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Chapter 1129 The Situation Has Changed


The man who saved me from Liu Xiaocui was wearing a fox mask exactly like this one.

After I woke up, Hu Jinyue told me that it was Yuchen who saved me.

But I vividly remember that the person who saved me was a man wearing a white fox mask.

Seeing this mask now reminds me of that memory.

I asked the old man, "Is the mask on the wall yours?"

The old man glanced at the mask on the wall and shook his head, "No, I don't play with such childish things.

It should be Xiaoqi's.


Xiaoqi, his apprentice.

I thought about the young man's thin body, then turned to look at the old man again. Suddenly I felt that I was overthinking it, and it probably just happened that the mask looked the same.

Although the man who rescued me was wearing a mask and couldn't see his face, he was wearing a brocade robe and had long black hair. He was tall. From his exposed chin, it could be seen that he had fair and smooth skin. He was a man in his prime.

, not a young man or an old man.

Just as I was thinking about it, I saw the old man suddenly reaching out. He opened my eyelids and looked at me, and then asked me to stick out my tongue. After some inspection, the old man frowned and said, "Oh, you took too long.


Hearing this, I almost cursed on the spot.

Wasn't it him who wasted the time! Yuchen asked him to save me, but he insisted that Yuchen worship his ancestors first, and even worshiped dozens of blank tablets at once. This is how time was wasted!

Thinking that I had to rely on him to survive, I didn't dare to get angry with him, so I could only ask him patiently, "Can I still be saved?"

"You don't have many soul-eating curses, so your life can definitely be saved.

Just..." The old man pointed to his head.

I was shocked, "Am I going to become a fool?"

The old man waved his hand, "It's not that serious, I will only lose a little memory.

Your soul has been eaten away by the Soul-Eating Curse for such a long time, so something will definitely go wrong.


He knew that the longer he chewed me, the more serious the damage would be to my soul, so why didn't he save me sooner? The more I thought about it, the angrier I became, but I didn't dare to scold him yet.

I asked, "Then will I forget Yuchen?"

The old man shook his head. He had his back to me, holding a bowl and wondering what he was tinkering with.

"No one knows what you'll forget.


After saying that, the old man turned back and handed the bowl to me, "Drink.


There was half a bowl of viscous liquid as dark as ink, exuding a pungent fishy smell, like a bowl of rotten rotten meat. Just smelling it made me want to vomit, let alone let me drink it.

Go down.

I covered my nose and asked the old man what this was?

"Drink something that can save your life.

"The old man handed the bowl to me again.

I hurriedly hid behind me, "Uncle, I want to see Yuchen first.

"I have something to say to him. If I really lose my memory and forget him, I hope he won't be sad. Even if I get to know him again, I will still fall in love with him.

Upon hearing my request, the old man frowned impatiently, "It's really troublesome.

You hold the bowl, I'll go out and call my son in.


I sat up and reached for the bowl.

Just when my hand was about to touch the edge of the bowl, the old man suddenly rushed over. He grabbed my hair with one hand and pulled it back. I instinctively raised my head in pain. Then, with his other hand,

He held the bowl in his hand and poured it into my mouth.

When the liquid in the bowl was poured into my stomach, I felt like I had eaten dozens of stinky fish, and the breath I exhaled was stinky.

I was so disgusted that I lay down on the edge of the kang and started retching.

The old man knelt down, looked up at me, and said, "Don't waste your efforts, it's impossible to spit out my poisonous insects.


I was shocked, "What you just fed me was Gu?"

The old man nodded, with a proud smile on his face, "This is the Gu I personally refined. I named it Little Baby. It can not only detoxify hundreds of poisons, it can also strengthen people's bodies and help people practice.

If it weren't for the fact that you are my daughter-in-law, I would be reluctant to give you my little baby.


"What about the disadvantages of the little baby?" It is impossible to have only advantages and no disadvantages.

When I asked this question, the smile on the old man's face froze, and he frowned, looking troubled, "There is only one disadvantage, and that is that it reproduces too fast.

I have done a lot of experiments, but this problem has not been solved.

But daughter-in-law, you don’t need to be afraid. Babies reproduce quickly and will not threaten your life. At most, they will be like me.


As he spoke, he rolled up his sleeves and showed me.

