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Chapter 1099 made him feel compassion

"Auntie, there is no need to treat Xiaojing like this."

Fu Yancheng's cold and deep black eyes were as if they were tempered with ice. When they fell on Fu Qiuya's body, she froze.

Although she always said she disliked her son, everything she did was for his consideration.

She would hit Lin Jing before, but she had never left such a deep mark on his cheek.

At that moment, she just felt that the other party was so unsatisfactory that all her efforts were in vain.

Now meeting Fu Yancheng's gaze, Fu Qiuya clenched her fists tightly and lowered her tone.

"Xiao Jing, don't speak next."

After all, what the second brother just said is true. They have jointly applied for a special investigation from the superiors. The old man’s power from the superiors is still there. If his disappearance involves a big conspiracy, at least a dozen people will be affected.


As the chief envoy, Fu Yancheng will definitely be severely punished. In severe cases, all his property may be frozen and he will be imprisoned.

That's why Fu Qiuya didn't want his son to have anything to do with him at this time, lest he arouse the suspicion of other members of the Fu family.

Fu Hengshu spoke again at this time.

"Yancheng, if you really do good for Xiaojing, you should agree to my request."

Give up all your shares and get out of the Fu family quickly.

As long as Fu Yancheng does this, he will never see the sun tomorrow. Fu Hengshu will not allow such a powerful competitor to exist.

Fu Hengshu stood up and slowly pushed a contract in front of Fu Yancheng.

"As long as you sign this contract and leave the Fu family voluntarily, we can still say a few more words for you when the superiors investigate the old man's affairs, otherwise you may face jail time."

It sounds like a contract, but in fact it is an unequal treaty, requiring Fu Yancheng to hand over all the shares he holds for free.

These people from the Fu family are simply shameless!

Fu Yancheng knew the faces of these people, but when he saw the contract, he still couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

Fu Hengshu looked at the CEO of Qibo who was sitting next to him, and his tone became more polite.

"Mr. Zhang, why don't you say a few words? You should know the most about the gambling agreement."

Mr. Zhang turned to look at Fu Yancheng, wanting to wait for his instructions, but Fu Yancheng said nothing.

He waved his hands in panic, "This is a meeting of the Fu family, it's not my turn as an outsider to interrupt."

Fu Hengshu thought he was being polite, so he said politely: "Mr. Zhang is joking."

He and Mr. Zhang have already signed a private agreement.

Once the gambling agreement is over, 20% of Fu Yancheng's shares will be in the hands of Mr. Zhang. Fu Hengshu is willing to buy these shares at a price that is twice the price of Fu's stock price, but in this case, he must first

Just mortgage 30% of your shares.

After all, he wants to buy 20% of Fu's shares. This amount is huge. He can't afford so much money. But Fu Hengshu currently owns 30% of the shares. He needs to mortgage these shares first and then match them with himself.

With all his property, he could barely afford to buy the 20% stake.

Once the shares were obtained, he became the president of Fu Corporation, sold several large projects, pocketed the money, and used the money to buy back the 30% of the shares he had pledged to the institution. As time went by, his

I already have 50% of the shares in my hand.

By that time, no one in the Fu family can play with him, and everyone must treat him with respect.

If something happens to the old man, then the priceless old house can also be taken away by him. After all, the agreement about the old house has been made long ago. Whoever is the president of the Fu family will own the old house.


The old house now belongs to Fu Yancheng, but as soon as the position of president changes hands, Fu Yancheng will have to transfer the old house to Fu Hengshu in accordance with the original agreement.

Fu Hengshu's eyes are full of excitement, and now he is forcing Fu Yancheng to give up the few shares he has. By then, he will get more than 50%!

The conference room was very quiet, everyone was waiting for Fu Yancheng's reaction.

Fu Yancheng, however, was not in a hurry. He pushed away the agreement in front of him with one finger and looked around at the faces of all Fu's senior executives present.

Those who were worried about him all dared to look at him, while those who had already taken refuge in Fu Hengshu lowered their heads.

You can tell at a glance who is sincere and who is a faggot.

Fu Yancheng chuckled and stood up, "The bet between Mr. Zhang and I will not expire in five days. Let's talk about it then."

Seeing him leaving, Fu Hengshu's eyes flashed with a sharp light.

"Yancheng, Mr. Zhang is here. He only holds 5% of Qibo's shares. The other 95% of the shares are still locked up in the institution. You will definitely lose this gambling agreement.

, why waste time, and the special team has already begun to investigate the old man's matter, as long as you walk out of this room, you will be taken away by them for investigation, and no one in the Fu family will be willing to come out to speak for you. "

As long as no one speaks up for him, he is the biggest suspect and will definitely be taken away for investigation.

This chapter has been completed!
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