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"You are not the way of heaven!"

I looked at the flames and said firmly.

Now I can be sure, he is definitely not the Dao of Heaven!

A ball of flame floated beside me, the flames jumped up and down, as if staring at me in surprise, without saying a word.

I looked at the flame ball and continued, "You pretended to be very similar before. Tiandao wanted to die, but Tiandao didn't want everything in the world to be affected by his death, so he cultivated successors. This makes sense, and Tiandao's

Behavior is to maintain the stability of the world.

But now you have exposed your true purpose. You are telling me that people's hearts are old, and that there is something wrong with the world. You are not trying to maintain the stability of the world, but you are trying to break the existing laws and rebuild the world.

Rules. So you are not the way of heaven!"


Hearing what I said, Flame Ball suddenly laughed.

As he laughed, the flames on his body danced up and down, looking very excited.

"Lin Xi, you are absolutely right. I am not the Dao of Heaven. Now you might as well guess again who I am?"

The flame circled around me and asked me.

While we were talking, a new picture appeared in the metropolis below, floating above the city.

In the picture, a woman and a man were arguing on the street. The argument was very fierce. The woman took action and scratched the man's face. The man felt pain and stretched out his hand to push the woman away.

Due to the disparity in strength between men and women, the woman was pushed and sat on the ground. The man walked over, raised his foot towards the woman, and kicked the woman hard on the shoulder, causing the woman to lie on the ground.

After kicking the woman down, the man turned around and left, leaving the woman lying on the ground crying.

However, things are not over yet.

After walking a few steps, the man opened the car door and got into a silver car parked on the side of the road. Then, the car started and a horrifying scene happened!

The man drove his car and ran over the woman!

The woman was lying on the ground. After the car bumped twice, the front and rear wheels ran over her.

The woman was still breathing and seemed to want to escape. She turned over and lay on the ground, dragging her bloody body with both hands to crawl out of the car. However, before she could crawl to a safe place, the car backed up and ran over her again.

body of!

This man is killing someone on purpose!

I was so worried that I stood up and planned to rush down.

A ball of flames stood in front of me, "Why are you going? Want to save this poor woman? Lin Xi, open your eyes and take a closer look. Can you save these people?"

As the flames finished speaking, more and more video footage emerged from the city.

These scenes are all scenes of domestic violence. There are men chasing women and beating them. There are women killing men with knives while men are sleeping. There are also cases where the man is plotting his life and wants to kill him to get his bail...

I looked at these real and cruel pictures and was stunned.

"Lin Xi, look at them, how violent they are."

As the flames floated around me, he said slowly, "Husband and wife should be the most intimate relationship in the world. They should stay together through thick and thin throughout their lives and never leave. Parents and children are not people who can stay with me for a lifetime. Only partners can stay together for a lifetime.

Do it. But now, the other half who once could give up all his life has become the person who wants his own life! Lin Xi, say it yourself, hasn’t this world become scary enough?

Do you still remember the young couple who stayed together for a lifetime in a small mountain village? Can you say that their life is not happier than that of modern people? In the past, one party was sick and sold their property for treatment, but now they can kill the other party for their property!

Lin Xi, you are right. Times are developing and human beings are making rapid progress, but the laws of heaven have never changed. Those old and backward rules of heaven are no longer suitable for this world. They operate under an inappropriate framework. This

Only then will the world get sick and people suffer. We overthrow the laws of heaven, change these rules, and make the world better again! Lin Xi, join me and do this great thing with me."

These words sound so good, overthrowing the old system and establishing a new system that makes everyone happy. But if you think about it carefully, you will find that this is not the case at all.

No matter what kind of system it is under, it is impossible to make everyone happy!

I looked at the flames and said, "You are God, right?"

Now, there is no need to hide anything. Flame Ball answered me readily, "Yes. So Lin Xi, after seeing the true face of this world, are you willing to join me? There are ten heaven-defying people around you, and they

Everyone obeys your instructions, overthrows the law of heaven, and restores order. I need your help."

What he said was sincere, but it didn't move me.

I said, "God, this world is indeed not an ideal world. Here, people cry every day, experience death, and commit crimes, but these darknesses are only a small part of this world! Just like the sun will

Just like what rises and falls, there is light and darkness in this world.

Moreover, these couples are only a small part. I am a human being. I have seen real human families. Most of them are ordinary couples. They may no longer be sweet, but they have become the most indispensable people in each other's lives. And

Newly married couples live a much happier life than people in ancient times. Tiandao, you have allowed me to see the dark side of the world, and maybe I can also let you see the other side of the world."

I formed a seal with my hands, channeled my spiritual power, and sent it to the city below.

After watching it for so long, I also noticed that the city below is actually an illusion, just like the screen where a movie is played. Sitting halfway up the mountain, it was like watching a movie with an illusion show.

I injected my spiritual energy into the illusion together with my thoughts.

Sure enough, the illusion was affected by my power, and the picture floating above the city began to change.

Workers who work from nine to five get together after work and have a happy drink. The young couple saved enough money to buy a wedding room and happily hugged each other and circled around. The middle-aged man came home tired, with the lights on and the table on the table.

There were cooked meals and children playing in the living room. When it got dark, the old couple went to the square to dance hand in hand...

There are far more heartwarming pictures than those suffering.

This is the truest appearance of this world.

"Lin Xi, should I praise you for staying true to your original aspirations, or should I mock you for not changing your ways?"

My actions seemed to displease God. His voice became colder and he asked me, "Lin Xi, what do you think is the responsibility of God?"

After finishing his words, without waiting for my reply, he continued, "It's fairness and justice! As the master of all things in the world, shouldn't Heaven treat every living thing fairly? But did he do it?

Lin Xi, you humans still talk about kings, generals and Xiangning being kind, and you also say that heroes don’t care about their origin. But look at the gods in the heaven, are there any who have been trained by wild gods?"

Wild immortals refer to animals that are not from the five major families, such as tigers and tabby cats.

He continued, "There are animals from regular families cultivating immortals. When they cultivate into human form, they ask for a title. They ask for a title from you humans. You humans can destroy their hundreds of years of practice with just one word. Is this rule fair?

After they succeed in seeking the title, they still have to go through the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation. The Heavenly Thunder falls because heaven does not allow animals to become immortals, so the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation narrowly escapes death. But since they are not allowed to become immortals, why let them have enlightenment?

Cultivation skills? Is this fair to them? Even if they succeed in ascension, they can only be the smallest immortals in the heaven. They will never have any hope of becoming a god. No matter how hard they try, it will not be possible.

And all this is only because of their origins, because they were born as animals. Their fate is doomed at birth. No matter how hard they try, they can't reach the status of fairy children with a good background. Is this fair to these animal fairies? Allow them

Cultivation, why don’t you treat them fairly!”

The more the flames spoke, the angrier they became. The whole flame grew larger and the flames burned brighter.

The flames illuminated my face red and made my face feel hot.

I took a step back, distanced myself from the flames, and then asked him very puzzledly, "God, you are a disciple of heaven. When you were born, your status was so high. How could you do what the animal immortals suffered?"

Is injustice so empathetic?”

The high-ranking person has pity in his heart, and he will understand the difficulty of survival for the people at the bottom. But he will not have such great feelings or such angry emotions. God is so excited that he seems to have experienced these injustices.

But his status is much higher than that of the animal fairy. How can he have the opportunity to experience these injustices?

I think this is an opportunity.

Maybe if you understand these, you can understand why God must change the laws of the world!

This chapter has been completed!
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