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I know that different inner elixirs can exist in Yuchen's body at the same time.

In other words, in addition to the divine source, there is always another inner elixir in his body.

The inner elixir has always been in his body, and it has a powerful power that he cannot fully control.

Yuchen has never used this power before. No matter how difficult it was before, he never showed this power at all.

He can't control it, which means that this inner elixir is definitely not his.

And he tried his best to hide this power, either because there were some taboos on using this power, or Yuchen didn't want people to know that he still had such a power in his body.

In other words, Yuchen is hiding who the real owner of the other inner elixir in his body is?

I'm tired of Yuchen's concealment now, and I want to dig out all his secrets bit by bit.

I said to Hu Jinyue, "Go and help me find out whether there is anyone, whether it is a god or a demon, who is powerful and died suddenly?"

Hu Jinyue looked at me, "Brother Ma, how strong is the strength? There must be a reference.


I thought for a moment and said, "The strength must be at least higher than that of Wei Huang.


Being able to defeat Wei Huang easily, the owner of the inner elixir must be stronger than Wei Huang.

And Weihuang is a black dragon that only emerges in tens of millions of years. He can fight with a hundred thousand immortals. There must not be many people who are stronger than him.

Among this group of big shots, I don't think it would be too difficult to find someone who died suddenly.

After all, the group of people standing at the top of the cultivation pyramid, in the world of cultivation, are like stars in the human world, and are sought after and respected by the younger generations. If one of those people suddenly dies, the news is easy to find out.

After listening to what I said, Hu Jinyue rolled her eyes and said to me, "The Three Realms have been very peaceful in recent years, and I have never heard of any great people getting into trouble.

But if the timeline is pushed forward, more things will go wrong.


Hu Jinyue's eyes were filled with gossip, and she moved closer to me, lowered her voice, and said mysteriously, "Brother Ma, I once heard my great-grandfather say that the New Gods in those days were now the Emperor of Heaven's gang.

People, dissatisfied with the rule of the ancient gods, launched a coup and forced the ancient gods to hand over power and abdicate.

Of course the ancient gods were unwilling, so the two groups started fighting.

At the beginning, there were only two forces, the New God and the Ancient God, but later, for some reason, the underworld and the demon world also joined in the fun.

The chaos in the Three Realms even spread to the Yang World. At that time, the Yang World was plagued by natural and man-made disasters and demons were rampant. It was simply a purgatory on earth.

The situation in the Three Realms was not that good either. Many big figures died in that battle.

The ancient god possesses a magic weapon, a magical weapon. Legend has it that the magical weapon is invincible and possesses supreme divine power.

Relying on the divine weapons, the ancient gods almost destroyed the new gods.


Hearing this, I felt strange and asked, "But isn't the current Emperor of Heaven a new god? All the ancient gods were expelled from the heaven and went to the fairy island.


Hu Jinyue said, "Isn't that because the magic weapon was lost? I don't know which god's magic weapon was guarded by some unscrupulous ancient god, but he lost such an important weapon.

Without the divine weapons, the ancient gods retreated steadily, and finally surrendered to the new gods and handed over their rights to the heavens.

The war in the Three Realms finally ended.

Brother Ma, if you ask about the big shots who died, a lot of them died during the war in the Three Realms.


I looked at Hu Jinyue, "How long has it been since the war in the Three Realms?"

Hu Jinyue frowned, stretched out his hand, and counted his fingers. In the end, he seemed not to be able to count Qing Xiao. He flicked his hand and said to me, "It's only twenty or thirty thousand years."


I stared at him speechlessly, "Hu Jinyue, do you think Yuchen might have lived for 20,000 to 30,000 years?"

Hu Jinyue shook her head, "Impossible.

Even gods rarely live such long lives.

The third master can live for a thousand years at most.


Therefore, during the war in the Three Realms, Yuchen did not exist yet!

I said to Hu Jinyue, "Yuchen only lived for a thousand years. You just need to check if any important people have passed away in these thousand years."

The war in the Three Realms has been far away from us for too long, how can Yuchen have the chance to obtain the inner elixir from the war in the Three Realms?"

"Of course I got the chance.

Hu Jinyue murmured, "After the war, the Emperor of Heaven took all the magic weapons, inner elixirs, etc. of the New Gods and Ancient Gods that Qiao Duo had killed in the battle, into the Zhenyao Pavilion in the Heaven Realm.

Just go into Zhen Yao Pavilion and steal it, and you can get it, right?"

I was stunned for a moment.

The Demon Controlling Order was stolen by Yu Ling from Zhen Yao Pavilion. The Demon Controlling Order is the magic weapon of the ancient gods. After obtaining the Demon Controlling Order, Yuling suddenly changed from an ordinary little fairy to one who can command all the monsters.

Demon God.

When I was reading that memory, another little fairy told me that she overheard the Emperor of Heaven talking and that two treasures were actually lost in Zhenyao Pavilion.

It's just that the other one is too precious and difficult to publicize.

That's why I told the public that I only lost one demon control order.

Could it be that the other inner elixir in Yuchen's body is the second treasure lost in Zhenyao Pavilion?

But how could this second lost treasure be in Yuchen's body? Did Yuchen steal it when he was a child, or did Yu Ling steal two of them and give one to Xiao Yuchen?

I couldn't figure it out and turned to look at Yuchen.

Yuchen is also looking at me.

Their eyes met, and his eyes were dark and cold. His gloomy gaze covered up all his emotions, and his thoughts were deep, making it difficult for people to see through what he was thinking.

I couldn't see through him, but he seemed to see through what I was thinking easily. He said, "Let Hu Jinyue investigate, you might as well ask me directly.


At this time, his bleeding had stopped, but the wound had not healed. His face was pale, even his thin lips had lost their color, and he looked very weak.

I looked at him and said, "Let me ask you, will you tell me the truth?"

Yuchen chuckled lightly, "Even if I tell you with mixed truth and falsehood, it's still more reliable than the information Hu Jinyue got.

Do you really think this fox is heartless and tells you the truth?"

Now Yuchen really has no scruples. He didn't even let go of his panic and told me directly that what he said to me was mixed truth and falsehood.

Think about it, when he tricked me into eating the Demon King's Heart, wasn't it a mixture of truth and falsehood? It was true that it suppressed evil spirits, but it was false because I was not used to the Demon King's Heart when I sucked blood.

My blood sucking was clearly his doing!

Hu Jinyue was a little unhappy, "Third Master, how can you sow discord between me and my younger brother Ma? You two have fallen out, but my younger brother Ma and I are still very close..."

Yuchen glanced at Hu Jinyue coldly.

Hu Jinyue was so frightened that she didn't dare to talk anymore.

The landlady smiled and said, "Fox, the person closest to the little fairy in the world is the Third Master, so we all have to step aside.

Let's go.


Seeing the landlady telling him to leave, Hu Jinyue asked doubtfully, "Why are you going?"

"Stand aside," said the landlady, "make room for the young couple, don't get in the way here.


As she spoke, the landlady took Shi Zicheng and left first.

Hu Jinyue glanced at me, then stood up and followed me.

Yuchen sat not far from me, raised his eyes and looked at me, "Don't ask?"

A mixture of truth and falsehood is better than knowing nothing at all!

I stared at him, "Do you have another inner elixir in your body?"

Yuchen nodded, "Yes.


"Is that inner elixir the second lost treasure of Zhen Yao Pavilion?"



I was shocked, "Who stole it? And why is it on you?"

This chapter has been completed!
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