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Chapter 1051 Chun Lan’s Hairpin


Standing inside the door was a young pregnant woman in her thirties. The pregnant woman was extremely thin, looked tired, and had a sallow complexion. She looked malnourished, but her belly was astonishingly big. It seemed as if all the nutrition and vitality of this person had been absorbed into her belly.

It was like the little life was sucked away.

Seeing Professor Meng and me, the pregnant woman smiled slightly and said, "Please come in.


Go into the room.

As soon as I entered, I smelled a very pungent smell of urine in the room, like the toilet sewer smelling back up. It was very unpleasant and disgusting.

After all, it is an old building, so there is a possibility of sewer problems.

I covered my nose and didn't think much about anything else.

Professor Meng did not show any discomfort at all. She pointed at the pregnant woman and introduced to me, "Her name is Wu Keke, and she is the daughter of Principal Wu.

This house is now occupied by Wu Keke and her husband.


Wu Keke asked us to sit down, and then she turned around to help us pour water.

I quickly said, "Miss Wu, please sit down quickly. I'm not thirsty, so there's no need to pour water."


Wu Keke has a big belly, and I am really afraid that something unexpected will happen to her.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me.

Pregnant women who move more will not suffer too much during childbirth.

"Wu Keke's voice was hollow when he spoke.

People often use "full of energy" to describe a person's health, but Wu Keke simply has no energy.

Her whole body looked sick, as if she might faint at any moment.

I asked Professor Meng worriedly, "Professor Meng, is Miss Wu not in good health?"

Professor Meng said, "Keke has been thin since she was a child. After she became pregnant, all the nutrients were absorbed by the child, and she became even thinner. She went back for prenatal check-ups every month and she was fine.


While Professor Meng was talking, Wu Keke came back with water.

She put the water glass in front of me, then sat on the sofa opposite me, and said to me, "Are you Lin Xiangu? Aunt Meng told me about you, saying that you were the one who helped to take care of my uncle when he was possessed by evil spirits.

This time I asked Aunt Meng to bring you here because I want you to help find out what happened to my family.


I nodded, "Miss Wu, can you tell me in detail what's going on with your family?"

"Okay," Wu Keke frowned and said with a sad look on his face, "This matter has been going on for more than half a year. Let me start with a dream I had..."

Principal Wu lost his wife in middle age and has a son and a daughter. Wu Ke is Principal Wu’s youngest daughter.

Six months ago, Wu Keke had a dream about his dead mother.

In the dream, Wu Keke was wearing a wedding dress and sitting in a paper sedan chair. The people carrying the sedan chair and those sending the bride off were all paper figures.

When the sedan chair passes through a forest, Mother Wu will appear, force the sedan chair to stop, and then drag Wu Keke out of the sedan chair while cursing.

After being dragged out, Wu's mother would beat her until Wu Keke woke up.

"I had this dream shortly after I got married.

I thought my mother was trying to tell me something, so I went to a master to help me interpret my dreams.

The master said that my mother beat me in my dream because she was dissatisfied with my husband.

We asked the master to do the Dharma. After the Dharma was finished, I never had this dream again.


I asked strangely, "Wouldn't it be nice to stop having this dream?" Everything was settled, so what else could you do to me?

Wu Keke frowned and said with some fear, "Lin Xiangu, it didn't take long for me to start dreaming about my mother again.

And in the dream, my mother became more fierce than before..."

Wu Keke said that she dreamed about Wu's mother again when she was more than one month pregnant.

In the dream, she was still wearing her wedding dress, but the sedan chair and paper figures were gone. She was standing alone outside a large house.

Every time she was about to walk into the mansion, Mother Wu would appear out of thin air, and every time she appeared, Mother Wu would have something in her hand.

Sometimes it's a stick, sometimes it's a knife.

As soon as Wu's mother showed up, she didn't say a word and just hit her. As if she knew she was pregnant, she only hit her on the stomach.

"When I was almost three months old, I showed signs of miscarriage. I was hospitalized for half a month to save the baby.

Lin Xiangu, my mother wants this child’s life..."

Speaking of this, Wu Keke started crying, "Because of this dream, I don't even dare to sleep now.

