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Yuchen ignored my look.

I lowered my head to coax the children, and the landlady said with a smile, "Third Master, Lin Xi, it's time for you two to name the two little guys, right? Something happened all the time before, so I didn't take care of it.

Now that the matter is over, it's time for both of you to return to your children.


"The name has already been chosen.

"As he spoke, Yuchen raised his hand and pointed at the little boy, "Ai Lin.

He pointed to the little girl and said, "Aixi."


The landlady, who was used to big scenes, was stunned at this moment.

She glanced at me, then looked at Yuchen, "Third Master, are you serious?"

The last time Yuchen said it, I didn't take it seriously and thought he just said it casually.

Talking about it now, it gives me the feeling that he is very serious.

I also said seriously, "No!"

Yuchen glanced at me, but did not insist, and said, "Then change it.

Yue Lin, Yue Xi.


"Pfft!" The landlady couldn't hold back her laughter for a moment.

Seeing Yuchen looking at her with cold eyes, the landlady quickly covered her mouth and said, "Third Master, I didn't mean it.

I just have a question, is there any difference between this name and the previous one?"

I looked at Yuchen and said seriously, "There are rules for human beings to choose names. The names of younger generations cannot be the same as those of elders, so Yuchen, please let go of my name.


"Then get up.

"Yu Chen said, "Lest you be dissatisfied even if I start it.


It's like I'm picky. Why doesn't he want to think about all the names he's given? Of course, I don't doubt that Yuchen really thinks those two names are good.

I thought for a moment and said, "My daughter's name is Lin Siqin, and my son's name is Lin Sigu."


Taken from the poem "The White Rabbit" walks here and there, his clothes are not as good as the newlyweds, he is not as good as the old man.

I hope that old friends will stay together, and I also hope that these two little guys will avoid romantic detours in the future.

The landlady was stunned for a moment, "Lin Xi, do they have your last name?"

I nodded, "In the future, if you have to register for residence and go to school, of course you have to have my last name.


After saying that, I looked at Yuchen.

We have not discussed this issue, and I am worried that Yuchen will disagree.

But in the end, Yuchen actually had no objection to this.

Regarding the issue of the two little guys, I found that no matter what I said, Yuchen agreed unconditionally.

He agreed so happily, which gave me the feeling that firstly, he didn't want to argue with me, and secondly, he didn't care about these two children, so he could do whatever they wanted with them.

I just hope I'm wrong.

After putting Xiao Sigu and Xiao Siqing to sleep, I took them to a small wooden house specially prepared for them. There was a charcoal fire in the wooden house and a barrier was set up. It was the warmest in this row of temporary houses.

The most comfortable.

After putting the two of them on the small bed, I turned around and returned to my room.

Hu Jinyue ran errands and bought a new set of clothes. When I entered the house, Yuchen had already changed his pants and was putting on his shirt.

A pure black shirt, even the buttons are black. The deep black contrasts with the whiteness of his skin. His long and well-jointed fingers are tying the buttons.

It’s good to be handsome, and these life-like actions look particularly pleasing to the eye.

Seeing me staring at him, Yuchen chuckled lightly, stopped buttoning his buttons, and stretched out his hand to me, "Miss me?"

I put my hand into his," Jin Hui said, saying it would take a long time.

Yuchen, please follow the doctor's advice carefully.


Yuchen pulled me into his arms, looked down at me, and said seriously, "Lin Xi, we already have a son and a daughter. That's enough. We won't have any more children in the future!"

Yuchen's words made my heart skip a beat. I still remember Yuchen's excited and expectant eyes when he found out I was pregnant. Now that the child is born, Yuchen's excitement seems to have disappeared all of a sudden.

Such a rapid change makes me think that he doesn't like the two little guys even more.

With that in mind, I asked the same question.

Yuchen and I looked at each other, "Yuchen, do you dislike our child?"

Yuchen looked slightly startled.

He didn't answer me, but took a step back and sat on the edge of the bed.

Then he pulled me over.

I stood in front of him, and he held my waist, put his chin on my lower abdomen, and looked at me with his head raised, "Lin Xi, if I say I don't like it, will you be angry?"

I can't believe it and can't understand it!


"Lin Xi," he said, "you know my past. I had no parents or family. I didn't even know who I was before.

I used to think that having a child, having someone with the same blood as me in this world, was a very exciting and incredible thing.

I look forward to their birth, and I look forward to us having more children.

But when you gave birth and saw you in such pain, all my excitement and expectations were gone, and I was left with only regret.

Lin Xi, I can't bear anything that may threaten your life!"

I was stunned, I never thought it would be such a reason!

Yuchen looked into my eyes, his dark eyes clearly reflecting my appearance, "I don't want children, I don't want a family, I just want you.

I like them because you do.

But if you die, then they mean nothing to me.

If they cause you to die, I may still want to avenge you.

Lin Xi, I know I am cold-blooded, but this is my true thought.

We already have a child and we won’t have any more, eh?”

A person's heart can be divided into many parts, for children, for lovers, for parents, and for friends.

But Yuchen's heart is complete, whole, only filled with me.

He is not cold-blooded, he just loves me too much.

My eyes were swollen, and I reached out to hold his face, "Okay, we only need the two of them.

But Yuchen, you have to be nicer to them in the future. The danger I encountered before was not caused by them. You can't blame them.


I used to think that in today's society, everything happens quickly. Love comes and goes quickly.

Sacrifice for love is already a legendary story, but facing Yuchen, I suddenly felt that if I died, he would probably not stay in this world.

I do not like this.

I said again, "Yu Chen, they are the continuation of my life. I am a human being and I will die sooner or later. You have a long lifespan. When I die, they will be with you."

Their children will be with you in the future.

I am no longer the only one in your world.


Yuchen said, "Don't talk nonsense, you won't die.


I thought he just didn't want to hear me say unlucky words, so I didn't think anything deeper.

We talked about the two little guys again, and the topic was dismissed.

In the next few days, in order to help my body recover as quickly as possible, Jin Hui asked me to drink three large bowls of bitter medicine every day. If I didn't drink it, he would say it was Yuchen's arrangement and ask me to talk to Yuchen.

Ever since our heart-to-heart talk that day and knowing how much Yuchen valued me, I no longer wanted Yuchen to worry about my health.

So it was like Jin Hui had mastered the trick of making me drink medicine. The medicine became more and more painful day by day.

Yuchen's relationship with Xiao Sigu and Xiao Siqin is getting closer and closer. After all, blood is thicker than water. As these two biological people get along, their relationship quickly heats up.

Comparing the two children, Xiao Sigu is more like a demon fetus, while Xiao Siqin is more like a human child.

Apart from the fact that she speaks early, her other conveniences are similar to those of human children.

Xiao Sigu is already flying around, she hasn't even learned to crawl yet.

Hu Jinyue laughed at me and said that Xiao Siqing looked like me.

After a few days, I recovered physically.

Yuchen asked Wei Huang, Yang Jin, the proprietress and Xiao Yuan to return to the devil world with their two children.

Hu Jinyue and I set off to Xizhong to find Master Ruchen.

This chapter has been completed!
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