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Qin'er said, "Tianfei, there is actually a way to hide the truth.

There is a divine source left by the ancient gods in Zhenyao Pavilion. As long as you steal a divine source and put it into Xiao Shao's body, you can suppress the demonic nature in Xiao Shao's body.

The Emperor of Heaven will not find out.


Concubine Tian hesitated, "Would this method be too risky? He was just born and was still a little baby. How could he be integrated with the ancient god's divine source? The power of the divine source would burn him to death.


Qin'er said, "Whether he lives or dies, it is the young master's own fate.

Concubine Tian, ​​it is better for him to be burned to death by the divine source than for us to be killed by the Emperor of Heaven if the matter is revealed.


Qin'er didn't want this child to survive at all.

Tian Fei understood Qin'er's meaning, and after a moment of silence, she made up her mind and said, "If you want to steal it, steal the most powerful divine source in Zhenyao Pavilion, and let the divine source burn this little bastard to death. You must burn him to the death."

No demonic energy is left behind, and the Emperor of Heaven must not be able to notice anything amiss.

Qin'er, after he dies, I will put Shenyuan back into Zhenyao Pavilion without anyone noticing, and you will be responsible for disposing of his body.

It must be thrown far away, and the body must not be found by the Emperor of Heaven.

Just in case, just throw his body into the ends of the earth. I heard that there are swarms of ferocious beasts there, and it is a world where individuals eat people. If you throw him in, the Emperor of Heaven will not even be able to find his bones.

Only if he disappears completely can we survive.


I was stunned, and the idea of ​​gloating about the emperor's excitement suddenly disappeared.

Demonic species, powerful power, anywhere in the world!

Is this little baby in Tianfei’s belly Yuchen?!

When I was shocked, the scene around me suddenly changed.

As day turned to night, I stood at the gate of Zhenyao Pavilion.

The heavenly soldiers of Zhen Yao Pavilion pointed their spears at me, "Yu Ling Xian'e, this is a forbidden area, please go back!"

I tried to control my body and refused to obey.

Yu Ling smiled at Tianbing and said, "Brother Tianbing, I am here to inform you on the order of your Majesty. The Dragon Clan has given birth to a black dragon that only appeared tens of millions of years ago. Your Majesty ordered the black dragon to be brought to the heaven, but the parents of the black dragon...

He ran away with the black dragon.

Your Majesty orders you to hunt down the black dragon.


As he spoke, Yu Ling took out a shiny golden sign.

Seeing the token, the heavenly soldiers knelt down to receive the order.

The heavenly soldiers were transferred away by Yu Ling, leaving only four to guard the gate of Zhenyao Pavilion.

Yu Ling glanced at the person hidden in the darkness, "Why don't you take action?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a cloud of white smoke floated out from the dark corner. The white smoke was very light and so rare that it was almost invisible. They floated in front of the four heavenly soldiers and turned into a pair of invisible hands to cover the eyes of the heavenly soldiers.

Then, the concubine Tian and the eldest lady named Qin'er whom I saw before came out from the corner.

Tian Fei’s belly is still big and she hasn’t given birth yet.

It seems that the birth of the black dragon attracted the attention of the Emperor of Heaven, so the Concubine decided to come to Zhenyao Pavilion to steal the source of the gods while the Emperor of Heaven was not in the heaven.

"Thank you Yu Lingxian'e.

"Tianfei said softly.

Yu Ling waved her hand, "No need to thank me, we each take what we get.

Steal whatever you like, just don't steal from me.

I haven't seen you tonight, and you haven't seen me either. I'll go in and take a look at my divine source, and then I'll leave.


At this moment, Yu Ling still believed in the words of the Emperor of Heaven. She was like a playful child, curious and wanted to know in advance which great god she would become when she grew up.

I can feel her joy in Yu Ling's body.

She couldn't wait to walk over and push open the door of Zhenyao Pavilion.

As soon as the door opened a gap, a dazzling golden light came out.

Just like a person walking at night suddenly sees the high beam of a car, his eyes are completely blank and he can't see anything.

