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Chapter 1174 Digging out the Qi Luck Orb


Yang Jin seemed to have never thought about this question. When I asked her, she was stunned for a moment, and then asked me with a puzzled face, "Yes, why does this kind of flower appear here? The Dragon Clan was destroyed, so this kind of flower should also

It just disappeared.


I looked at her speechlessly.

I asked her because I didn't know, but she was even more confused than me.

At this time, the door of the cabin opened, and a warm and indifferent voice came from behind, "Because the dragon bones are buried here.


I turned around and looked over.

Jin Hui walked out of the house, "The dragon bones are buried under these flowers. It is the nourishment of the dragon bones that makes these flowers bloom so well.


He walked over and looked at the blooming flowers with a pair of black eyes, "My best friend and favorite woman are buried under here.


Hearing this, Yang Jin was shocked and said, "Brother, when did you fall in love? Why don't I know at all?"

Jin Hui glanced at Yang Jin and said nothing, then turned to look at me, "Come into the house with me, and I'll help you get rid of the poison.


I was shocked.

I have no interest in Jin Hui's relationship experience, but I'm surprised why he changed his mind so quickly! What did Yuchen say to him?

I turned to look at Yuchen who was walking out of the wooden house.

Yuchen chuckled at me and said he would wait for me outside so that I could go into the house with Jin Hui to cure the poison.

I originally wanted to ask him how he made Jin Hui change his mind, but after thinking about it, I gave up the idea.

Even if I asked, Yuchen wouldn't tell me.

Instead of wasting time on Yuchen, I might as well ask Jin Hui directly.

With this thought in mind, I raised my legs and followed Jin Hui into the cabin.

The furnishings in the house are as simple as its appearance, with a wooden bed, a wooden table and a stool. Other than that, there is nothing else in the house.

This room is as cold as Jin Hui, making it impossible to feel any life.

Jin Hui pointed to the stool and motioned for me to sit down.

I walked over, sat down, looked at him and asked, "Why did you suddenly change your mind? Did Yuchen agree to any conditions?" If it is not good for Yuchen, then I would rather not understand this Gu.

Jin Hui did not answer my question, but asked me, "Will the binding spell in your body also be removed?"

I was startled, "What?"

Jin Hui repeated again, "There is a binding spell in your body, a triple one.

Do you want me to help you solve it together?"

Yuchen cast a binding spell on Xiao Yuan, forcing Xiao Yuan to listen to him and help him do things.

Afterwards, I asked Yuchen what a binding spell was.

Yuchen told me that the binding spell is a spell that is planted in the human soul. The first level can control the body of the person who is cursed, and the second level can make the person who is cursed lose their mind and completely become a puppet.

Yuchen didn't say what the function of the third level was.

I looked at Jin Hui, "What is the use of the triple binding spell?"

"The triple binding spell controls people's emotions.


Whether it's controlling the body or turning people into puppets, these are low-level spells. There are many spells that can do this.

The advanced thing about the binding spell is that it can control people's emotions without them knowing it.

"Making a person emotionally dependent on you is the most complete control you can have over a person.

Jin Hui looked at me and said, "You will fall in love with him because of the influence of this spell."


What a joke!

I stood up and said, "Jin Hui, are you trying to sow discord between me and Yuchen?"

Jin Hui shook his head expressionlessly, "One day, you will know that what I said is true.

Now since you don't believe it, I won't help you break the binding spell yet.


As he spoke, he took my hand.

I haven't figured out why Xiao agreed to help me remove the poison, so when I saw him holding my hand, I instinctively wanted to shake it off and shake his hand away.

But as soon as I raised my arms, Jin Hui suddenly ordered, "Sit down.


Following his order, it was as if a powerful force had entered my body. My body immediately stopped obeying me. I sat down on the stool and could not move at all.

Jin Hui held my hand with one hand and grabbed it in the air with his other hand, and a scalpel-like knife appeared in his hand.

He held a knife in his hand and cut my wrist.

The blade was sharp, and with just one stroke, a cut was made on my wrist.

Bright red blood suddenly gushes out from the wound.

I looked at the blood spurting out and couldn't help but panic.

Is he treating me?

He is clearly helping me commit suicide!

I even suspected that Jin Hui wanted to kill me to make Yuchen suffer.

