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Chapter 1190 The chess player makes a move


What is he hiding? Who is he taking the blame for?

I feel that since I have said this, as long as Yuchen still wants to be with me, then he should tell me the truth.

Yuchen looked down at me, his black eyes were like two beautiful black glasses, beautiful and hard.

When I met his eyes like this, my heart sank.

I know he won't tell me.

Sure enough, the next second, he said, "Lin Xi, I'm sorry.


Even though I had guessed it, hearing it with my own ears still made me feel extremely tortured.

I looked at him and felt that there were only two words that could describe Yuchen now, and that was hateful!

He admitted that he killed my grandma, and at the same time he asked me to be with him! How cruel and heartless do I have to be able to do such a thing!

Although I have not yet merged with Yu Ling, I have already experienced the despair that Yu Ling felt when he committed suicide.

All her relatives and friends were killed, and she was cursed to fall in love with her enemies! She could only keep her innocence by dying.

I took a few deep breaths and kept telling myself to calm down. I was not in a desperate situation like Yu Ling.

When my mood finally stabilized a little, I asked Yuchen again, "What is the relationship between me and Guhuoniao?"

Yuchen obviously didn't expect me to ask this question. He was stunned for a moment, and then asked me, "Why do you think you are related to monsters?"

"It was Guhuoniao who told me.

"I said.

Gu Huoniao obviously knew me. She saw me when she was tied up by the black iron chain and said she was saved.

After untying the black iron chain, she told me that it was thanks to me.

It's as if I untied the black iron chain and let the bird out.

But the reality is, how can I crush the black iron chain! Yu Ling and I have not yet merged, and I have no cultivation.

Moreover, Guhuoniao also said that if the black dragon is with me, the monster beast will be revived.

I was a Yu Ling in my previous life, but even she couldn't influence the ancient monsters, right?

Yuchen didn't answer me, but looked at me and said, "I will help you fuse and restore your memories from thousands of years ago, and you will remember everything.


My original plan was to untie the binding spell and merge with Yu Ling. Once I had developed my cultivation and the ability to protect myself, I would then investigate the truth behind my grandma's death.

Now Yuchen offered to help me integrate. I was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said yes.

Now I am no longer obedient to Yuchen. After merging with Yuling, her hatred for Yuchen will be integrated into my emotions. If the old and new hatreds are added together, it is very likely that I will really fall in love with him.

They broke up and became enemies from then on.

I don't know why Yuchen suddenly offered to help me fuse. It's because he has great confidence in the triple binding spell and thinks that my love for him will never change.

Anyway, no matter what Yuchen is thinking, it is a good thing for me that he is willing to help me integrate.

I was afraid that Yuchen would regret it, so after I finished speaking to Yuchen, I turned to look at Yun Ling who was standing outside the door and asked him to take out the cultivation ball. I was going to merge with Yu Ling now.

Yun Ling asked me hesitantly, "Xiao Linxi, have you really thought about it?"

I nodded, "Yun Ling, I want to fuse now.


A large part of the reason why I am eager to integrate is because I don't want to owe Yun Ling any more debt.

I am an ordinary person now. Whether I want to leave Yuchen or find out the truth about Xiao, I have to seek Yun Ling's help.

It would be fine if Yuchen is willing to let me go, but if he is not willing, or if Yuchen and I have a conflict, then Yun Ling will definitely have a conflict with Yuchen in order to help me.

I don't know how strong Yuchen is, but I know that I can't let Yun Ling get hurt because of me, even a little bit.

Seeing how determined I was, Yun Ling took out the folding fan, activated the formation, took out the cultivation ball hidden in the fan, then raised his hand and threw it to Yu Chen.

Yuchen placed the cultivation ball in his palm, then he slowly stretched his palm towards my forehead, and formed a seal with his other hand, "The process will be a little painful, please bear with it.


The thing I am least afraid of now is pain. After all, any pain can hurt more than the inner suffering.

I nodded slightly to indicate that I was ready.

Yuchen recited the mantra. As he recited the mantra, the beads, which were originally like ordinary glass balls, suddenly emitted a faint green light.

The green light was mixed with little bits of broken light, floating toward me very beautifully.

The light fell on me like rain, making me feel a little cold, but other than that, there was no other feeling.

I was startled, and just when I was thinking it wouldn't hurt, a sharp pain suddenly came.

It wasn't physical pain, it was more like something was tearing at my soul. Some unfamiliar pictures began to appear in my brain.

I feel like a super-speeding computer, being fed a large number of files very quickly.

