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Chapter 1123 Looking for the sound of the flute


Yun Ling was stunned for a moment, then said with an endearing smile, "Little fool, are you sleepy? Of course I'm with you.

They said it was unlucky for the bride and groom to meet before they got married, so I was not allowed to come to see you, but I missed you so much that I climbed in through the window..."

"Brother Yun!" Before Yun Ling finished speaking, Bai Mu, who had the head of a human and the body of a snake, walked in from the outside. He pouted and said unhappily, "I'm going to worship you today. My sister will be yours tonight."

, you can’t even wait for this little time! It’s really unlucky for you to meet at this time!”

"What's so unlucky! Is it possible that someone else dares to steal my bride?!" Yun Ling looked at me, with a ruffian smile on his handsome face, and said in an extremely ungrateful way, "It is possible.


The only reason is that my Aling is too beautiful.

Ah Ling, let Mr. Xian have a fragrance.


After saying that, Yun Ling leaned over and kissed her.

Before I could push him away, Bai Mu stepped in front of me and separated me from Yun Ling.

While pushing Yun Ling out, he said, "Tonight is the wedding night, you can have as much fragrance as you want, but you can't do it now, get out!"

Yun Ling couldn't resist rolling her eyes, so she could only push and walk out. When she reached the door, Yun Ling suddenly looked back at me, smiled teasingly, "Madam, please call me sir."


"Brother Yun!" Bai Mu lost his temper.

Yun Ling laughed out loud, "Okay, okay, little white eye, don't get angry, brother Yun will leave now.

Tonight, Brother Yun will ask your sister to scream at your husband for mercy until her voice becomes hoarse.


Bai Mu drove Yun Ling out with a red face.

You can hear Yun Ling's hearty laughter through the door, which shows that he is in a very good mood after getting married today.

The screen changes.

I went from sitting on the bed to standing in the lobby.

The lobby is hung with red silk and has the words "happy" on it. A pair of dragon and phoenix red candles are burning on the incense table in front. There is an old man sitting on the seats on both sides of the incense table.

The surrounding area was filled with people watching the excitement, ready to worship the heaven and the earth.

I was wearing a bright red wedding dress, a phoenix crown on my head, and a layer of red tulle.

Yun Ling stood next to me. He was still wearing the red groom's suit I saw in the morning, but his whole aura had changed. From beaming with joy, he suddenly turned into an iceberg. He frowned and looked handsome.

There was no trace of joy on his face.

Just when I was feeling strange, the ceremony official suddenly shouted, "The auspicious time has come, the bride and groom worship heaven and earth.

Worship heaven and earth!"

My body did not obey my orders. I was like a passerby, hiding in Aling's body, watching this history from the perspective of a bystander.

After hearing the words of the ceremony officer, Aling turned around and faced the sky and the earth. When he was about to bow, he suddenly found that Yun Ling was standing there without moving.

"Yun Ling?" Aling reminded him in a low voice.

Yun Ling turned around, but instead of worshiping heaven and earth, he reached out and took off the red hijab on Aling's head.

"Ah!" Aling exclaimed in surprise, quickly covered her face with her hands, and said coquettishly, "Why are you so impatient? It's not time to lift the hijab yet.


"Brother Yun, you are anxious again!" Bai Mu followed.

"Yun Ling, I know our Aling is beautiful, but can you restrain yourself a little bit?

You have a noble status, don't always do things that are not in line with your status.

" Hong Gu's teasing voice also came over.

Hong Gu is also here.

I tried hard to control my body and look towards Hong Gu, but my body didn't obey my orders at all.

I was distressed when I heard Yun Ling say coldly, "Indeed.

Getting married to you is simply an insult to my identity!"

I was stunned for a moment. The person I was in love with just a second ago disappeared like three autumns ago. What is happening now!

Aling was also frightened by Yun Ling's words. She took away the hand covering her face and looked at Yun Ling in disbelief, "What did you just say?"

Yun Ling raised her eyebrows and said ruthlessly, "I said, you are not worthy of me! I came to you just to get over the love crisis. Who wants to marry you! Can you have some self-awareness? Your entire clan will be wiped out.

, an orphan, how can you be worthy of me..."


Before Yun Ling could finish speaking, Aling raised his hand and slapped him across the face.

"Yun Ling, we're done!" Aling took off the phoenix crown on his head and slammed it on the ground. He didn't even give Yun Ling a chance to explain, so he walked out.

