Turn off the lights
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Chapter 858


Yuchen walked around the room, then used the cinnabar and yellow paper prepared by the old mayor to draw a talisman and stuck it on the door.

Then he took out a golden bell from his pocket.

The golden bell is very small, and at first glance it looks like an ornament hanging around a pet's neck.

He placed the golden bell under the door handle of the door. There was obviously nothing under the door handle, but the golden bell hung in mid-air as if it was hung on an invisible thread.

Yuchen said to me, "As soon as that thing comes, the bell will ring, and I will come back when I hear the sound.

Remember, never open the door or let the bell fall to the ground.


I sat on the kang and nodded repeatedly.

These words are related to my life and death. I don’t need Yuchen to say them, but I will remember them firmly.

After Yuchen disappeared, I lay down.

I thought I wouldn't know anything when I fell asleep, but when I woke up, that thing might have been caught by Yuchen.

But there was something on my mind, so I tossed and turned and couldn't sleep at all. Finally, I took out my phone and played games to distract myself.

Before I knew it, it was midnight.

It's very quiet outside.

Rural people go to bed early, and it is normal not to hear human voices at this time, but it is abnormal for rural people to be quiet at night, especially now that it is summer.

I grew up in a rural area, so I was very lonely. Dogs barked and insects buzzed at night in the countryside.

This is a resort, the scenery is good, and there should be more sounds of cicadas chirping and insects chirping.

But there was no sound outside, it was dead silence.

This is definitely not normal!

I was feeling nervous and was thinking about whether to call Yin Meilan and chat for a while, when suddenly there was a sound of footsteps outside the window.

The footsteps were light and chaotic, sounding like they were running on tiptoes.

Soon, footsteps entered the house and finally stopped in front of my door.

I sat up immediately and stared at the door nervously.

Yuchen said that as soon as that thing comes, the bell will ring.

But why doesn't the bell ring now?

Isn't this formation ineffective against that thing?

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Lin Xi, open the door, I'm Li Sili, I need to see you if I need something.


I don't know Li Sili, but I remember this voice. It's a little follower of Tang Xue.

The bell didn't ring, does it mean that the person outside the door is not a monster, but really Li Sili.

I didn't dare to be careless, so I didn't say anything.

Then, Li Sili said, "Hurry up and open the door. I have something to ask you! Do you know the handsome guy who was drinking today? Do you know his mobile phone number?"

She was asking about Hu Jinyue.

Doesn’t she know that this resort is haunted? She came here to find me in the middle of the night just to get a man’s phone number!

Although I didn't like her, I didn't want anything to happen to her, so I said, "Li Sili, I don't have his mobile phone number. You should go quickly and leave the resort.


"Where did you ask me to go after leaving the resort in the middle of the night?" Li Sili's voice was full of dissatisfaction, "Lin Xi, I know you have conflicts with Xiaoxue, but I have never offended you.

Why are you so cruel! I am a girl and I leave the village in the middle of the night, but you are not afraid that something will happen to me! Please open the door quickly. I am not going back to Xiaoxue's house. I will sleep with you tonight and we can talk.

I noticed that there are many handsome guys around you.


I was stunned for a moment, "Tang Xue is also at the resort? Weren't you kicked out?"

Li Sili said, "Xiaoxue is rich, so after sending Xiaofang to the hospital, some villagers secretly brought us into the village.


Why are you back? Are you causing trouble?

I was about to say something, but Li Sili seemed like she couldn't wait any longer and started to push the door open, "Lin Xi, open the door quickly! If you don't open it, I'll hit you!"

In order to make the resort unique, the farmhouses are all imitations of buildings from the 1960s and 1970s. The door is a double-door carved wooden door, which is locked with a wooden door bolt.

The door was pushed back and forth, and the door bolt slid out bit by bit.

I was afraid that the door would be pushed open like this, so I hurriedly said, "Li Sili, please stop pushing, I won't open the door..."

At this time, the golden bell hanging in mid-air suddenly rang.

The sound of tinkling bells reached my ears like a trumpet from hell.

I was so scared that all the hairs on my body stood up, and I stared at the door nervously.

Immediately afterwards, Li Sili's scream came from outside the door, "Lin Xi, open the door quickly! What is this...ah! Open the door quickly, hurry up! Help me..."

