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Qingluan appeared and took the formation drawings given to him by Yuchen. After reading them carefully, his expression gradually became serious.

He looked at Yu Chen, "Sir, where did this formation drawing come from?"

"Can you unlock this formation?" Yuchen did not answer Qingluan, but asked directly.

Qingluan shook his head, "It can't be solved, and I'm not the only one who can't solve it. No one in the world can solve this formation. Because this is not a magic formation at all."

I was shocked, "It's not a magic circle? Qingluan, what does this mean?"

Mrs. Ji also had a look of astonishment on her face and said unconvinced, "Hey, Qingniao, please explain clearly, what does it mean that it is not a magic circle? I have been trapped by this formation for nearly ten thousand years. If it is not a magic circle at all, then I

Why are you trapped by it?”

"The formation drawn on this drawing is just a graphic formation. It has no ability to trap people," Qingluan replied to Mrs. Ji, "You are trapped not because of this formation, but because of it."

Because of something else."

Mrs. Ji didn't believe Qingluan's words, rolled her eyes, and said disdainfully, "That's pure nonsense. The cave is so big. I know exactly how many movable stones there are in the cave. Apart from this formation, there is nothing else inside."

None, there is nothing else at all. I have been trapped for so many years, how could I not even know what I am trapped in!"

Yuchen and Qingluan ignored her. Mrs. Ji pouted and turned to complain to Bai Ziqi, saying that the Qingniao Yuchen found was just a piece of shit and didn't know the formation diagram.

Yuchen ignored Mrs. Ji's nonsense and looked at Qingluan, "Is this drawing just a pictorial and textual formation?"

Qingluan nodded, "I'm not wrong. There were many cultivation sects in the past..."

A long time ago, the earth was full of spiritual energy. At that time, there were many sects of cultivation. Whether they were humans or animals, everyone practiced and everyone wanted to become an immortal. There were both connections and competition between the various sects. In this situation

Under the circumstances, the more exercises one knows and the more efficient the cultivation method is, the higher the status of the sect will be.

Therefore, in order to protect their own martial arts from being stolen by other sects, each sect invented this kind of magic circle, the graphic and text magic circle. The sect recorded confidential information in the magic circle through special characters.

Record the secrets of this sect’s practice.

To simply understand, this graphic and text array is human Morse code, used to record things. As long as you know what the special characters in the graphic and text mean, you can interpret the meaning of the graphic and text array.

Yuchen asked Qingluan, "Can you interpret the meaning of this graphic formation?"

Qingluan frowned and said awkwardly, "It should be possible, but I need time. I have to first determine what these characters mean."

Yuchen nodded, "Give you time."

Qingluan landed on the ground beside the pool, and then took out a book from his arms. He threw the book towards the ground. After the book fell to the ground, it immediately became thicker and larger, until it was as big as a large double bed, and people could lie on it.

On top of the book, the book stopped until it got bigger.

Qingluan held the formation drawing in one hand, and tied the sword fingers with the other hand, concentrating spiritual power on his fingertips. A ball of cyan light burned on Qingluan's fingertips like a candle, and then he used cyan light to

Use a brush to quickly draw formation graphics in the air.

Qingluan's eyes were fixed on the formation drawing drawn by Mrs. Ji, and his other hand moved quickly, and soon an identical formation pattern appeared in mid-air.

After drawing the formation graphics, Qingluan waved his arm, and the graphics flew onto the big book. Like water seeping into the sand, the formation graphics quickly seeped into the big book. At first, a wet mark could be seen, but soon it became

It disappears completely and nothing can be seen.

After the formation graphics completely penetrated into the big book, a gust of wind suddenly blew over, blowing the big book open, and the pages were turned rapidly by the wind, making a rustling sound.

After a while, the wind stopped and the big book was opened and fixed on one page.

Qingluan jumped onto the big book, lowered his head and read the information written on the book carefully.

I flew over and looked at the big book curiously.

The big book was filled with dense words, and it was like an enlarged dictionary. Qingluan lowered his head and carefully searched for the information.

Madam Ji put away the magic weapon and pulled Bai Ziqi over. Seeing the densely packed words in the book, Madam Ji frowned and fell into Bai Ziqi's arms with a weak look, "My lord, I have a headache.


Hearing the sound, I turned around and looked over.

Bai Ziqi supported Mrs. Ji. Although Mrs. Ji was round and plump, she was not tough. She looked very much like a graceful peony, majestic and arousing people's pity.

"What's wrong?" Bai Ziqi lowered his head and asked her.

Madam Ji raised her hand, pointed at the big book under Qingluan, and said with a look of disgust, "Master, you know that the slave family hates studying the most. When I see the dense words, the slave family will think of you forcing the slave family to study.

During that period of the spell, during that time, the slave family also complained of headache every day, Lord, do you still remember?"

"You don't have a headache, you are clearly lazy!" Bai Zi scolded her, but there was no anger in his words.

Mrs. Ji playfully stuck out her tongue, snuggled her head into Bai Ziqi's arms, and said with great attachment, "It doesn't matter if the slave family is lazy. The slave family is protected by the master. The slave family can't do anything, and the master can't do it either."

Let the slave family die."


It's hard for me to say anything at this point. I wish I could give myself a slap in the face to make you curious about everything and look over here!

Mrs. Ji is always confessing her love to Bai Ziqi. Just like Qing Qian said, Bai Ziqi is just following her. She felt embarrassed at the beginning, but now she can accept Mrs. Ji's expression calmly!

I withdrew my gaze and looked at Qingluan again.

Qingluan searched carefully in the big book. After searching for more than two hours, Qingluan finally straightened up, turned to Yuchen and said, "Sir, I know the answer."

Yuchen frowned slightly and looked at Qingluan seriously, "What is the meaning of the graphic formation?"

Qingluan shook his head, "I don't know what it means, it's all directional words. Southeast, noon direction, at the three bones of the fish's tail, go up against the scales, count five."

"What kind of mess is this?" Mrs. Ji said disdainfully, "I just said that this blue bird is a straw bag. He said it was a graphic and text formation, but he couldn't understand the meaning of the graphic and text formation. Blue Bird,

To be honest, you are just bragging, you can't solve this formation at all."

Although they haven't been together for long, Mrs. Ji's annoying personality has already begun to show signs.

Qingluan ignored Mrs. Ji and only looked at Yuchen, looking a little guilty, "Sir, this is all the information. I really can't connect these fragmentary information."

Yuchen nodded. Later he looked at Mrs. Ji and asked, "Mrs. Ji, are there any fish in the cave?"

"No!" said Mrs. Ji, "except for me, there is nothing in the cave!"

"Aren't there any murals or anything like that?" Yuchen asked again without giving up.

Mrs. Ji rolled her eyes and said impatiently, "No! I was the only one in that cave. No, even I'm gone now, so it's just an empty place. God Yuchen, if you don't believe what I say, then yourself

Just go down and take a look!"

After Mrs. Ji finished speaking, she heard a popping sound and Yuchen jumped into the pool.

I was startled.

Mrs. Ji was also confused, and said with a face that she didn't understand what was going on, "Is God Yuchen so hot-tempered? I just said it casually, without any intention of irritating him. Why did he jump?"

I glanced at Mrs. Ji, and then jumped into the pool. But before I could jump, Yun Ling grabbed my wrist.

I was stunned for a moment and looked at Yun Ling.

Yun Ling looked at me with a pair of dark eyes and firm eyes, "Wait here, he will come up."

This chapter has been completed!
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