My head started to hurt, it was so swollen, it felt like it was going to explode.

I could bear it at first, but soon I couldn't bear it anymore.

I held my head and fell to the ground, rolling around in pain.

"Xiao Linxi!" Yun Ling felt sorry for me and said to Yuchen, "Yuchen, stop! We can help Xiao Linxi fuse several times. If we fuse it all at once, Xiao Linxi's body may not be able to bear it!"

"Fengli, stop him.

"Yu Chen's voice was quite calm.

I suddenly felt that when Yuchen said he loved me before, it was all bullshit.

I was almost in pain, but he was still so calm!

I held my head and opened my eyes, trying to remember Yuchen's indifferent look firmly in my mind. If I really hurt to death and turned into a ghost, I would also remember him!

But when I opened my eyes and saw the scene in front of me clearly, I was dumbfounded.

I originally fell on the bedroom floor, but now I'm lying on the lawn.

The sky is high and blue, with green bamboo forests in the distance and wild flowers all over the mountains nearby.

The wild flowers bloomed first, and I was lying in the wild flowers.

My head no longer hurts.

Almost instantly I guessed that I had restored the memory of my previous life, and that the scene I was in now should be the scene in my memory of my previous life.

I sat up and looked down at my body.

Wearing a long turquoise dress, her hands are white and slender. You can tell at a glance that they are the hands of a beautiful woman.

I just don’t know if Yu Ling is really a stunning beauty?

I look pretty good. If Yu Ling looks exactly like me, she can barely be considered a beauty, but she has nothing to do with peerless beauty.

I think to be called peerless, you have to be better looking than Long Ling.

I stood up and was looking around to see where I could find a mirror, when a girl named Yu Jian, who was also wearing a blue dress, had two small balls on her hair, and was dressed like a maid, flew over.

Seeing that the girl was wearing exactly the same clothes as me, I raised my hand and touched my hair.

It turns out that not only do we have the same clothes, but we also have the same hairstyle.

Before Yu Ling became the demon god, she was not a maid, right?

I was thinking wildly when the girl stopped in front of me.

She had magic seals on her hands, still standing on the flying sword, and said to me, "Yu Ling, the black dragon has been sent back to the Dragon Clan.

It is said that a black dragon only emerges every ten thousand years. Many people have come to watch the fun, will you go?"

The black dragon was sent back to the dragon clan?

Now it was the time when Yuchen's father died, Yuchen was taken back to the heaven, and then the gods in the heaven sent him back to the dragon clan.

Yuchen is still a child now.

I nodded, "Go.


"Then hurry up.

"After saying that, the girl Yu Jian flew back to the sky again.

I wanted to ask her to take me there, but before I could say anything, she flew away.

She flew away, what should I do? Although I know Yu Ling can do magic, I don't know how to use it.

When I was hesitating to call the girl down, the scene around me suddenly changed.

The lawn underfoot turned into green bricks paved on the street, and houses and a large number of people appeared around it.

I was standing in the crowd, with the girl next to me. The girl pointed in front of me and told me that it was the black dragon.

I reacted.

This is Yu Ling's memory. Just like when we recall the past, we will find that most of what we remember are some important moments. Yu Ling is no exception. Insignificant things have been forgotten by her, so the scene just happened.


She forgot how it came about, but she remembered the first time she saw Yuchen.

After thinking about this, I looked where the girl was pointing.

In front of us is a large square. There are five large stone pillars surrounding the square. The tops of the stone pillars are carved with dragon heads. An iron chain as thick as an adult's arm spits out from the dragon's mouth. The other end of the iron chain is tied to a large iron cage.

There is a dirty child curled up in an iron cage.

The child looked to be only five or six years old, very thin, curled up and squatting in a corner of the cage, with his long hair hanging down, covering his face.

Not far in front of him, there were two small iron basins. One was filled with water, and the other was filled with rice and steamed buns.

Is this how the Dragon Clan treated him?

Why the Dragon Clan didn't like him, and the Dragon Clan didn't treat him well? I heard these words ten thousand times, but none of them were as shocking as seeing this moment with my own eyes.

People around were making noises, saying that what was in the cage was actually a little beggar, and that the black dragon had long been enshrined by the dragon clan.

When some people from the dragon tribe heard this, they retorted that the black dragon was an ominous symbol and they would not worship the black dragon!

The two parties started to quarrel.

As if to prove that the person in the cage was the black dragon, two young dragon tribe people jumped to the side of the iron cage, transformed into long whips in their hands, and whipped Yu Chen in the cage.

This chapter has been completed!
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