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Humans of the demon clan also have cultivation skills, so we had no scruples and rode the big fox directly into the village.

The village is a mountain village and does not look wealthy. Most of the houses are bungalows built with red bricks, and occasionally one or two thatched houses can be seen.

Only Yuchen and I were riding on Hu Jinyue's back, while Shizicheng carried the proprietress all the way here.

After entering the village, he reluctantly put the proprietress on the ground.

The landlady looked around the village, "Why does this look like an uninhabited village?"

There was no one on the street, and the whole village was quiet.

I looked into the villagers' courtyard and saw a fire burning in the stove in the courtyard, and a smell of meat wafted over. They were cooking.

There is also a large wooden basin in the yard, with wet clothes hanging next to it.


There are people cooking and washing clothes, how can there be no one here? There are just people, where are these people? The food is still in the pot, how important is it that you leave at this time?

This kind of scene is especially like when these people are doing things and suddenly disappear.

I asked Yuchen, "Has there been any attack here?"

Before Yuchen could speak, the landlady said first, "There are no signs of fighting here, so it's impossible to be attacked.

These villagers are all well-educated. It is not easy for the enemy to subdue them all in an instant.


"Don't even guess, I have a way to let you know what exactly happened here.

"Shi Zicheng put his hands on the ground and recited the mantra.

As he chanted the mantra, a clay doll emerged from the soil.

The clay doll happily hugged Shi Zicheng's legs and kept calling her daddy coquettishly.

Shi Zicheng first glanced at the landlady, and then said to the clay doll, "From now on Bu Qiao will call me daddy, and from now on I will call me master, do you hear me?"

Ha, man! I said before that after a thousand years of companionship, the relationship is no longer the same.

As a result, this plastic father-son relationship turned bad in the blink of an eye.

No wonder it is said that if you have a stepmother, you will have a stepfather. Shi Zicheng perfectly interprets this sentence.

I looked at Shi Zicheng, "Shi Zicheng, does your face hurt?" The face was probably swollen from the beating.

Shi Zicheng glared at me and did not answer me. Instead, he asked Niwawa, where have all the people in this village gone?

The clay doll said, "They went to Cave 19.


The Nineteen Grottoes are located in Qingliang Mountain, more than 200 kilometers away from here. There are nineteen caves on the mountain, so they are named Nineteen Grottoes.

"It has not rained here for several years. The villagers went to the Nineteenth Cave to hold a ceremony to worship the gods. They wanted to give the only girl in the village who had no cultivation skills to the cave gods to pray for rain.


"Ignorance!" After listening to Niwawa's words, the proprietress smiled coldly, "We are indeed human beings. No matter where we go, our ignorant and selfish nature will not change! Little doll, where are these nineteen caves?"

The clay doll pointed in a direction.

The landlady didn't say anything, and flew in the direction pointed by the clay doll.

"Sister, wait for brother.

"Seeing the boss's wife leaving, Shi Zicheng hurriedly chased after her.

"Don't you think the boss lady's reaction is strange?" I asked.

The landlady has lived in half a step for thousands of years, and many living people have died in half a step. It stands to reason that she should have been used to seeing life and death, but now, facing a girl being sacrificed to a god, her reaction is a bit too big.

Yuchen patted the fox on the back and said, "Follow me."


Hu Jinyue hummed and chased after him.

After flying for about ten minutes, we arrived at Qingliang Mountain.

Since Yuchen could not use magic power, for safety reasons, Yuchen and I sat on Hu Jinyue's back.

The big red-haired fox took the two of us into the mountain, following the proprietress and Shi Zicheng.

Not long after entering the mountain, I heard the heartbreaking cry of a girl.

"I'm not a monster! I'm not! Don't do this, please... please..."

Hearing the cry, the landlady quickened her steps.

After rounding a ridge, I saw a long team on the mountain road ahead.

These people are tall and dressed in coarse linen clothes, which is the costume of ancient times.

Each of them had two red and white strips of cloth tied on their heads.

At the front of the team, there was a young man who was leading the way while singing and dancing. The man was bare-chested, with patterns drawn with white and green paint on his bronze skin. His lower body was wrapped in a white cloth and tied around his waist.

Thick hemp rope, with colorful strips of cloth tied to the hemp rope. As he sings and dances, the strips of cloth fly, looking a bit like a modern hula dance.

The man was holding a long wooden stick in his hand, about two meters long, with a white skull inlaid on the top.

The skeleton has a long face and two big horns on its head, making it look a bit like a goat.

Seeing this group of people, I suddenly felt like I had traveled to a primitive tribe.

Behind the man were four strong men, who were carrying a square sedan chair. It had no roof, only pillars standing at the four corners, and red and white cloths were used to surround the pillars.

A girl of eighteen or nineteen years old was wearing a red wedding dress, her hands and feet were tied, and she was sitting in a sedan chair.

As she walked, the girl cried, "I'm not a monster, you believe me! I don't want to die, please let me go... Abba, Eminem, please save my daughter..."

Behind the sedan was a large team of several hundred people. These people seemed to have not heard the girl's plea, and followed them forward with numb expressions.

"Hey!" The proprietress flew directly to the front of the team. She fell down and blocked the way of the male priest.

The landlady has a good figure. She is wearing a purple silk cheongsam, which vividly outlines her curvy body.

Her small chin was lifted up, and her romantic eyes gleamed with anger, "Let this girl go!"

The male priest stopped and looked at the proprietress, "Who are you?"

"Me?" The landlady smiled, "I am the god you want to worship!"

I was stunned for a moment. This person was really bragging about not drafting. How dare he say that!

Hearing what the landlady said, the villagers became angry.

"How dare you disrespect the Lord God and arrest her!"

"Yes, capture them and worship them together!"

The male priest knocked the wooden stick in his hand, and the villagers fell silent.

The male priest said, "Outlander, get out of the way, I can still spare your life.


The landlady smiled and said, "You are so blind that you haven't seen the rain in several years. Give me that little girl, and I will make sure it rains in your village within three days."

In three days, if it doesn't rain, you can worship me and the little girl again, and I will have no complaints.


The landlady said it with great confidence.

I asked Yuchen, "Does she have the ability to make rainfall?"

Yuchen looked at the landlady with cold eyes and said nothing.

At this time, the landlady raised her finger and pointed at us, and said to the male priest, "See, they are all my helpers.

Have you seen the fiery red fox? He is the subordinate of the Nine-tailed Sky Fox.

And that little boy, he is the son of the Emperor of Heaven.

The woman next to him is even more amazing, she is an ancient god.

We came to the Demon Realm to discuss matters with the Demon King. You are lucky to meet us.


Hearing this, Hu Jinyue laughed, "Good guy, you can brag better than me.


The landlady's deception deceived the villagers.

The male priest said, just give us three days. If it doesn't rain after three days, it means we are lying to them, and they will be rude to us.

The villagers blocked the way to leave, and Yuchen and I had no choice but to follow the proprietress and the male priest back to the village.

The villagers really regarded us as gods and treated us warmly.

After dinner, we were given a room to rest in.

After closing the door, we were the only ones in the room.

I asked the landlady, "Can you make rain?"

The landlady shook her head very naturally, "No.


My eyes widened.

The landlady raised her eyebrows and said proudly, "But I can run.

I just used my spiritual power to investigate, and it is true that these villagers have a good level of cultivation, but their level of cultivation is not high. If we run away, they will not be able to catch up with us.


This chapter has been completed!
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