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Chapter 1085 willing to be fooled


I blushed and glared at him.

After entering the house, the door was closed.

Yuchen pressed me against the door, lowered his head and kissed me.

I covered his lips and said to him, "Second sister-in-law only asked you to take care of me and didn't ask you to do anything else.


As I said that, I felt a moist heat in my palms.

He, he actually licked me!

I quickly took my hand back.

Yuchen smiled, "I'm just taking care of you, and I'll make sure that I take care of you comfortably.


He lifted my legs, and when I was about to follow him, Yun Ling's face suddenly came to my mind.

Half of the anger in my body was gone at once. I pushed Yuchen away and asked, "Is Yun Ling okay?"

He still has the energy to tease me, so it's probably nothing.

But before entering the house just now, I took a look at the courtyard.

Only the second brother and second sister-in-law of the Liu family were in the yard, and I don't know where Yun Ling was hiding. I didn't see him at all.

I didn't see it with my own eyes, so I felt a little worried.

The smile on Yuchen's face froze, and he pinched the soft flesh on my waist hard, "You did it on purpose, didn't you! Why are you mentioning him at this time!"

I hid to the side in pain and explained, "Yun Ling took the beating for me and even helped me connect my broken bones. It wouldn't be too heartless of me to ignore him."


"As long as you have a conscience towards me.

"Yu Chen was still unhappy. He picked me up, put me on the kang, and pushed me up.

I rolled over and avoided Yuchen's arms. I got up and was about to get down, "Yuchen, let me take a look at him first. He is fine. I feel relieved."


Before I could climb down, Yuchen grabbed my ankle and pulled me back hard.

I lay on the kang and looked back at him unhappily, "I didn't even say thank you to anyone, why are you making trouble with me here!"

I know that animal immortals are very possessive, but Yuchen’s possessiveness is too strong...

Thinking of this, I suddenly realized something, squinted my eyes and said with a smile, "Yuchen, are you jealous of Yun Ling?"

Yuchen was slightly startled, "Don't talk nonsense.


"If you're jealous, just be jealous. There's nothing to be embarrassed about admitting.

The fact that you are jealous means you like me!" I continued to tease him, "But, having said that, why are you jealous of Yun Ling? Then, are you jealous that I am with Hu Jinyue? I find that every time I accept a new

You will be unhappy even if you are a fairy.

Yuchen, it turns out you want to monopolize me...ah!"

Yuchen rushed over and bit me on the collarbone.

There is still a wound on my collarbone from the bite he made when he transformed into a little black dragon. Now he bites on the old wound, the wound opens, and blood suddenly appears.

I shivered in pain, stretched out my hand and pushed him away, "Why do you love to bite so much!"

Yuchen looked up at me. There were bright red blood drops on his lips. He had a stunningly beautiful face and bright red lips. He looked dangerous and evil.

He stuck out his tongue, sucked the blood droplets on his lips into his mouth, and said with a cold smile in his black eyes, "Lin Xi, you are becoming more and more courageous. You are not afraid of me at all, are you?"

The hairs on my body stood up, and cold wind rushed down my spine.

I get carried away when I feel proud, and this bad habit caused me to offend Yuchen again.

I looked at him with a flattering smile, and while speaking, I shrank back, "Yu Chen, I just saved your life, you can't repay a favor with a grudge..."

"What are you talking about? Our immortal family has always had a clear distinction between grudges and grudges.

You have been kind to me, and I will repay you right now.


"I don't want your repayment, okay?"

Before I could finish speaking, Yuchen leaned over and kissed my lips.

Along the way, he made plunderings, attacked cities and plundered ponds, and he led me domineeringly, so that I could only follow him.

After a while, it was all over.

I thought I would collapse on the kang from exhaustion, but in the end, I felt relaxed and even felt better about myself.

I looked at Yuchen in disbelief, "Did you transfer your spiritual power to me again?"

Yuchen glanced at me lazily, "It's because you have opened all four doors and seven orifices, and the spiritual power in your body has begun to nourish your body. Your body will get better and better in the future, you will rarely get sick, and your skin will become better and better."

