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Below is a swamp and a sea of ​​fire. If I fall in, I will be burned to the bone.

I knew exactly what would happen to me, but I was powerless to change my situation.

My heart was filled with despair and I felt that I was dead this time.

But my body fell, but it didn’t fall into the sea of ​​fire as I expected!

My body felt like it fell into an ice cube, or like an ice cube suddenly appeared and enveloped me.

Huge ice blocks sealed my body, and my almost roasted body suddenly cooled down, making a sizzling sound, and a cloud of white air came out of my body.

I am on the verge of death, or rather, I am already dead at this moment.

I didn't feel much pain, and my body only trembled slightly. I couldn't react any more, and I couldn't open my eyes to look around.

I don't know where I am, and I don't have the energy or strength to care where I am at this time.

"Are you dead?"

A little girl's sweet voice suddenly sounded beside me.

Following the girl's voice, there were cold touches one after another on the side of my face, as if a finger was gently poking my face.

"Stop it!"

A little boy's voice came with the same milky voice.

"When you poke a hole with your finger, she will be disfigured by you."

The little girl retorted, "Look at her face now. It has been burnt to the point of being unrecognizable. Do I still need to destroy her face?"

"Then don't do it, it's so disgusting."

After the little boy finished speaking, I didn't know who blew on my face, and I felt a cold breath blowing on my face.

This cold air is like a clear spring seeping into the cracked earth, nourishing the dry earth and bringing life to this lifeless land. I even clearly feel that my face is getting better!

The cracked skin is healing and the burns are reducing. My face is no longer as tight as a piece of blackened coal, but the flesh feels alive. It's like new flesh and blood is growing from my bones.

come out.

I had no strength at all and couldn't make any reaction. I could only be surprised in my heart.

Are these two kids saving me?

Soon, the little girl’s question answered my doubts.

"Are you treating her?" the little girl asked.

The little boy replied, "What else? Don't waste time. If she dies, we will have been with her for so long! We have been following her, are we just watching her die?"

What is he saying?

Two little guys have been following me?

There are only people like Yu Chen, Cheng En, and Ao Zhan around me. They have never had children, let alone brought children with them. Who are they two? And how do they keep following me?

I can't understand.

When I was confused, I heard the little girl sigh and said helplessly, "I admit that you are right, she can't die yet. If she dies, both of us will be doomed."

As soon as I finished speaking, I heard two loud claps.

Then, a steady stream of cool air was injected into my body, like the source of life, bringing me vitality and strength.

My body, which was burned beyond recognition by the fire, began to heal itself. I slowly felt strength and spiritual power accumulated in my body.

After gaining strength, the first thing I did was to open my eyes.

I want to see clearly where I am at this time and who are the two children who saved me!

Eyes open.

I found that I was lying flat in a sphere, a transparent sphere that looked a lot like a hockey puck.

I was floating in the middle, surrounded by cold and transparent liquid. Outside the sphere was a blazing fire.

Like tripterygium, this ball can not only stay in the fire safely, but also resist and block the high temperature of the fire.

My first reaction was that the ice ball was the spiritual power of the ring fish, and I fell into the spirit body of the ring fish. After all, only the ring fish here has the power to fight against the fire.

But I turned my head and looked below the sphere. As soon as I turned my eyes, I saw a deep pit slowly forming in the swamp below!

This is the huge spirit body of the ring fish that is drilling into the swamp. In other words, the spirit body of the ring fish is below me, and I have not fallen into the spirit body of the ring fish.

The ice ball I was in suddenly appeared. The ice ball did not exist in the fire before. It appeared out of thin air and enveloped me.

What the hell is this!

I suppressed my surprise and focused my eyes again to look for the two children who had spoken before.

I was the only one inside the hockey puck, surrounded by transparent liquid, and there were no children at all!

My eyes searched the ice ball inch by inch, looking over bit by bit, and finally I discovered that there were two other things inside the ice ball.

They are two small balls suspended above my body!

The small transparent ball is about the size of the palm of your hand. At first glance, it looks like two bubbles appearing in the water.

I felt it carefully, and I could feel that the cool breath injected into my body was emanating from these two small balls.

So these two little balls are the two children I heard about before?

I was full of curiosity and stared at the two small balls.

Seemingly unhappy with being stared at by me, one of the little balls said displeasedly, "Hey, why are you so rude? We are saving your life. It's okay if you don't say thank you when you wake up."

, why are you still staring at us with a suspicious look!"

It's the voice of a little girl.

Although I had made some speculations, I still felt incredible when I heard Little Ball speak with my own ears.

I was stunned and looked at the ball with wide eyes.

My reaction seemed to anger the little ball, which floated upwards and also stopped the flow of cool air into my body.

"Leave her alone!" the little girl's voice sounded, angrily, "Looking at her eyes, she clearly doesn't believe that we are the ones who saved her. Spending all your energy to save her will not only not be thanked, but also be suspected. This person is not

Save her or not, just let her lie here half-dead!"

"Stop messing around!" Another little ball scolded, "She is lying here half dead, and we both have to stay here with her! Get her cured quickly and let her take us out of here."

The little girl snorted unconvinced.

She has no facial features, just a ball. But I imagined the arrogant look of a little girl rolling her eyes.

I opened my mouth and said, "Yes... I'm sorry, I didn't control my expression well and made you angry. But I didn't mean not to believe in your strength, I was just surprised. Your voices were very pure, like human beings."

As a two-year-old child, I just didn’t expect that you guys with such cute voices could be so powerful. Not only could you withstand the fire, but you could also save me. Also, thank you, if you hadn’t taken action, I wouldn’t have been able to save my life right now.

I'm afraid it has turned into ashes."

When I first started speaking, my voice was hoarse and it was a bit difficult to pronounce words. But after I started speaking, my voice became smoother and smoother.

I am a person who is about to be burned to death. After a simple treatment with two small balls, I not only wake up, but also have the ability to speak and move. From this, we can also see that these two small balls are not simple!

My flattery made the little girl happy. The little girl floated down and said arrogantly, "We are very capable. Now that you can see clearly with your eyes wide open, the two of us will help you to be reborn!"

As soon as I finished speaking, a stream of cold air floated out of the little girl's sphere and passed into my body.

It is a true rebirth!

Like a sweet spring pouring into the cracked earth, a dead land regained its vitality. Fresh vitality was injected into my body.

I could even feel the vigorous vitality growing wantonly in my body. My burnt skin healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, growing fresh flesh and white and tender skin.

The dry spiritual energy in my body gushes out like spring water and flows throughout my body along with my blood.

A fresh, energetic force surged through my body.

I felt the power and at the same time the feeling of being alive!

These two little balls really helped me to be reborn!

Thinking of this, a possibility suddenly occurred to me.

Aren't they two lucky beads?

This chapter has been completed!
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