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I want to drink blood, drink Yuchen’s blood!

I was startled when I realized what I was thinking.

I grabbed the roasted chicken and hurriedly stuffed it into my mouth, regardless of whether it was cold or not.

I am a human being and I should eat when I am hungry. How could I want to drink blood?

I forced myself to swallow the chicken, but as soon as the chicken entered my mouth, it emitted a foul smell, and it felt like there were barbs growing in my throat. I couldn't swallow the lump of meat no matter what.

"Ugh!" Finally I couldn't help it and vomited out all the meat.

The chicken that was spit out was still intact. I just bit the meat into my mouth and didn't dare to chew it at all.

“If you don’t want to eat it, don’t eat it.

"Yu Chen reached out his hand, as if he wanted to help me calm down.

As soon as he came close to me, I smelled a scent. The alluring scent made me want to throw myself into his arms, and then bite through his veins hard.

Desire expanded rapidly, and my mouth became dry, like a person who has been hungry for days and nights and sees delicious food.

Now I just want to rush forward regardless of the cost.

The little reason I have left tells me that I can't do that. I'm a human, not a monster. I shouldn't be so thirsty for blood!

I pushed Yuchen away violently, then turned around and jumped off Hu Jinyue's back.

"Little brother Ma!" Hu Jinyue shouted in fright and dived to catch up.

I mobilized my spiritual power, stabilized my body in the air, and landed smoothly while shouting to Hu Jinyue and Yuchen, "I'm going to the toilet, why don't you come with me!"

"Don't tell me early when you need to go to the toilet.

Hu Jinyue let out a long breath and said, "You almost gave me a heart attack.


After saying that, Hu Jinyue changed direction.

Yuchen stood on Hu Jinyue's back, looking down at me with deep black eyes.

Below is a forest with towering trees and lush branches.

The branches and leaves blocked the moonlight. After falling into the woods, the light was dim and the line of sight was blocked. I could barely see around Xiao clearly.

A little further away, it's pitch black.

"Little brother Ma," Hu Jinyue's shout came from a distance, "We are waiting for you outside the forest. Come out quickly after you poop!"

"Got it!" I replied.

I raised my hand and caressed my belly, and said depressedly, "Little guy, it's not you who wants to drink blood, is it? Although you are a demon fetus, you are still half of my blood, and neither your father nor your mother drink blood.

Monster, you must not have such hobbies, do you understand?"

As soon as I finished speaking, the little guy kicked me hard twice.

I continued, "You understand what mom is saying, don't you?"

The little guy kicked me again.

He is communicating with me in this way. Can he really understand me?

I was surprised and said tentatively, "If you can understand, just kick mom three times."


The little guy stopped moving.

I can't help but feel a little disappointed, but at the same time I feel that it should be so.

The demon fetus is also a fetus. He is still in my belly. What can he understand?

Just as I was thinking about it, the little guy raised his foot and kicked my belly three times, paused for a while, and then kicked me lightly again.

The last kick was very unconfident, as if he was debating whether to kick me or not.

I was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Little guy, you don't know how to count, right? Mom said three times, but you don't even know how many times three times means kicking.


The little guy completely ignored me this time.

He was probably angry because he thought I had laughed at him.

"Are you angry? Mom apologizes to you.


No matter what I said, the little guy didn't move.

His temper is quite small.

The interaction with the little guy made me feel more relaxed.

At this time, my stomach growled twice. After all, I hadn't eaten anything for a day, and my chest was pressed against my back from hunger.

I took another deep breath and felt my body carefully. I was very hungry now, but I had no desire to drink blood.

Is it already healed?

It seems that the little guy really wants to suck blood. Now that I have taught him a lesson, he doesn’t want to suck blood anymore, so I’m fine with it.

I touched my belly, praised the little guy for being good, and walked out of the woods.

Because it was dark all around, I didn't walk very fast. When I was about ten meters away, I suddenly heard the sound of rustling and digging.

I followed the sound and looked over. Not far from me, there was a three or four-year-old child carrying me on his back, squatting on the ground, holding a small wooden stick in his hand, and digging something in front of the big tree.

The child was wearing a pair of bright red shorts and a red bellyband on his upper body. His back was completely exposed, and his white flesh was very conspicuous in the night.

After digging for a while, he seemed to have found something. He stopped, picked up the thing dug out of the soil, and put it into his mouth.

Then I heard the crunching sound of chewing, and the sound was very crunchy, like eating carrots or something like that.

I took a few steps toward him and was about to speak, but then I thought that this was a demon clan, and the little guy in front of me was definitely not a human child.

The less trouble, the better.

Thinking of this, I plan to leave.

The moment I turned around, the child seemed to have spotted me.

He turned around and looked over.

When I saw the child's face clearly, I was so frightened that my heart trembled.

The child's facial features are the same as those of humans, and they look like a three or four-year-old human child with a chubby face.

But the child's teeth are extremely sharp, like wild beasts.

At this time, the area around his mouth was covered with blood and soil. He was biting a white finger in his mouth, and blood was dripping down the corner of his mouth.

He...he's eating people's fingers!

This made me so nauseous that my stomach was churning and I bent over to throw up.

The child stood up, rubbed his dirty hands on his bellyband, then chewed the fingers in his mouth into pieces and swallowed them.

Then he grinned at me and said, "You smell so good."

It’s been a long time since I’ve eaten such fresh meat, let me take a bite, okay?”

The voice is also a child's voice, milky and milky.

But the words that came out of his mouth made people shudder.

This is the demon clan, even children are so scary.

Among the three realms, demons have the lowest status, even lower than ghosts.

Although they are powerful, no one looks down upon them. This is because the demons are all these crazy monsters.

They have no sense of right and wrong and only like blood and killing.

Thinking that Yu Chen is also possessed by a demon, the world will look at him the same way as they look at these monsters.

I felt very distressed.

Yuchen didn't do anything wrong, why should he endure this!

I looked at the child and said, "I won't disturb your meal, so don't bother me either.


After that, I'm leaving.

"Don't leave, let me take a bite.

"The child was very agile, jumped high into the air, and rushed towards me.

The demons have their way of life, and even if I despise it, I won’t bother them.

After all, I was just passing through.

But if he takes the initiative to cause trouble for me, of course I won't tolerate it.

I made a fist and punched the kid who was rushing towards me.

I punched the child right in the face. The child's mouth opened wide, and his jaw seemed to have been dislocated by me. It tilted to one side, and fishy saliva spurted out of his mouth.

The child's body hit the big tree heavily, and then fell down from the big tree. He rolled on the ground a few times before stopping.

He lay on the ground motionless, not sure whether he was dead or passed out.

Naturally, I would not be so kind as to check on the child's injuries. When I saw that he was motionless, I turned around and walked out of the woods.

Get out of the woods.

There is a village outside the woods, but this village is very strange.

This chapter has been completed!
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