Lin Xiangu, you must help me and help me keep this child.


When relatives fall into dreams, it is usually because they miss them or want to remind them of something, so they meet their relatives through dreams.

This is the first time I have heard of Wu Keke, a mother who harmed her own children in her dreams.

I asked Wu Keke, "Didn't you ask the master of dream interpretation to help you?"

Wu Keke nodded, "I found it.

But the master said he couldn't control it.

At that time, the master performed the method in front of me. I saw with my own eyes that the incense did not burn and the paper money did not burn.


She doesn't want to be popular and doesn't charge money. It seems that Wu's mother is very resentful.

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard Wu Keke say, "Master advised me to abort the child to resolve my mother's resentment, otherwise my mother would keep pestering me.

Lin Xiangu, my baby is more than five months old and he moves. I really can’t bear to abort the baby.

Please help me..."

I took a look at Wu Keke's big belly. When I first came in, I thought it was at least seven or eight months old, but I didn't expect it was only five months old.

As if he saw what I was curious about, Wu Keke said with a smile, "Lin Xiangu, some people are pregnant and some are not.

I am very pregnant, so my belly looks so big.


I nodded and said, "Miss Wu, I'm going to invite my Xianjia here now. I'll have to ask the Xianjia whether I can take over your business before I can make a decision.


Wu Keke nodded.

In order to appear more professional, I did not directly call Yuchen by his name. Instead, I lit incense and invited Yuchen over with the helper skills.

Before I finished singing "Bang Bing Jue", I felt a sudden lightness in my body, and it was Yuchen who was on top of me.

After he got on top of me, the scene in front of me changed.

The originally clean room became dirty.

There are many mildew spots on the wall, and there are a few wet water stains near the base of the wall. It looks like a dog peed on the wall.

"There are no dogs in this house," I said strangely, "Yuchen, what are those marks on the wall?"

Yuchen ignored me and turned to look at Wu Keke.

It didn't matter what he saw, it almost scared me to death!

Wu Keke was sitting on the sofa, and a female ghost squatted beside her.

The female ghost was wearing a dark blue shroud and was using her ghost claws to dig out Wu Keke's big belly.

The female ghost couldn't touch Wu Keke, so her ghost claws went through Wu Keke's belly.

Then the female ghost will put the ghost claw to her mouth, as if she has taken out something and is eating it.

It made me feel sick.

"Why don't you get lost?!" Yuchen shouted coldly.

Wu Keke couldn't see ghosts, nor could he see Yuchen.

She could only see me facing her, and then a man's voice came from my mouth.

Wu Keke turned pale with fright and looked at Professor Meng helplessly.

Professor Meng hurriedly explained, "Don't be afraid, this is the great immortal who has taken possession of Lin Xi.


Wu Keke nodded and asked bravely, "Great Immortal, do you want me to leave?"

Yuchen ignored Wu Keke and stared at the female ghost, "Do you want to lose your mind?"

The female ghost finally reacted.

The female ghost was like a robot with broken parts. She stood up stiffly, then slowly turned around and looked at Yuchen.

The female ghost had her back to me just now, but now she turned around and saw her face clearly, and I was shocked again.

The female ghost's face was ashen, her eyes were only white, her mouth was open, and a scarlet tongue hung out on one side of her mouth.

When she saw Yuchen, the female ghost knelt down in front of Yuchen with a pop. She kowtowed and made ghostly sounds from her mouth.

I didn't understand a sentence, but Yuchen did.

Yuchen said, "Your death has nothing to do with your daughter.


Hearing what Yuchen said, Wu Keke was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly burst into tears.

"Mom... I was wrong, I beg you to forgive me... I was really wrong..."

Hearing Wu Keke's cry, the female ghost also showed a sad look on her face.

She turned her head with difficulty, glanced at Wu Keke, and then began to kowtow to Yuchen again, whining incessantly, as if she was begging Yuchen for something.

I didn't understand, so I asked Yuchen, "What on earth is she talking about?"

From the look of the female ghost, she doesn't seem to want to harm Wu Keke, so why is she pestering Wu Keke all the time?

This chapter has been completed!
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