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Chapter 115 I have to act with this woman

Chen Qi felt guilty for a moment. Although she was the one who started the deal, she didn't want to accept the bet.

So she looked at the other people in the studio, but when everyone caught her gaze, they all moved away, unwilling to get involved at all.

Chen Qi couldn't get off the tiger and felt extremely angry.

Aren't these people usually dissatisfied with Sheng Mian? How come at this juncture, none of them dare to challenge him?

Of course she didn't dare to admit that her anger was also directed at herself. She knew she couldn't compare to Sheng Mian, so why did she still act like a standout.

She slowly clenched her hand hanging on one side, her nails almost digging into her palm.

"Sheng Mian, it's not fair at all. Fu Yancheng favors you now. He must have told you about his favorite style! And we know nothing about it, how can we compare with you?!"

She made excuses for herself. Even if she really lost, it would be because Sheng Mian had the upper hand from the beginning.

Sleep earns disgrace.

But Sheng Mian just raised his head slightly and said, "If you don't want to compete, then there will be no comparison. Why make so many excuses."

From the beginning to the end, his tone was calm. Compared with Chen Qi's angry outbursts and excuses, Sheng Mian was too calm.

Chen Qi was dumbfounded and felt humiliated.

Don’t you know that this bitch will accept it as soon as she’s ready? Why do you have to embarrass her so much!

I really don’t know what Fu Yancheng’s vision is and why he fell in love with her designs!

Chen Qi cursed in his heart, but was not so tough on his lips.

But she is really unwilling to do so. If she does not participate, how will she be able to raise her head in the studio in the future?

And if she could meet Fu Yancheng with Sheng Mian, maybe Fu Yancheng would like her after seeing her appearance and figure?

Her eyes suddenly changed again, "Bi, bi, but you must take me to see Fu Yancheng."

Sheng Mian frowned, why did she take her there?

Chen Qi answered again, "You and he will have many encounters in the future, right? Just think of it as bringing a colleague to observe, I won't disturb you, what? Are you afraid that after Fu Yancheng knows my design idea, he will like it?"


When she said the last three words, her body felt a little hot.

Fu Yancheng's skin, figure, and temperament are all deeply attracting the opposite sex. If she can really be attracted to her, why would she live in a small studio.

Her cheeks were red, and without saying anything, Sheng Mian could see what she was thinking.

She found it funny, how could Fu Yancheng wait for Bai Yueguang for so many years and easily have anything to do with other women.

Even she, the nominal wife, had never seen him during the three years of marriage. Why would a woman like Chen Qi think that Fu Yancheng would fall in love with her just by looking at her?

She didn't want to have such verbal arguments anymore, and frowned, "Since we are opponents, why should I help you connect?"

Chen Qi was so speechless that he could not utter a single word. He only felt his chest trembling.

This bitch.

Her chest heaved with anger and she stared at Sheng Mian resentfully.

Sheng Mian just took the information from his workstation, said hello to Liang Hanqing, and left.

She is only part-time and does not have to work here.

Seeing her so chic, Chen Qi only felt the resentment in his heart getting heavier.

She had to snatch this order from Sheng Mian! There were always other ways to catch up with Fu Yancheng.

Liang Hanqing on the side raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, "Chen Qi, Fu Yancheng is married, but the media did not report it."

The implication is, don't bring shame to the entire studio by doing something extra.

"How can it be?!"

Chen Qi retorted almost reflexively, but Liang Hanqing's tone left no room for doubt.

"His cousin said it himself."

He omitted what Lin Jing said about Fu Yancheng's divorce, lest Chen Qi really make a dangerous move.

But Chen Qi's eyes flashed, and after a brief shock, he calmed down.

The marriage did not make any news, which shows that the woman's family status is not high, otherwise the media would have smelled it.

Originally I thought that I had no chance to meet Fu Yancheng, but now I can try to start with Fu Yancheng's wife.

This chapter has been completed!
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