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It was a hundred years ago that the Shuori and Wangri tribes broke up.

Many people involved in both races have died, but this mage still maintains his youthful appearance.

I couldn't help but feel strange.

The mage looked at us and finally looked at Heng Gang, "Village Chief, do you have anything to do with me?"

"I'm not looking for you, they are looking for you," Heng Gang said, "They are..."

"We are here to see the Japanese magic weapon.

Yuchen interrupted Heng Gang and said to the mage in a cold voice, "If you hand over the magic weapon voluntarily, we may be able to spare your life."


In the past hundred years, the Master has heard this kind of doubt countless times.

His expression remained unchanged, "The Wangri Clan's magic weapon is not with me.

After I stole the magic weapon, I handed it over to the Shuori tribe.

Village Chief, I have said this many times. Only with a clear conscience can I live in the village.

If you always doubt me, then I have no choice but to leave!"

The more he talked, the angrier he became, as if we had really wronged him.

Heng Gang obviously didn't expect that we didn't ask anything and immediately suspected the mage.

He smiled sheepishly at the mage, and just as he was about to say something, Yuchen preempted him.

Yuchen called me, "Lin Xi, go and read and find out what is going on in his mind.


What to read?!

I looked at Yuchen in surprise.

Yuchen raised my hand that he had been pinching and playing with, and said to me, "Put your palm against his forehead and read the thoughts in his mind. You can do it, can't you?"

Will I?!

I swallowed my saliva and said seriously, "Yes, I can!"

I don't know what Yuchen is doing, but at this time, I can't dismantle him.

I walked up to the mage and said to him, "Since you have a clear conscience, you should be okay with me reading the thoughts in your mind, right?"

The mage took a step back, ignored me, and just looked at Heng Gang angrily, "Village Chief, I don't know where you found them, but I am not a prisoner in your village. You are humiliating me by doing this! I

I can’t stay in the village any longer, village chief, take your leave!”

After saying that, he was leaving.

But as soon as he took a step forward, a cloud of black energy flew past.

Black energy exploded in front of him, forming a wall of evil energy.

The murderous intent and coldness brought by the evil spirit forced the mage to take a few steps back quickly.

Yuchen looked at him coldly, "If you don't cooperate, then I can only kill you as a prisoner.


The divine source was polluted, and all the power it contained turned into evil energy.

The huge evil energy was enough for Yuchen to fight against the most powerful soldiers of the demon clan.

The mage is no match for Yu Chen.

The mage clenched his fists, stared at Yuchen unconvinced for a while, and finally said, "Okay, I agree, I will cooperate! I am upright and not afraid of shadows, let's see what you can read!"

The Master raised his head and closed his eyes, as if we were doing whatever we wanted.

I walked up to the Master and put my hand to his forehead.

Even though I look calm on the outside, I'm really panicking on the inside.

I can't feel anything!

I gestured pretentiously for a while, then withdrew my hand and said seriously, "I already know everything.


Heng Gang's eyes lit up, "Do you already know where my clan's magic weapon is?"

How do I answer this question?

I looked at Yuchen for help.

Yuchen came over, pulled me aside, put his lips to my ear, and said in a low voice, "Don't be nervous.

I already know where the magic weapon is.


When I heard what Yuchen said, my initial guilty conscience suddenly disappeared.

As if I had found someone to support me, I looked at Heng Gang and said with confidence, "Yes, I already know where the magic weapon is.

Chief Henggang, we will help you find it.


After finishing speaking, the leader of the Henggang clan had not yet spoken.

I heard Yuchen chuckle in my ears.

I turned my head and looked at him.

Yuchen looked down at me, with a faint smile in his dark eyes. His eyes were deep and bright, like crushed stars in the sky, which could touch people's hearts.

"Do you believe me so much?" he asked in a low voice.

I stayed for a while.

Is this a joke?

I said, "Of course I believe you.

You wouldn't harm me, so I never doubted what you said.


There seemed to be a light of joy in his eyes, and Yu Chen seemed to have let go of something on his mind. The heaviness of this period was swept away, and his whole person became relaxed.

He pulled me into his arms, not caring about the Qiaoduo people around him, lowered his head and kissed the top of my hair, and whispered, "I will not harm you, nor will I lie to you.


After saying that, he added, “Even if I lie to you, it’s for your own good.


What he said made me feel that he must have lied to me about something.

I looked up at him, "Yuchen, are you hiding something from me?"

Yuchen looked at Henggang, "Do business first.


Heng Gang was looking at the two of us expectantly. Seeing that we were both tired, he seemed a little embarrassed, but because he really wanted to know the whereabouts of the magic weapon, he couldn't bear to look away from me and Yuchen for a moment.

Being stared at like this, I was too embarrassed to say anything else to Yuchen.

The mage looked at me with a magnanimous expression, "What did you read in my mind? Mind reading is a high-level spell. Looking at the entire demon world, not many people can do it.

Little girl, you are bragging a little too much.


Yuchen glanced at the mage and said disdainfully, "She was so close to you just now. Didn't you feel the power of the devil surging in her body? When dealing with you, do we need to brag?!"

The mage's face changed for a moment, and then he said, "How could she be the devil at such a young age? Even if she is, I have nothing to be afraid of. I don't know where the magic weapon is.


They all believe that I know high-level magic, and even believe that I am the devil, but he still says that he does not know the whereabouts of the magic weapon.

With such a clear conscience on his face, I couldn't help but want to believe him.

Yuchen ignored him and said to Henggang, "Village chief, we will take you to find the magic weapon now.


Heng Gang nodded happily.

When walking to the village, Yuchen called Hu Jinyue over and gave Hu Jinyue a few instructions in a low voice.

Hu Jinyue made it clear.

Then he walked up to Heng Gang and told Heng Gang that he would take Heng Gang to find the magic weapon, and the rest of us would stay in the village to rest.

As long as someone takes him to find the magic weapon, Heng Gang will be happy.

Henggang called the villagers and asked them to entertain us well.

Then he took a dozen people with him and followed Hu Jinyue.

The village is too poor and the so-called good hospitality is nothing good.

A few potatoes and slices of meat are the best.

When the food was served, a group of children gathered around to watch.

The child drooled looking at the food.

We didn’t want to eat anyway, so I called the children in and gave the food to them.

After the child left with the food, I moved closer to Yuchen and continued the previous topic.

I asked him, "Yuchen, are you hiding something from me?"



Yuchen's honesty made me feel a little uncomfortable.

I was stunned for a moment before I came to my senses and continued to ask, "What's the matter?"

Yuchen scratched the tip of my nose and said disgustedly, "Stupid or not, I said I'm hiding this from you. Can I tell you?"

Still... can this kind of operation still be possible?

I frowned dissatisfied, "Yuchen, that's not the case.

You let me know that you were hiding something from me, but you still didn't tell me what it was.

Are you not torturing me on purpose? I will die of curiosity!"

"Curiosity never kills anyone.

"Yu Chen stretched out his hand, gently flattened my frown with his thumb, and said in a deep voice, "There are some things you don't need to know.

Just know that I will never harm you.


Of course I know he won't harm me, but this is two different things from telling the truth to me.

He and I have been through so much, why can't we face things together? His concealment made me feel that all the things we went through were in vain.

I was just about to tell him how I felt.

At this time, the proprietress suddenly stood up and said to Yuchen, "Third Master, that guy has started to act.


This chapter has been completed!
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