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Gu Han looked excited and said to Yuchen, "We had an incident in the hotel lobby. I was knocked unconscious and Shang Yu was taken away. On the way to the hotel that day, Shang Yu took a wrong turn on the viaduct and got off.

After getting off the elevated highway, we arrived at the amusement park on the outskirts of the city. Shang Yu told me that we were already at the amusement park anyway, so why not go play for a while. I was anxious to go to the hotel to help the boss with his affairs, so I turned him down. At that time, he had a strong desire to take me to the amusement park.

I went to the amusement park to play, but I didn’t go with him. Third Master, is this a tip from him? "

Yuchen reminded Gu Han, "Think carefully about what Wan Shangyu said to you about the playground that day?"

Gu Han recalled while saying, "Shang Yu told me about his childhood. He said that in the playground, he had shadows about two places, one was the haunted house, and the other was the mirror world."

Speaking of this, Gu Han's eyes lit up, "Third Master, are the clues Shang Yu left behind in the haunted house and the mirror world?"

Yuchen did not answer Gu Han, but stood up and said, "Let's go to the amusement park now."

Wan Shangyu can predict our actions, so once we make a decision to do something, we must do it quickly and complete it. If we compete with the mysterious organization for time, we must

Before they act, find the information we're looking for.

So in order to get to the amusement park as soon as possible, I asked Gu Han to stay at home. I left Qian Chen, Jin Hui, and Liu Qingqing to protect Gu Han. Me, Yu Chen and Chu Yuan jumped out of the window. Hu Jinyun said

After saying that, she wanted to go too, and jumped out of the window after us. A few of us went straight to the suburban playground.

It only took us less than five minutes to get to the amusement park, but we were still a step too late!

From a long distance, I saw billowing smoke coming out of the park. My heart skipped a beat and I immediately quickened my pace. As I got closer, I saw the chaos in the amusement park, the screams of tourists and ambulances and ambulances.

The sound of fire truck sirens mixed together, making the sound chaotic and harsh, making people feel panicked.

A few of us ran into the playground against the flow of people. In the park, a fire broke out in two adjacent houses. The flames shot into the sky, and flames spit out the windows and doors. The fire was so fierce that no one could get close to the building.

There are signs next to these two houses, which are Haunted House and Mirror World!

The mysterious organization may not know where the clues are hidden in these two houses, so they took the simplest and crudest method and burned down the haunted house and the mirror world, burning everything, including what Wan Shangyu left behind

The clues were naturally destroyed.

The firefighters were working hard to extinguish the fire, but someone was kneeling on the ground and crying, saying that there were still people in the fire scene who had not come out. The firefighters put on protective clothing and rushed into the sea of ​​​​fire without hesitation.

The haunted house and the mirror world were deliberately set on fire by a mysterious organization. In order to prevent us from rescuing clues from the fire, the mysterious organization manipulated the fire here. It was so ferocious that every corner of the building was painted with flammable and explosive materials.

Chemical agents were used, and explosions were heard from time to time from the fire scene.

I have spiritual power to protect my body, and I can feel the heat of the fire even from a distance. But these firefighters are just ordinary human beings. They are young and fearless. When they heard that there was still life in the fire, they rushed in. There is so much suffering in the world,

The gods were unable to take action, so some ordinary humans took the place of the gods to protect their people.

With my eyes burning, I told Hu Jinyun and Chu Yuan to let them go into the fire scene to protect these firefighters and the injured.

They are invisible and cannot be seen by ordinary people.

Hu Jinyun said, "Why bother? Why don't I just put out the fire here? Put out the fire now. Maybe the clues left by Wan Shangyu haven't been burned up yet, and we can still save some clues."

I think what Hu Jinyun said makes sense. Just when I was about to nod and let Hu Jinyun do this, Yuchen suddenly said, "Hu Jinyun, you are a god and you cannot interfere too much in the affairs of the underworld. You only need to protect these human beings from death. Fire them."

You will be destroyed yourself. Also, the clues are not in the haunted house or the mirror world. You go to protect human beings and there is no need to look for clues."

