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Chapter 838: Won't Lose


Grandma said that at that time there was a rich lady holding a twelve-year-old boy. She was introduced to her by other disciples.

The boy was unconscious, with more air coming out and less air coming in. His complexion was sallow, and he was already dying.

Grandma could tell at a glance that this boy was destined to be a child.

Boys are little fairies in heaven. They come to the underworld for fun or are punished. When the time comes, they will return to heaven.

Therefore, people with a childish life will not live long.

However, this boy’s destiny can also be divided into real boys and fake boys.

The fate of a fake boy is easy to resolve. Just burn a paper man as a substitute, and the boy can grow up safely.

The life of a real child is difficult to deal with.

The boy who begged his grandma to save his life was a real boy.

Listening, I felt nervous for grandma, "Grandma, did you save him?"

"Save it," grandma cried again. "Now that I think about it, I regret it. I shouldn't have taken this job just to show off as a hero..."

If you want to save the life of a real boy, you have to trade your life with someone else.

That is to say, we need to find a boy who was born on the same year, month, and day as the boy, and exchange the boy's boy's destiny with the substitute boy.

After the swap, the substitute boy will die for the boy, and the boy can grow up safely.

Changing one's life requires the immortal family to have a very profound level of cultivation.

Grandma first felt that no other shop would dare to take on this business. After she took it, she was very proud and it proved her strength.

The second reason is that it is difficult to find a substitute boy. Even if she takes over the business, the boy's family may not be able to find a substitute boy.

As a result, the day after she accepted the business, the boy's family brought the substitute boy's birthday, name and address.

"I helped the boy change his life..."

Grandma's voice sounded very sad, so I comforted her, "Grandma, you saved a life, you did nothing wrong.


"No, I killed an innocent child. That child was not a child, but became a scapegoat," grandma said, "Xixi, you have to remember that everyone has their own destiny, and you can't force it, otherwise there will be retribution.


Grandma's retribution came soon.

After the exchange of lives, I don’t know which fairy filed a pornographic form and reported the exchange of lives to Shangfangxian. Shangfangxian arrested Grandma Liu San and committed a major crime of murdering human lives. She was beheaded by Shangfangxian.


After that, grandma dissolved her association, got married, had children, and never went out again.

But every year she would go to the incense hall of other disciples and worship devoutly, not only to atone for her sins, but also to accumulate blessings for Grandma Liu San.

I thought back to when I was a kid, my grandma took me to watch the dance scene.

Every time she left after burning incense, grandma would cry. It turned out to be because of guilt.

Grandma continued, "When she was beheaded, the third grandma was already pregnant.

The animal fairy holds a grudge, and I caused the third master's wife and children to be separated. Over the years, I have been afraid that the third master will come to trouble our family.

Even if it takes one life for one life, I am willing to do so.

But I can’t watch your dad have an accident with you..."

"Now... now it's okay. Third Master is compassionate. Not only did he not kill our family, he also accepted you as a disciple.

Xixi, you must do more good deeds in the future and help the third master ascend to attain enlightenment to repay his great kindness to our family.


To put it this way, my family really feels sorry for Yuchen.

I chatted with grandma about other things. After grandma was in a stable mood and stopped crying, I hung up the phone.

In order to answer the phone, I left the classroom and went to a corner behind the teaching building.

It's quiet here and perfect for taking calls.

But after hanging up the phone, I realized that it seemed a little too quiet here.

The teaching building blocked the sunlight, and I was in a shadow. No one could be seen around me. A gust of wind blew, bringing with it a slight chill.

I didn't dare to stay any longer and wanted to run away.

But as soon as he lifted his legs, he tripped over something.

This time, the place I tripped was my knee, as if the thing I tripped on was slowly coming out of the ground.

From ankle to calf and now to knee.

The more I thought about it, the more scared I became, so I stamped my feet, turned around and ran away.

When I was about to run out of the shadows, I suddenly heard someone calling me from behind.

"Lin Xi!" It was Yin Meilan's voice, "Didn't you say something was wrong? Why are you still in school?"

I moved faster than my brain, and when I realized that there was no one around and Yin Meilan could not be here, I had already turned my head.

Behind him, there was no one.

My scalp was numb, I screamed, and ran away.

I didn't stop until I ran into the teaching building and saw my classmates.

I held my cell phone tightly and was about to call the fat old man. At this time, my classmate came over and saw me. He said, "Lin Xi, the monitor is looking for you."


I'm not familiar with the monitor. To me, the monitor represents the teacher. If he's looking for me, it's probably a teacher who's looking for me.

I asked, "Do you know what the monitor wants from me?"

"It said Professor Meng asked you to go to her office.


Sure enough, Mrs. Meng would not let me go so easily.

If I don't go, she can mark my tardiness as truancy.

I didn't want to be targeted, so I could only walk into Mrs. Meng's office resigned to my fate.

Mrs. Meng told me that she had a list that needed to be entered, and I could leave after I entered it.

After leaving the job to me, Po Meng left.

I was the only one left in the office, and I finally had time to call the fat old man.

As soon as the number was dialed, I heard a chirping sound coming from the handset of the mobile phone.

The sound is harsh, especially like the sound made by scratching a blackboard with fingernails.

"Ah!" I was frightened and threw the phone away.

At this time, the sound of typing on the keyboard suddenly came, and the clicking sound echoed in the silent office.

Then, three big blood-red characters appeared on the computer.


I'm scared to death!

I hurriedly ran to the office door.

But as soon as I took two steps, my leg tripped on something again.

This time, the thing hugged my thigh tightly. My center of gravity was unstable and I fell to the ground with a bang.

I couldn't see anything, but I could feel a pair of big cold hands touching my thighs.

This chapter has been completed!
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