"Yun Ling, how dare you play with A Ling's feelings, I'll kill you!" A man's scolding voice came from behind.

When Aling heard this, he turned around suddenly and said sternly, "Let's see who dares to touch him!"

Hearing Aling's shout, the big man who rushed towards Yun Ling stopped.

When Aling turned around, I finally saw clearly the group of people standing next to Hong Gu.

There were seven or eight people in that group, including men and women, and Yuchen was actually standing among them!

At this time, Yuchen looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, and his figure had not yet fully grown. Standing among a group of people, he looked particularly immature.

"Miss Aling, I feel unfair for you.

"The big man explained.

"No need," Aling said coldly, "I don't want him anymore.

Although I am an orphan and helpless, I firmly believe that all living things in this world are equal and no one is born superior to others.

But today he actually used his status to oppress me, everyone, he Yun Ling is not worthy of me!"

Aling looked at Yun Ling again and said decisively, "Yun Ling, I will give you a stick of incense to leave here. You are not allowed to set foot here again. Otherwise, I can't guarantee that our group of monsters will treat you like this."

What could the high-ranking Son of God do!"

After finishing his words, he turned around and left domineeringly.

Acting decisively and without delay, with a few words, she calmed everyone's anger, saved her own face, and quickly cut off her relationship with Yun Ling.

I originally thought that A Ling could be so chic because she didn't love Yun Ling at all.

But after flying to a deserted wilderness, Aling suddenly sat on the ground and burst into tears.

I also felt pain like a heartache inside her body.

It turns out that it's not that she doesn't love him, she just can't let herself be humble. She is proud. Even if they break up, she is the one who dumped Yun Ling.

Hong Gu tortured me to remind me of memories from my past life.

So now that I see Aling's memory, does it mean that Aling is my previous life?

I suddenly began to wonder, what kind of person was I in my previous life? What has she experienced? Why did she become an orphan, and what kind of people does she live with now?

I was thinking wildly when a white hand suddenly stretched out in front of me, holding a handkerchief.

"Tap, I'm crying so hard.

"The young man is in the stage of voice change and his voice is a little hoarse.

Aling took the handkerchief, wiped his tears haphazardly, and then blew his nose again.

Then, she raised her hand and handed the handkerchief to the boy, "Give it back to you.


Yuchen took a step back in disgust, "I'll give it to you.


"You dislike me too?" Aling didn't take his hand back, but held up the handkerchief and moved closer to Yuchen.

Yuchen frowned, his face full of reluctance, but he still reached out and took the handkerchief back.

Seeing this, Aling smiled and said, "Yu Chen, the person in this world who is least qualified to dislike me is you.


"I didn't blame you.

"Yu Chen said.

"You don't dislike it, but some people do.

"A Ling said with a tearful tone, "Yu Chen, do you think I'm not good to him? He doesn't like me and doesn't want to marry me, so why did he propose to me in the first place! He was teasing me! Damn it! I The more I think about it, the angrier I get! Yuchen, do you think I did something wrong? I should have had someone beat him up just now. I feel bad, and he doesn’t want to feel comfortable either! Has he left? I’m going to call him now Master, beat him!"

As he spoke, Aling stood up and left.

Yuchen grabbed her and said, "He has already left.

Moreover, he doesn't like you, but someone does like you.

You should forget about him as soon as possible.


"Is there someone? Who is this person? You?"

"Aling, I don't like you making such a joke.


Yuchen's expression turned cold. He doesn't have the strong aura he will have in the future. He even has a little baby fat on his face. With his cold face, he doesn't look too scary, but makes me feel very cute.

My old aunt's heart suddenly melted.

I suddenly felt that it was worth suffering once to see Yuchen like this.

"Yes, I know you don't like me, but why do you need to be angry even for joking?" Aling rolled his eyes at him and changed the subject, "By the way, have you found the reincarnation of your benefactor?"

When I heard this question from Aling, I was stunned!

Therefore, the current time is the period between Wu Jie's death and before Long Ling was born.

At this time, Yuchen has learned the forgetfulness spell!

Yun Ling's change in attitude towards Aling was because Yuchen had planted a seed for him...

I looked at the 17 or 18-year-old boy in front of me and couldn't believe that the Yuchen City Mansion was so deep at this time?

This chapter has been completed!
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