The skin on his arms was dark gray, and the entire arm was skinny and bony, and on the layer of skin covering the bones, there were many small milky white holes that could be seen with the naked eye.

There was no blood seeping out of the small holes, which I found strange. After a closer look, I discovered that these milky white holes were slowly moving.

In other words, these are actually not small holes, but small milky white bugs.

Some of the bugs are burrowing out from under the skin, while others are burrowing under the skin.

There are countless milky white holes on the old man's arms, which means there are countless small bugs.

There are only so many on his arm, so on his body...

My scalp was numb and I didn't dare to think about it anymore. My stomach was churning, and I opened my mouth and vomited it out.

It's a pity that I couldn't spit out the worm as I wished.

My tears fell down as if they were moneyless.

I saw that this old man was a little abnormal, but I didn't expect that he would be so crazy and that he would use this method to treat me!

I would rather die than become a monster like him!

"Daughter-in-law, please don't cry." Seeing me crying, the old man panicked. He glanced at the door with scruples. Seeing that there was no movement outside, he breathed a sigh of relief and lowered his voice and said to me, "Daughter-in-law, you

If you cry like this, my son will misunderstand me and bully you.

My son and I have just recognized each other. We have no emotional basis and cannot have conflicts.

Just think of it as helping me and stop crying.


He's turning me into a monster, why should I help him?

I ignored him and cried even harder.

Yuchen outside the door heard my crying and asked us, what happened?

The old man seemed to be afraid that I would complain to Yuchen, so he covered my mouth and hurriedly replied, "It's okay, it's a bit painful to break the curse. My daughter-in-law cried because she couldn't bear it.

Son, you must not come in. If the magic spell fails, your daughter-in-law will be in danger of being saved.


After speaking to Yuchen, the old man whispered to me again, "Daughter-in-law, I beg you, please stop crying.

If you don't like the little baby, I'll just take it out of your body.


I was startled and asked in surprise, "Can I take it out?"

The old man nodded, "The process is a bit painful.


As long as I don't turn into a monster, I can accept any pain.

Seeing that I had made up my mind, the old man told me that because the baby reproduces very quickly, he couldn't let the baby stay in my body for too long.

He will guard me here, and when the Soul-Eating Curse is eaten by the little baby, he will immediately help me take out the little baby.

At the end of the sentence, he asked me seriously again, "Daughter-in-law, do you really not want a baby?"

I shook my head and said decisively, "No!"

The old man lowered his head in disappointment and murmured in a low voice, saying that I didn't know the goods, and that the little baby was his most satisfying Gu insect. If it weren't for the fact that I was his daughter-in-law, he wouldn't be willing to give it to me.

I shook my head and said to him, then don’t give it to me, I don’t want it anyway.

The old man glanced at me depressedly and said no more.

Maybe it was because the little baby had an effect, the pain in my body disappeared little by little, fatigue came over me, and I fell asleep soon after.

When I woke up again and opened my eyes, I saw Yuchen standing next to the kang.

Seeing that I was awake, Yuchen hurriedly asked me, "Does it still hurt?"

I shook my head. Not only did my body no longer hurt, I also felt energetic and full of strength.

I stood up, hugged Yuchen, and said happily, "Yuchen, it's great that I haven't forgotten you!"

The old man stood behind Yuchen. He came over, took my hand, felt my pulse, and then said, "The soul-eating curse has been lifted.

My daughter-in-law is in good health.

Son, you have to work harder on this kind of thing so that dad can have his grandson as soon as possible.


The old man's attitude was natural, and he really regarded himself as Yuchen's father.

Yuchen frowned displeased.

Although the old man was crazy, he did save my life. Even if Yuchen was unhappy, he could only endure it.

I knew what Yuchen was angry about, so I took the initiative to change the topic. I looked at the old man and said, "Uncle, didn't you say that my memory would be affected? Then no matter how I feel, I haven't forgotten anything.


When he heard me talk about amnesia, the old man looked panicked, and then said, "You have done so much since childhood, who knows which unimportant memory you have forgotten.

Since you think you haven't forgotten anything important, don't worry about it.

By the way, I still have chicken soup simmering on the stove. I'll bring it to you. You can make up for it and give me a grandson as soon as possible.


After saying that, the old man hurried out.

Looking at the old man's panicked back, I always felt that the old man knew that I had forgotten something.

This chapter has been completed!
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