Well, aging will be slower than that of ordinary people, and life expectancy will be extended.

After the seven orifices are opened and the eyes of heaven are opened, you will learn spells faster, and your eyes can also see things that ordinary people cannot see.


I was surprised, "There are so many benefits, so why didn't you help me get through it earlier?"


Do you really have any benefits?" Yuchen said, "There are three fires in the human body. The stronger these three fires are, the more Yang Qi a person has, and people with sufficient Yang Qi cannot see dirty things.

To put it simply, opening the Heavenly Eye means covering the three fires on your body. When you can see those things, those things can also see you.

They will think that you are a dying person with extremely weak yang energy, and then they will come to fight for your body.

You will be easily possessed by these things in the future.


Hearing this, I got goosebumps, and I quickly asked, "What should I do?"

"One, learn spells.

If they come to harm you, kill them all.

Second, take me with you wherever you go, I will protect you.


Of course it is good to learn spells, but spells are not so easy to learn.

And whether it’s a ghost or a demon, they all have strengths and weaknesses.

If I'm unlucky and encounter a powerful ghost or a big demon, I'll still die.

In comparison, it is safest to let Yuchen protect me.

I leaned closer to Yuchen and reached out to hug his arm.

The corners of Yuchen's lips curled up slightly, but his voice was cold and he said, "Don't stick to me so tightly, it will make me think that you want to monopolize me.


I'm speechless.

He is...too stingy!

I hugged him tightly and said very shamelessly, "Get rid of the thought, I just want to monopolize you.

Yuchen, I saved your life, and I owe it to you to save your life. You will be mine from now on, and you can only be mine! That’s right.


Thinking of Yuchen's injuries, I became serious and asked him, "Are you really healed?" After all, he was almost dead before, but he was healed so soon? Seeing that he recovered, I was just happy, and now I think

Get up and ask this.

Yuchen nodded and said, "With all four doors and seven orifices opened, all the spiritual power sealed in your body has returned to my body. Of course I will recover..."

"This recovery is only temporary. The inner elixir in his body can no longer support his body. The Dragon Ball must be found as soon as possible, otherwise his spiritual power will be exhausted and he will still die.

By then, no one can save him.

"Yun Ling's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

Yuchen frowned and growled, "You need to talk too much!"

Not caring that Yuchen was angry at all, Yun Ling said in a ruffian voice, "I didn't talk to you. I was talking to my little Lin Xi..."

Before Yun Ling could finish speaking, Yuchen's body turned into a golden light and rushed out.

I was afraid that they would fight, so I quickly put on my clothes and ran out.

In the courtyard.

The second sister-in-law of the Liu family was sitting on the bench, smiling and eating melon seeds.

Zhuyun and Caiyun happily surrounded Yuchen, and the third brother and the third brother kept shouting.

There was a rocking chair in the middle of the yard. Yun Ling was lying on the rocking chair. When he saw me coming out, he screamed, "Xiao Lin Xi, you heartless person, come here and see how injured I am. I'm so terrible."

It's all for you.

Look, my skin is broken!"

When I saw him lying down and heard him say that he was injured, my heart ached. After all, he was injured because of me.

I just felt a little guilty when I heard the last words he said.


The skin is broken, the injury is really serious!

The God in my imagination should be the kind of person who is injured to the point of dying, and then tells others strongly that I am fine! But he is the kind of person who has a broken skin, quickly points it out to me, and then reminds me that my skin is for

You broke it, you have to be grateful to me.

What kind of god is he? What kind of god can be so stingy and pretentious!

I walked up to him and said, "Do you want to treat your injury? After all, if you don't treat it, it might be cured."


Hearing my sarcasm, Yun Ling jumped up and said dissatisfiedly, "Xiao Lin Xi, I found that you have learned bad things from Yuchen. This is your attitude towards your savior..."

"Is there any news about the whereabouts of Dragon Ball?" Yuchen interrupted Yun Ling.

Yun Ling looked at Yuchen, "You finally asked me to do something, can I not help you do it? During this time, I have searched all those hometowns.

Not to mention, it really made me find out some things that happened when the Dragon Clan was exterminated.


This chapter has been completed!
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