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Seeing that Yuchen was not afraid of Huang Lei, the villagers shouted for help, turned around and ran away.

Na Can was also scared and wanted to run away holding the scepter.

But as soon as he turned around, Yuchen appeared in front of him.

Yuchen raised his hand and clasped the goat skull on the scepter with his slender fingers. With a slight force between his fingers, he heard a click and the goat skull was crushed to pieces.

Then, the snake's tail flicked, and Na Can was shot away.

Flying high and falling heavily, Na Chan screamed, spit out a mouthful of blood and passed out.

After dealing with Na Can, Yu Chen rushed towards the fleeing villagers.

The male priest was worried about the safety of the villagers, so he came over and saluted me and said, "Please help me.


The male priest's words made me want to laugh.

I asked him, "Why should we take action, and why should we save you?"

Anyway, Yu Chen is possessed by the devil, so I might as well kill him, at least I won’t feel aggrieved!

The male priest frowned, hesitated for a while, and then said, "Great Immortal, if you don't stop him, then I will have to use the Demon King's Heart to deal with him.


After saying this, the male priest waved his hand, and the dark clouds above his head dispersed.

Then he snapped his fingers.

On the dome of the sky, a big sword with golden light appeared, as if it had passed through from another time and space, with a sword tip exposed on the dome.

The male priest said, "The devil's heart has a skill called Ten Thousand Swords Pierce the Heart. There are ten thousand such swords hidden in the devil's heart.

Daxian, I know that our village can't help you, but no matter how stupid they are, I can't just watch them all be killed.


He is threatening me, but I still have to accept his mercy. After all, he did not take action directly, but gave us a chance to stop Yuchen.

The landlady rolled her eyes and said, "Oh, I'm so scared. Please hurry up and let those ten thousand swords fall down. Let me see with my own eyes whether those swords can chop the third master into a pulp!"

Shi Zicheng said, "Sister, don't be angry.

We can't let Yuchen really kill all these people.

His evil spirit is strong enough now. If he kills so many more people, he will most likely not be able to wake up.

Please, girl, please cooperate with me again.


"Brother, you are so hurt, it makes me feel so sad to see you.

It’s not worth it to hurt those white-eyed wolves, so let’s just let Third Master kill them all, and then we can find a way to restore Third Master’s sanity…”

Although the landlady was full of complaints, she still rushed towards Yuchen with Shi Zicheng.

I also followed closely.

As we were talking, all the villagers had been taken care of by Yuchen. There were injured people all over the ground, some crying and some begging for mercy.

I glanced over, and luckily no one was dead.

I just breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Yuchen wave his hand, and the evil aura on his body instantly turned into countless small black snakes, swimming towards the villagers.

Instead of killing people, it turned out to be to absorb their yang energy.

After releasing the little snake, Yuchen turned to look at us.

The demonized eyes were slender, with the ends of the eyes hooked upward. The eyes were pure black, filled with cold killing.

As if he recognized Shi Zicheng and the proprietress as the people who had subdued him before, Yuchen grinned, revealing two sharp fangs.

He flicked the snake's tail and struck towards Shizi City.

Shi Zicheng did not hide, he quickly formed seals and slapped his palms on the ground.

Before the snake's tail hit him, a wall of earth rose beside him.

The snake's tail slapped against the earthen wall, making a loud bang and stirring up countless dust.

We all thought that Shizicheng blocked the blow, but in fact it didn't.

When the snake's tail slapped towards Shizi City, a small black snake turned into evil spirit also bit towards Shizi City.

When we found the little black snake, it was already too late. The little black snake bit Shi Zicheng on the arm, and the evil spirit entered his body. Shi Zicheng's entire arm was instantly weak, and his body fell to the ground.

At the same time, Yuchen swung up the snake's tail, and the sharp tail was like a sharp sword, stabbing straight into the back of Shi Zicheng.

The proprietress hurriedly sprinkled a handful of green powder. After the powder fell to the ground, vines broke out of the ground, grew rapidly, and wrapped around the snake's tail that Yuchen stabbed.

Pulled by vines, the snake's tail finally stopped less than an inch away from the back of Shizi City.

Yuchen seemed very angry that the landlady ruined his good deeds. He roared angrily, and then swung his tail vigorously, trying to pull it out of the vines.

While Yuchen was competing with the vines, the proprietress sprinkled a handful of green powder beside us, and the vines grew out and formed a ball around us.

"Can you still move?" the landlady asked Shi Zicheng.

Shi Zicheng shook his head, "The evil spirit is so powerful that my whole body is numb now.


"How long does it take to untie?"

As soon as the boss lady asked the question, Yuchen's snake tail stabbed him hard.

He has broken free of the vines and is attacking us.

The vine balls were very densely woven, and Yuchen couldn't pierce them even once he pricked them, but no matter how dense they were, they were woven by plants. If he pricked them a few more times, he would definitely be able to tear a hole.

Shi Zicheng glanced at the snake tail raised high outside and said to the proprietress, "Sister, take Aling and leave me alone.


"What are you talking about? If you want to leave, let's go together!" The proprietress tried hard to pull Shi Zicheng, but Shi Zicheng was more than two meters tall, so she couldn't pull him.

I clenched the sword in my hand and said, "Boss lady, let me out."


The landlady looked at me and said, "Why are you going out? Little Fairy Girl, you don't think that the third master will recognize you and then be reluctant to kill you, do you? You don't think that your love will be so great, right? Impossible! He is now everyone

I don’t know him. If you go out, he can bite you to death. Do you believe it..."

Speaking of this, the landlady seemed to suddenly think of something, and her eyes flashed, "Don't say it, it's really useful if you go out! Little Fairy Girl, you have a special physique and are the most perfect container. You go out and suck the Third Master's evil spirit into you.

If we put him in his own body and let him regain his sanity, then we will be saved.


The boss's wife said that the reason why Yuchen went crazy was because the divine source was contaminated, and all the power in the divine source was converted into evil energy. There was too much evil energy, and Yuchen's body could not bear it, so he was controlled by the evil energy.


As long as I suck away the part of the evil spirit that Yuchen's body can't bear, then Yuchen can regain his sanity.

"What will happen to me? Will I die?" I always want to know the consequences.

The landlady shook her head, "No, but after all, it is the power from the divine source, so you will definitely have to suffer some hardships.


I nodded, "Don't be afraid of hardship, just let me out."


While speaking, Yuchen's tail had already torn a small slit into the vine ball. With just a few more blows, the vine ball would be completely useless.

The boss's wife scolded her so hard.

Then she told me that she would go out with me and she would be responsible for attracting Yuchen's attention. I would find the right moment and jump on Yuchen to suck out the evil spirit.

The plan was perfect, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes!

After the boss lady opened a small hole, I crawled out of the small hole on my back.

As soon as I climbed out, I saw a huge snake's tail standing in front of me.

My heart skipped a beat and I looked up.

Yuchen was also looking down at me. He blinked twice, as if he didn't understand why I crawled under his nose.

Not to mention that he didn't expect it, even I didn't expect that the opportunity to get close to Yuchen would come like this... I was caught off guard!

This chapter has been completed!
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