Yu Ling instinctively closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, she was already surrounded by a golden light.

A huge golden formation diagram was opened above the head and below the feet, and hot Yang Qi kept pouring out from the formation diagram.

The temperature here is very high, like a furnace.

In the center of the formation diagram, a black iron sword floats in the air, with golden Yang Qi rotating around the black iron sword body.

I can't control my body, but I feel it with Yu Lingxin.

I felt like I was being roasted, as if I was being sent into a crematorium, and the temperature around me was still rising.

Yu Ling hurriedly mobilized her spiritual power to resist the high temperature, but it was of no use.

The hot and mellow Yang Qi shattered the barrier she created with just one touch.

Yu Ling was scared, "Where is this! Let me out! Tianfei, Tianfei, are you there? Tianfei, help me!"

No one responded.

She was so frightened that she started to cry, and ran while crying, but the space here was very large, and no matter how long she ran, she still saw boundless golden light.

Until he was tired and couldn't run anymore, Yu Ling stopped and sat on the ground, "Who can help me... Where is this, help..."

After sitting for a while, I stood up again because the ground was quite hot.

I was in Yu Ling's body, looking at this space with worry and curiosity.

Yu Ling opened the door of Zhenyao Pavilion, and the next second, we were here.

Is this a formation to protect Zhenyao Pavilion? Because we broke into Zhenyao Pavilion without permission, the formation is now trapping us inside.

While I was thinking about it, I accidentally raised my hand and found that I could control my body again.

It seems that Yu Ling didn't want to face the current situation and gave me control of her body again.

If this is really a formation, it must have the eye of the needle.

I looked around, and there was only a black iron sword hanging in the center. Other than that, there was nothing else here.

Regardless of whether the Black Iron Sword is the Formation Eye or not, it is the only one here, and I can only start with it.

I walked over and raised my hand to reach for the Black Iron Sword.

Just when my fingers were about to touch the blade of the sword, my heart suddenly beat violently.

While my heart was beating, the black iron sword in front of me suddenly began to vibrate, making a low humming sound.

I'm confused.

What does this mean? This sword is responding to me? Is this my sword?

Thinking of this, I no longer hesitated and reached out to grab the sword.

But when I stretched out my hand, the Black Iron Sword disappeared out of thin air, and I caught nothing.

I took my hand back and looked at the changes in front of me strangely.

The Black Iron Sword disappeared, and a circular golden formation diagram opened where the sword body originally was.

I was worried that this formation diagram would attack me, and I was so scared that I quickly stepped back.

After the formation diagram flashed with a golden light, a picture began to appear in the middle.

It was very blurry at first, like looking through fog, but soon the picture became clear.

What appeared were all scenes of fighting and killing. There was one person killing a group of people, there were two parties fighting, and people were dying in the screen. The only thing that remained in the screen was this black iron sword.

The Black Iron Sword kills more and more people, and the evil aura it brings becomes more and more serious.

The person who gets it gains its power and is controlled by it, turning into a killing machine and helping it kill more people.

The killing didn't stop until it fell into the hands of an immortal.

The Immortal threw the Black Iron Sword into the furnace for reforging, and injected a large amount of divine power into it.

When the long sword is forged, a ball of golden light will appear together with the black iron sword.

The golden light slowly expanded, and a woman walked out of the golden light.

When I saw the woman's face clearly, I was stunned.

It’s Yu Ling!

At this time, an old voice came from the golden formation, "The God-killing sword is named Divine Weapon.

You will be called the Divine Soldier from now on.


As soon as he finished speaking, the golden formation diagram turned into wisps of golden light and disappeared.

I stayed where I was.

What it showed me was not only the life experience of that black iron sword, but also the life experience of me and Yu Ling! The bullshit female war goddess is all a lie! Yu Ling and I are just the same sword. To be more precise,

She and I are the sword spirits of this black iron sword!

To put it nicely, it means becoming a god, but to put it harshly, isn’t it just turning Yu Ling and I into a murderous weapon?

I finally understand the reason why Yuchen must prevent me from becoming a god.

This chapter has been completed!
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