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Chapter 297 Yancheng, you should know my methods

"Sheng Mian, you don't really think that if you climb into his bed, he will look up to you, right? No man will refuse such a cheap woman who comes to his door. Sooner or later, he will dump you."

Sheng Mian had already stepped on the accelerator and smiled at her.

"Before he dumped me, you could only poke and drool from the side."

Sheng Weiyuan's chest was shaking and he almost fainted from anger.

damn it!

damn it!!

Sheng Mian glanced at her in the reflector with a pale expression.

I really can't stay in the imperial capital for a moment, so I'd better go to You County now and settle the matter of the jade sandalwood floor as soon as possible, so that I can give an explanation to Fu Yancheng.

She bought a cup of coffee on the side of the road to prevent herself from being too exhausted and falling asleep in the car.

After drinking a whole cup of coffee and making sure she was no longer sleepy, she took her computer and drove directly to You County.

At the same time, Fu Yancheng's car was also driving towards You County.

In order to bring him and Sheng Mian together, the old man is using all kinds of tricks. It is better to go to Youxian County as soon as possible and leave Fu to others for the time being, so that the old man can't find anyone and can rest for a while.

Fu Yancheng raised his hand to rub his eyebrows. The wound on his back still hurt.

Qi Shen was driving in the front seat, so the cabin was quiet.

Qi Shen glanced at him through the rearview mirror, thought for a moment before speaking.

"Ms. Xiao called you, CEO, last night, but you didn't answer. She called me this morning and said she was going through the formalities for her return and would be later than originally scheduled."


There was no other emotion on Fu Yancheng's face, and there was still a pile of information on his knees, which was exactly what he needed for his trip to You County.

The car drove for several hours, and when we arrived in Youxian County, it was already dark.

She stayed in the same compound as last time, and Sheng Mian made a reservation at an ordinary hotel. This time she didn't contact her uncle or the others, she just wanted to finish things quietly.

But as soon as she parked her car in front of the hotel and was about to go in and check in, she saw her aunt Li Su who was setting up a stall not far away.

Uncle Lin Dong has a job, but Li Su's job is not stable and he will look for some change in his spare time.

Sheng Mian did not expect that she would be selling fruit not far from the hotel tonight, and it seemed that she would even get into a dispute with the fruit buyer.

Sheng Mian tried to pretend not to see it, but strode over.

"This is really fake money. Give me back the change I gave you just now."

"Fake money?! You just accepted it. Did you replace it with a fake one and want to trick me? Let me go quickly! Otherwise, I will take action!"

There were several people standing around, all watching the show.

Sheng Mian walked over, glanced at the man, turned around and asked, "Auntie, what's going on?"

Li Su didn't expect that Sheng Mian would suddenly come to Youxian County and meet him under such circumstances. His face turned red with embarrassment.

"Mianmian, why didn't you say anything when you came back?"

The man's eyes turned to Sheng Mian, and there was a hint of surprise.

Sheng Mian took the hundred-dollar bill and looked at the man, "Have you ever touched this money?"

The man crossed his hands on his chest and said in a very arrogant tone, "Of course I haven't touched it! This is not my money!"

"Okay, since you haven't touched it, I'll call the police now. The police are very quick at checking fingerprints. If this money wasn't yours, there wouldn't be your fingerprints on it. If you're lying, then you

You are just deliberately causing trouble. If you have a criminal record by then, it will be difficult for your son or daughter to work in a regular company."

The man was about the same age as Li Su. In You County, people of this age would be laughed at if they had no children. He must have children at home.

The man's face stiffened, and Sheng Mian stretched out his hand, "Or you can return the change, and I will return the money to you, and no one will care about it anymore."

The man's face became sullen, he said a few unpleasant words and threw a pile of change on the ground.

Li Su was the first to react and hurriedly bent down to pick it up. Sheng Mian pulled her up and stared at the man sharply.

"pick it up."

The man was frightened by her eyes and felt a little embarrassed, "Hey, you little girl has to be unforgiving, right?"

Sheng Mian directly faced him and pressed 11. There was only one 0 missing, and the alarm was successfully called.

The man immediately became angry, gritted his teeth and bent down to pick up the money, threw it into the pile of fruits on the trolley, and left with a curse.

Li Su secretly wiped his eyes a few times and picked up the money from a pile of fruits.

Sheng Mian conveniently tore up the 100-yuan note and threw it into a nearby trash can to avoid being picked up and used to deceive others.

This chapter has been completed!
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