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Hu Jinyue put Yun Ling on the sofa, then he fetched a basin of cold water, moistened the towel, and then applied the towel to Yun Ling's forehead.

Seeing me looking at him, Hu Jinyue smiled at me and said, "Brother Ma, just pretend that I don't exist. I stay here to take care of Yun Ling. I won't eavesdrop on what you are saying."


This stupid fox, doesn't he know that there is no three hundred taels of silver here? He has already said what he is thinking!

I looked at the landlady and said, "Come to my bedroom.


After saying that, I opened the bedroom door and walked in, followed by the landlady.

When I closed the door, I heard Hu Jinyue muttering that I was so smart that I could see through his disguise.

I glanced at Hu Jinyue and suddenly felt that if people in this world were as intelligent as Hu Jinyue, there would be a lot less disputes in this world.

After closing the door, I looked at the landlady, "What do you want to talk to me about?"

The landlady sat on the bed, folded her two long legs, and then leaned forward slightly. Her graceful figure, even in such a casual posture, made her look very charming.

She glanced at me from top to bottom with her beautiful eyes, and smiled softly with her red lips, "Little Fairy Girl, I want to see where your confidence comes from? The Third Master who no one else dares to offend is so angry that you are so angry that his eyes are filled with anger.

Turned red and walked away.

What exactly are you relying on?"

Just listening to these two sentences, I already guessed what the boss lady was going to say.

It’s just that all my confidence comes from Yuchen’s love for me.

I looked at her and said, "Before I answer your question, can I ask you a question?"

The landlady waved her hand and said, "Say.


"Who are you?" I said, "Don't tell me that you're the boss lady, I want to hear the truth.

Boss lady, I still remember that when we first met, you were very interested in Yuchen, and you even had the idea of ​​forcing him to stay more than half a step away.

You are more than half a step above the boss lady. In your territory, I believe that if you go all out, it is possible to achieve your goal.

But after I looked at you, after I saw the hallucination, your attitude changed.

I want to know what the hallucination I saw at that time has to do with you? And what is your purpose of following us all the way?"

In the Demon Clan, of course, it can be said that it is for companionship. After all, the Demon Clan is in danger everywhere. Having multiple companions means you have multiple protections.

But now that I have returned to the Yang world, this is the territory of humans, and the boss lady is still following me. What is her purpose?

As if she didn't expect that I would suddenly ask these questions, the landlady's expression froze for a moment, then she said with a smile, "Little Fairy Girl, you are worrying too much, I am not your enemy.


"But even if you know your purpose, you really can't call him a friend.

"I said.

The landlady stared at me for a while, then smiled and said, "Little Fairy Girl, you have changed.

Is your current state what you want?"

I was stunned for a moment, and then I realized what the boss lady meant.

I have changed.

I used to believe that there are always more good people than bad people, and I had nothing to offer and nothing worth worrying about, so I was carefree and willing to trust others. I always felt that no one would approach me for some purpose.

But now, I know that I am a magic weapon, and many people are staring at me and want to get me.

Although I haven't reached the point where everything is in danger, the people around me do make me feel unsafe. It's hard for me to live as relaxed a life as before and trust others.

You won't understand this feeling unless you experience it yourself.

It's like a person suddenly suffers from paranoia.

Yu Ling must have been tortured by this feeling for many years, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, so she decided to transform back into a sword.

Seeing the change in my expression, the landlady said with a smile, "Have you figured it out? Why did the third master hide it from you? He has seen Yu Ling's pain with his own eyes, and he doesn't want you to bear that kind of pressure."

Isn't it good to live a relaxed life under his protection? Isn't it bad to be a fool? If a man protects me like that, let alone a fool, he is an idiot, and I will be treated as such.

Little Fairy Girl, you actually don’t have to do anything. Third Master has taken everything into consideration. All you have to do is trust him and love him.

As long as you love him, he can give you his life.


I felt astringent and looked at the landlady without saying anything.

The landlady didn’t mean to wait for me to speak, she continued, “As for your grandma.

In fact, from your perspective, you did nothing wrong.

The third master killed your grandmother and the person you were closest to. The third master was self-righteous and treated you well, which hurt you too deeply.

He has lived for too long and has seen too many people die and be reborn. He has ignored that your vision is different from his.

The third master was wrong about this matter, but little fairy, let’s take a step back, if the third master hadn’t killed your grandma, how long would your grandma have lived?”

This question is quite irritating.

I asked, "Is it because people are old and can no longer live for a few years, so they deserve to die? Should we kill them?"

The landlady said hurriedly, "Little Fairy Girl, you misunderstood me.

I want to talk about how your grandma will live in the next few years. She may be threatened, deceived and used, and finally killed.

Your grandma's ending is the same, but it's different for you. Once your grandma falls into the hands of others, you will become very passive.


"Also, when your grandma was alive, she did wrong things and killed people. After her death, she will go to hell to atone for her sins. Now the third master is helping her reincarnate and use her last few years of life to exchange for a peaceful and prosperous life in the next life.

Isn’t it worth it to have escaped the suffering in hell? Little Fairy Girl, this account is easy to settle, I believe you can understand it.

Moreover, your grandma's last wish was not to let you take revenge. It can be seen that your grandma finally figured out these things and forgave the third master. Otherwise, her last wish would have been to separate you from the third master.


Hearing this, I looked at the landlady in surprise, "Who are you?"

Only Gu Han and I know my grandma’s last wish.

I didn't even tell Yuchen, how did the boss lady know?

Facing my doubts, the landlady smiled charmingly and said, "Little Fairy Girl, don't be nervous. I told you, I'm not your enemy.

I'm going to tell you all my details honestly.

My name is Wu Qing, and I was a peasant girl..."

The proprietress said that she was born in a small fishing village, and one day she rescued a seriously injured man from the river. The man was a general who was protecting the country at the time.

After being rescued by her, in order to repay her, he recognized her as his foster sister and took her to the capital.

After arriving in the capital, she was attracted by the old emperor at a palace banquet, and she entered the palace and became his empress.

Later she died, because she had saved the general, so in order to repay her, the lover of the general took her soul to Banbuduo, beheaded the former shopkeeper of Banbuduo, and made her his wife.

's new owner.

The landlady looked at me and said, "Little Fairy Girl, you were the one who took me more than half a step.

I made you fall into a fantasy. In your fantasy, I felt her power, so I changed my attitude and followed you all the way.

I won't harm you, I'm repaying your kindness.


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