As if he could see through what I was thinking, Jin Hui said, "Xiao Xiangu, don't worry, I won't harm you.

I want Yuchen's life, but I don't want him to die too happily, so I agree to save you.

You are the reincarnation of Yu Ling. When you think of everything, you will kill him with your own hands.

Being killed by the woman he had loved for thousands of years was the way he deserved to die.


"Stop dreaming.

"Even if I think of everything, I won't kill Yuchen.

After the words came out of my mouth, I realized that I could speak. I asked, "Why do you have to die for Yuchen? Do you have any grudge against him?"

"He killed my best friend, the woman I loved most, and he killed the entire dragon clan.


Hearing what Jin Hui said, I was stunned for a moment, "Are you saying that the genocide of the Dragon Clan was caused by Yuchen? Jin Hui, I think you may be mistaken. Yuchen was also a victim of the genocide. He suffered injuries in that battle. He was seriously injured and almost died, but he survived by chance because he didn't harm anyone.


"Victim?" Jin Hui's face still had no expression, but his tone had obvious ups and downs. Apparently what I said irritated him, he said, "Who told you that he was a victim? He said it himself ?The culprit who harmed the Dragon Clan dared to say that he was a victim. How on earth did he say such a thing!"

No matter how bad the Dragon Clan treats Yuchen, they are still members of his clan, and all those people are his clansmen.

I think Jin Hui went too far when he said that Yuchen was the culprit who killed his own people.

I said unhappily, "You said it was Yuchen who killed the Dragon Clan, do you have any evidence?"

"I have no evidence," Jin Hui looked at me and said, "Although I was also present that night, those people came with great force and had a premeditated plan. All the formations they laid were aimed at the Dragon Clan. The Dragon Clan was quickly defeated. Only For being massacred..."

Jin Hui said that the murderers were all dressed in black and their faces were covered with black gauze, making it impossible to see their appearance or identity.

Jin Hui once fought against a man in black. The opponent had advanced cultivation and severely injured Jin Hui in a few blows. In that battle, Jin Hui's cultivation was completely destroyed and he became a useless person.

But even if he becomes a useless person, Jin Hui still wants to avenge the Dragon Clan.

After learning that Yuchen survived, he went to the Wuling Clan to look for Yuchen.

He told Yuchen that when fighting the man in black, he used tribal secrets to inject tracking water droplets into the body of the man in black.

Now his cultivation is completely ruined and he cannot use magic to track him.

He told Yuchen the tracking method and asked Yuchen to find the murderers who killed the dragon clan.

I looked at Jin Hui, "Yu Chen didn't look for it?"

Jin Hui shook his head, "On the contrary, he went to find them and killed them all.

Little Fairy Girl, don’t you think it’s strange? He lost Dragon Tendons, Dragon Pearls and Nilian Scales in the battle, but he was able to defeat the man in black who couldn’t defeat him that night after losing these.


Jin Hui's tracking technique was used on more than a dozen people. His original plan was to let Yuchen catch one of them and then hand this person over to Shangxian, so that Shangxian could use this as a clue to find out the truth behind the destruction of the Dragon Clan.


But after Yuchen found these people, he killed them all without asking a word.

Yuchen killed too simply, which made Jin Hui feel that Yuchen was not seeking revenge, but more like killing to silence.

Because these people's identities were exposed, Yuchen killed them all in order to protect the remaining murderers.

"Because of this, don't you think it's too far-fetched to say that Yuchen is the culprit who killed the Dragon Clan?" I said.

"Is it me who is being far-fetched, or are you being extreme? You feel desolate.


Jin Hui's words left me speechless.

In fact, I feel clear in my heart that what Jin Hui said makes sense.

If Yuchen really wanted to avenge the dragon clan, then his approach would not be like this.

Reason tells me that there is something wrong with Yuchen's approach, but I am still emotionally biased towards Yuchen. I don't want to believe that Yuchen would do something to harm his own people.

Seeing that I was silent, Jin Hui continued, "Yuchen killed the entire dragon clan. At first, I thought this speculation was too ridiculous.

I don't believe in his character, but I think he doesn't have the strength.

No matter how powerful he was, he was still just a teenager at that time.

It wasn't until something happened later that I was sure my guess was correct.


I looked at him, "What's the matter?"

This chapter has been completed!
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