the door.

As soon as the door closed, the room turned into darkness.

He turned on the light and finally saw Sheng Mian sitting by the window.

He walked over slowly and placed the dinner plate on the table next to her.

Sheng Mian heard the footsteps but said nothing.

When the man came closer, her eyebrows furrowed.

She felt a very familiar aura, a bit like Fu Yancheng's.

But then she became self-deprecating, wondering how could Fu Yancheng be here.

After Fu Yancheng put the dinner plate on the table, he stood aside quietly.

It stands to reason that he should go out immediately, and Sheng Mian has been waiting for him to go out.

But she didn't hear the sound of going out and couldn't help but frown.

She wanted to ask him why he didn't leave, but her voice was too weak to speak, so she could only tap her fingertips on the table.

At first, Fu Yancheng didn't notice the message conveyed by this string of sounds, until he saw Sheng Mian raise her head in confusion and look around.

He was clearly two meters away from her, but she looked back and then to the left. Because she didn't know where the man was standing, she became a little panicked and even worried.

, did someone from the Sang family lurk in, or did they add something to her food.

Last time I lost my voice, what about this time?

She stood up and groped the wall beside her, trying to find the man.

Fu Yancheng had already covered his mouth when he saw her turning around to look for someone.

His shoulders were shaking slightly as he looked at this scene in disbelief.

He saw her touching the wall to the door, carefully locking the door, and then touching the cabinet.

He knew she was looking for him, but the strange thing was, why didn't she make a sound?

Fu Yancheng stood quietly. Ten minutes later, Sheng Mian almost hit the lamp.

There is also a chain attached to the desk lamp in the room, preventing it from leaving the bedside table.

Sheng Mian's head hit it, causing her head to feel dizzy.

She couldn't help but rub her forehead, and her face turned pale instantly.

Fu Yancheng hurried over and helped her up.

He wanted to ask out loud, but thinking about his own voice, he deliberately changed his tone to a hoarse one.

"Miss Sheng, are you okay?"

Because the tone of voice was so hoarse, Sheng Mian didn't really hear it for a while and shook her head slowly.

"Miss Sheng, don't worry, I have no bad intentions. I will go out after you finish eating."

Sheng Mian was blind now, and since he couldn't feel the murderous aura in this man, he stopped caring.

She pushed him away and slowly touched back along the way she came.

When he went to help her, she pushed him away without mercy.

Fu Yancheng looked at the room. There was only a bed, a cabinet, a lamp, a sofa, and a table.

Those sharp edges and corners were all covered by a layer of sponge so she wouldn't get hurt.

He felt like his heart was being tugged. He walked slowly to her side and saw her slowly eating the food in the bowl bit by bit with a spoon.

She still didn't speak and seemed to be in a bad mood.

Fu Yancheng sat down in front of her and looked at this face intently.

She didn't seem to be in a relationship with Fu Xingzhou, she clearly seemed to be imprisoned here.

When Sheng Mian was slowly feeding something into her mouth, she suddenly felt a fingertip fall on the corner of her mouth. She froze and stopped.

She smelled Fu Yancheng's scent again, that faint, calming cold fragrance.

Fu Yancheng's cell phone has been muted, so he doesn't know how many people are calling him now.

He has asked Qi Shen to go to the Fu family to stabilize Fu Xingzhou, and Fu Xingzhou will not be back in a short time.

At this moment, he was sitting here, his fingertips lingering on her earlobe.

There was an extra earring that didn't belong to her. The area around her earlobe was even swollen, and it looked like it had been pushed in violently.

Fu Yancheng carefully leaned forward and examined the earring carefully.

There was still blood stains on it that hadn't dried yet.

He suddenly felt that his heart hurt so much that he almost died from the pain.

When he was carrying Le Xiang and strutting through the market, how much injustice did she suffer here?

This chapter has been completed!
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