"Ah?" I couldn't hold it back and just said it with a confused look on my face.

The expressions of Chu Yuan and Hu Jinyun were similar to mine. Seeing their confused faces, I immediately regained my balance.

I'm not the only fool!

Chu Yuan and Hu Jinyun rushed into the sea of ​​fire to protect humans, while Yu Chen led me towards the back of the two buildings.

"Yu Chen, where are we going?" The clues are not in the haunted house and the mirror world, so where are they?

"Go and find the things Wan Shangyu left behind." Yuchen took my hand.

He was not in a hurry and took me into the park like a walk. The amusement park was very large, and behind the haunted house and the mirror world was the large amusement facility Double Dragon Out of the Sea.

Due to the fire, the amusement facilities have been suspended and the two dragon boats are parked on the high platform.

After walking past Shuangyong Chuanghai, you will arrive at a small shop selling souvenirs and toys in the park. There are a dozen shops in a row, selling everything from plush toys to doll clothes.

"Do you have anyone you like?" Yuchen suddenly asked me.

My mind is now full of where the clues left by Wan Shangyu are hidden. I am very anxious, so Yuchen suddenly asked me if I like toys. I was stunned for a moment and did not realize what he was talking about.

Seeing my stupid look, Yuchen chuckled. He casually picked up a Xingdailu hairband and put it on my head. He gently pinched Xingdelu's ears with his slender fingers and looked down at me with a smile. "Like a little girl."

Silly bunny."


How could he be so relaxed? I am worried to death!

I said, "Yuchen, stop playing around, let's look for clues first."

Yuchen paid the money, then took my hand and said softly. He promised to look for clues, but turned around and took me into a small shop selling souvenirs.

This shop sells crystal products, including small crystal balls that make snowflakes fly when the music is played, crystals in the palms of magicians' hands, and large crystal balls used by witches for divination.

The clerk was a young lady dressed as a witch. She was standing at the door of the store, staring at the burning haunted house and mirror world in front of her to watch the excitement. Yuchen and I suddenly entered the store. The clerk was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly picked up the props in one hand.

Crystal, picked up the staff with the other hand, narrowed his eyes, and made a profound gesture.

"Two destined people, what do you want here?"

I took one look at the young lady and thought she was very cute. One second she was watching the excitement, and the next second she was forced to close the shop.

I was about to say something, but before I could say anything, Yuchen said first, "Let's find a special crystal. Crystal..."

Before Yuchen could finish speaking, the clerk raised her hand to signal Yuchen to shut up. Then she tapped the crystal ball in her hand with her staff. After the originally transparent crystal ball was knocked, gold sand immediately scattered in the crystal ball.

.The transparent sphere, with golden sand flying inside, is very beautiful.

Then, the clerk opened his eyes, looked at Yuchen and I, and said firmly, "I already know why you are here. You two are here to seek marriage, right? You two love each other very much and want to grow old together with each other, but

You two have encountered some obstacles now. Don't worry, don't be afraid, come here and find me, I can help you solve all the difficulties you two encounter. No need for 998, no need for 98, just 68, you can take me away

What do you think of the clever tips?"


Why are there magic sticks in the amusement park?

Yuchen didn't say anything. He took out a hundred and handed it to the clerk, "We want your great tips. No need to change the money."

The clerk's eyes lit up, he immediately took the money and said with a smile, "You two wait here for a while, I will go to the warehouse to get you some tips."

After saying that, the clerk turned around and ran out of the store, running very fast, as if he was afraid that Yuchen would regret it.

Could this be a serious tip? What serious outsider would put a tip in a warehouse?

I looked at Yuchen in confusion. The clerk was obviously a liar.

Yuchen walked to the center of the store, turned around and took a look outside the store, then walked to the front shelf, took out a palm-sized crystal ball, activated his spiritual power, and golden threads penetrated into the crystal from the palm of Yuchen's palm.

In the ball.

The crystal ball seemed to have words carved inside it. After the golden spiritual power was injected, golden light filled the carvings inside the crystal ball, and the words in the crystal ball slowly emerged.

This chapter has been completed!
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