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Mrs. Ji didn't understand what Yuchen wanted to do, and neither did Bai Ziqi, but that didn't stop Bai Ziqi from helping Yuchen.

That place had been closed to Mrs. Ji for ten thousand years, and she didn't want to go back. But Bai Ziqi asked her, but Mrs. Ji was unwilling and unable to refuse. She pouted and said unhappily, "My lord, I am willing to go back, yes."

Because the slave family must listen to the master's words, the slave family has always loved the master wholeheartedly and unreservedly. Please ask the master to show more love and care to the slave family in the future, okay?"

As she spoke, Mrs. Ji raised her eyes and looked at Bai Ziqi.

Bai Ziqi's expression froze for a moment, then he coughed lightly and said seriously, "Ji Fu, I made it clear back then that the only person I love in this life is Qing'er. I saved you and let you go because this is the relationship between you and me.

When I was here, I made a promise to you. I would keep your life safe, but there is no emotion between you and me."

As he spoke, Bai Ziqi reached out and pushed Mrs. Ji out of his arms.

Seeing Bai Ziqi's attitude, Mrs. Ji shed tears. She looked at Bai Ziqi with tearful eyes, her red lips trembling, looking like she was in pain, "My lord, I have guarded you for so many years, why don't you look back at me?"

What about a glance? I love you so much and respect you so much, how could you say such heartless and unjust words to my family! My lord!"

Mrs. Ji threw herself into Bai Ziqi's arms again.

My toes scratched the ground in embarrassment.

Am I old? Why do I suddenly feel that the plot of such an idol is so embarrassing?

Mrs. Ji has some acting talent!

Mrs. Ji threw herself into Bai Ziqi's arms again, wrapped her arms tightly around Bai Ziqi's waist, and hugged Bai Ziqi tightly without letting go.

Bai Ziqi also seemed to feel the embarrassment. He glanced at us quickly, and then said to Mrs. Ji with a cold face, "Okay, the children are waiting. Take us to the cave where you are imprisoned."

Mrs. Ji raised her head and looked at Bai Ziqi, and asked shyly in a low voice, "The master is not going to drive me away, is that right?"

Bai Ziqi nodded quickly.

Mrs. Ji laughed through her tears, stood up on tiptoes and pecked Bai Ziqi on the lips, then smiled in surprise and said, "My Lord, my lipstick has got on your lips, let me wipe it for you."

Bai Ziqi grabbed Mrs. Ji's hand, his eyes turned cold, "Stop making trouble."

Mrs. Ji then calmed down and said, "My lord, please don't be angry. I will take you there right now."

After speaking, Mrs. Ji took off the large peony flower from the hairpin on her head. She tossed it casually, and the peony flower flew into the air and slowly grew larger. The petals stretched out, and a small golden pavilion appeared at the stamens.

"My lord, it's been a long time since I sat on the slave's magic weapon. Come quickly, my lord. I want to dance a song for my lord just like before." Madam Ji pulled Bai Ziqi and flew into the small pavilion at the core of the flower.

After the two of them entered, two low tables appeared out of thin air in the small pavilion. On one low table were incense burners and fruit cakes, and on the other low table was a guzheng.

Bai Ziqi sat naturally behind the low table with fruit and cakes, while Mrs. Ji sat opposite Bai Ziqi behind the low table with the guzheng.

Mrs. Ji smiled at Bai Ziqi, then gently plucked the strings with her bare hands, and the guzheng made a sweet sound.

As the sound of the piano wafted out, the peonies flew high into the sky.

I'm speechless.

When Madam Ji summoned the magic weapon, she should have asked us all to go up, and then take us to Dunqiu to find the cave where she was kept. But now only Ziqi went up, and Madam Ji urged us to activate the magic weapon and leave.

Has she forgotten the rest of us? Madam Ji only has Bai Ziqi in her eyes!

Yuchen took my hand and followed Mrs. Ji's magic weapon.

Bai Qingjue and Qing Qian also caught up.

Qing Qian came close to me and whispered, "Auntie, Bai Ziqi really knows how to enjoy it."

After forgiving Bai Ziqi, Bai Qingjue became a brother-controller. If she complained about Bai Ziqi, Qingqian certainly didn't dare to say it to Bai Qingjue. Similarly, Yuchen and I couldn't gossip, and now Qingqian took the initiative to join in.

When I came over, I immediately felt like a close friend had arrived.

I let go of Yuchen's hand, hugged Qingqian's arm with my backhand, and whispered to her, "Qingqian, who do you think Bai Ziqi likes?"

Qing Qian's eyes were burning with small flames of gossip, and she analyzed me seriously, "I think the person Bai Ziqi likes should be Mrs. Ji. He loves her without knowing it. Auntie, did you see that just now? Bai Ziqi

Pamper Mrs. Ji more. Who wouldn't be embarrassed to see Mrs. Ji's coquettish ways? But Bai Ziqi just pushed her away and didn't want to lose his temper at all. Maybe this old guy is still enjoying it secretly in his heart.

.Also, Bai Ziqi said that he would protect Mrs. Ji's life. He loves her, so he cares about her life and death. Auntie, do you think what I said is right?"

I disagreed and said, "I think Bai Ziqi is in love with Qi Qing. All he has thought about for so many years is resurrecting Qi Qing. Mrs. Ji's soul is in his hands. He can see Mrs. Ji at any time, but he

But he has never thought of meeting Mrs. Ji. He has not missed her for so many years. Doesn't that mean he doesn't love Mrs. Ji?"

"Auntie, that's not the case," Qing Qian analyzed for me. "Bai Ziqi has a base-type personality. He loves whoever dies. If he really loves Qi Qing, where did his cruelty towards Qi Qing come from? True love.

How could a person be so cruel as to hurt her? So, aunt, here in Bai Ziqi, he doesn't have a favorite woman, he only loves the one he lost..."

Mrs. Ji, who was flying at the front, seemed to have heard the conversation between Qing Qian and me. Before Qing Qian finished speaking, a large red petal shot over like a dart.

I felt spiritual energy approaching, so I mobilized the strength in my body and opened a barrier as a shield in front of Qing Qian and me. The next second, the petals hit the barrier and made a muffled sound.

I looked up.

Mrs. Ji changed into a neon dance skirt, stood up on tiptoes, and gently stepped on the edge of the petals of the peony flowers. Her hands made a flying flying pose, and the ribbons on her body danced lightly in the wind, making her look smart and charming.

She glared at Qing Qian coldly and said displeasedly, "Don't speak ill of the Lord! The Lord is the greatest hero in the world. I will be angry if anyone disrespects him!"

Qing Qian's expression froze and she asked in disbelief, "Mrs. Ji, I'm speaking for you, didn't you hear it?"

"You can't slander the Lord by speaking for me!"

After speaking, Mrs. Ji's feet spun around and she started dancing on the petals.

She loves Bai Ziqi to a blind degree. She does not allow anyone to say a bad word about Bai Ziqi. For such a love-minded person, I believe that she would kill someone for Bai Ziqi. But she is said to be related to a mysterious organization. I am

I can't believe it, I don't think she has such an IQ.

Based on this observation, the place where Mrs. Ji is imprisoned is related to a mysterious organization. Is it a pure coincidence?

I hope my guess is not wrong. If Mrs. Ji is really related to the mysterious organization, then the luck beads in Yuchen's body may not be solved.

I looked at Yuchen worriedly.

Yuchen looked calm and his eyes fell on Mrs. Ji in front of him. He was also observing Mrs. Ji.

During Mrs. Ji's performance, we left the devil's world and finally arrived at Dunqiu, Nan Province.

This chapter has been completed!
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