I don't know what she saw, but from her hoarse shouting, I can guess that it must be something very scary.

I don't care about her, she will definitely disappear like the previous girl.

I ran to the door and reached out to open the door.

A silver thread suddenly appeared around the golden bell hanging in the air. The silver thread circled the room and shook continuously. The golden bell hanging on the silver thread also shook violently, and the ringing became more and more urgent.

It seemed to be preventing me from opening the door.

"Lin Xi!" Li Sili was still knocking on the door, "Save me...save me! You won't be so cruel when we are classmates...Ah! Lin Xi, if I die, I won't let you go even if I turn into a ghost...


I know I shouldn't drive, but I really can't!

I can't just watch someone die in front of me.

I couldn't care less, so I suddenly reached out and opened the door.

The moment the door opened, the silver thread in the room disappeared, the yellow charm attached to the door fell to the ground, and the golden bell also fell to the ground with a clang.

Outside the door, Li Sili saw the door open, her legs softened and she knelt on the ground. Her face was full of tears, and her face turned pale because of fear, but her eyes looked behind her excitedly, "I asked to open the door. I

Called out...Now, can you spare my life now? I did what you asked for..."

Behind Li Sili stood four weasels. The weasels stood on their hind legs like humans, with their waists hunched over, carrying a small square sedan.

The sedan is surrounded by white gauze curtains. The evening breeze blows gently and the gauze curtains are fluttering, giving it a somewhat fairy atmosphere.

I couldn't see the scene inside the sedan, I could only vaguely see a figure.

After hearing Li Sili's words, I still don't understand anything.

In order to survive, she helped these evil spirits knock on the door!

I looked at her, "Do you know that you will kill me if you do this?"

Li Sili glanced at me and said, "I'm not familiar with you. Whether you die or not, what does it have to do with me..."

Before she finished speaking, a puff of white smoke suddenly erupted from the sedan, and the white smoke surrounded Li Sili.

A gust of wind blew by, the white smoke was blown away, and Li Sili disappeared.


The thing in the sedan is indeed an evil spirit that has been killing people!

A feeling of fear ran up my back.

My legs were weak, and I was trembling and about to kneel down.

I am a fairy and he is an evil spirit. Is it embarrassing for me to kneel to him?

Shame! But shame is not as important as living!

I have to wait until Yuchen comes here alive!

I had planned in my mind how to kowtow and beg for mercy, but before my knees hit the ground, a gust of wind rushed towards me, and my wrist was grabbed by a pair of jade hands.

The person who supported me was a person who flew out of the sedan chair. She was a woman. The woman was wearing a bright red wedding dress. Gold threads embroidered the auspicious patterns of dragons and phoenixes on the wedding dress. It was very luxurious.

She wears a phoenix crown on her head, with cloud patterns drawn on her forehead with a red pen. Her skin is fair and she looks about twenty.

Like a college student, but in her eyes, there are only whites and no black eyes.

She stared at me so straight that I almost peeed out of fear.

"Are you here to deal with my fairy?" the woman asked.

How dare I admit, "No, it's not..."

"It doesn't matter if it is," the woman sneered, "you're going to die anyway.


As she spoke, she raised her hand and scratched my face with her sharp nails, "You are very beautiful. With your face, Yun Lang will definitely marry me."



I have met the real version of painting skin!

I just said that this face looked familiar. Her current face was that of a missing college student!

I forced myself to calm down and said, "Goddess, I'm actually not pretty. If you want to find a pretty face, I can help you."

I guarantee that those people are dozens of times more beautiful than me, you can take your pick.


I guess I was the first one to bargain with her. She raised her eyebrows and became interested, "Where are the people you mentioned?"

"Goddess, please let go of me first.

I'll show you the photo.


I walked to the room, picked up my phone, and searched for photos of female celebrities to show the woman.

The woman took one look and nodded with satisfaction, "They are indeed better-looking than you.

If I let you go, can you bring them to me?"

I immediately nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, for fear that if I nodded slowly, she would regret it.


I will bring whichever one you like. They are both good friends of me.


Fortunately, women don't know these celebrities.

I was just relieved when I heard the woman suddenly scream, "You lied to me!"

This chapter has been completed!
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