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The woman floated to the little boy's bedside, looked down at the little boy, and said with a faint excitement in her voice, "You are so stubborn that you are not dead yet.


The woman was covered with a red veil, revealing only a pair of beautiful and charming eyes.

I've always been confused. What's the use of wearing such a thin veil? Is there really someone who can't see or recognize this person because of such a thin veil?

Since we are all covered up, why don’t we be more serious? Can’t we afford thicker fabric?

Anyway, at this time, through the woman's thin veil, I clearly saw the woman's appearance.

The woman is eighteen or nineteen years old, with a standard oval face, a small and straight nose, and rouged red lips under her nose.

The most beautiful thing is her eyes, which are narrow and long, with slightly curved ends.

A pair of dark eyes with many black kernels, and black and white are not clearly distinguishable in the eyes. When looking at people, the eyes seem drunk but not drunk, giving people a hazy and ethereal beauty.

The woman's expressionless face should obviously give people a very cold feeling, but because of these eyes, her coldness has disappeared a lot.

The whole person is surrounded by fairy spirit, so people dare not approach it easily. Like a noble lotus, it can only be viewed from a distance but not played with.

She was dressed in a bright red dress. Few people could make the red dress, which is as passionate as fire and the most pyrotechnic, feel out of the world, but this woman did it.

It's as if this woman is a fairy herself. No matter what she wears or does, she always gives people the feeling that a fairy should look like this.

And I also know this fairy.

Or, she should be called a goddess!

Her appearance is exactly the same as that of the goddess I am possessing now! Maybe the dream I am seeing now is the memory of the goddess before she was refined into a sword.

After all, I don’t even know whose dream this place is! I was inexplicably knocked unconscious by that little flower and was pulled in.

Moreover, the last time I saw the eldest prince in front of me was when he was in the Phoenix Clan and was returning the blood of Yun Ling Phoenix.

In my dreams, I saw Yun Ling accompanying me in every reincarnation, and the last picture that appeared was of the eldest prince.

Because he appeared together with Yun Ling's nine reincarnations, it stands to reason that he should also be Yun Ling's previous life.

But I clearly found a corpse that was exactly the same as Yuchen's, so why was I suddenly pulled into Yun Ling's past life?

My head is a bit big and I can’t figure it out!

At this time, the little boy sitting on the bed opened his eyes. He looked at the goddess and struggled to squeeze out two words, "Save me..."

The goddess sat beside the bed and did not save him. Instead, she just looked at him coldly and said, "Why should I save you? You know that the food is poisonous and the chronic poison will not kill you immediately, but

It will slowly corrode your body and eat away the essence in your body until you become a useless person who can no longer practice cultivation.

You knew this, but you still ate all the food.

Qianchen, although your cultivation is not high and you haven't gone off grain yet, but with my help, you won't die even if you don't eat.

But you can’t stand the feeling of hunger or the temptation of food. If you don’t even have this bit of endurance, what’s the point of living for you!”

Speaking of this, the goddess said with some disappointment, "I thought you could play with me for a longer time, but I didn't expect that I would have to say goodbye to you so soon.

Qianchen, we will never see you again.


After saying that, the goddess stood up and left.

"Wait a minute!" The little boy Qianchen gritted his teeth, endured the severe pain, and struggled to speak every word clearly, "I will die if I don't eat those things.

I will die if I show defensiveness.

Now she is just giving me some chronic poison. If she senses that I am a threat to her, she will attack me more directly.

Until then, I will only die.

I knew it was poisonous but still ate it, I was just trying to survive.


I was startled.

A child of seven or eight years old actually has such a deep fortress, and he is so cruel to himself!

The goddess was also stunned for a moment, and then she flew back and floated over Qianchen. Her face was still expressionless, but her eyes were full of energy. She looked at the little boy with as much love as if she saw a toy that satisfied her.


"Qianchen, you are indeed the most interesting person I have ever met.

I save you.


After saying that, the goddess stretched out her hand and lightly tapped Qian Chen's frown, and a thin golden thread flowed from her fingertips into Qian Chen's body.

The pain on Qian Chen's face immediately eased.

After resting for a while, he forced himself to get up, get out of bed, and salute the goddess with clasped fists. He looked well-behaved and sensible, "Thank you very much for saving my life."


The goddess pursed her lips and smiled, but the smile did not reach her eyes. She looked cold, "Xiao Qianchen, don't pretend in front of me. I remember I told you that I like you to be scheming, but your scheming is different."

Use it on me.

Otherwise, I won't help you.


Qian Chen's expression did not change and his attitude remained respectful, "Qian Chen is sincerely grateful to the goddess.


I drifted over and stared into Qianchen's eyes.

His eyes were bright and his face was sincere, not like he was lying.

But it was obvious that the goddess didn't believe him, or she didn't care at all.

The goddess changed the subject, "Xiao Qianchen, do you know? Yesterday your stepmother gave birth to a younger brother for you. When your younger brother was born, auspiciousness fell from the sky, and he was born with the power of the ancient gods. Now it has spread in the heavens, saying

Your brother is the reincarnation of an ancient god.

Bai Ziqi was very happy and has already canonized your stepmother as the Queen of Heaven.

When your brother is a hundred days old, he will hold a grand ceremony in the Heavenly Palace.

Xiao Qianchen, your mother died less than a year ago. Bai Ziqi first threw you into the ice and snow to suffer, and then he married the mistress who made your mother angry to death.

Xiao Qianchen, do you want to kill Bai Ziqi for revenge?"

Qian Chen looked up at the goddess. There was no expression on his face, and there was no anger in his eyes. It was like a calm sea. Only he knew what kind of rough waves were hidden under this calm.

He spoke very slowly and firmly, "I will not let Bai Ziqi die, I want him to live and see with my own eyes that everything he cares about is destroyed by me bit by bit!"

The goddess was slightly startled, then smiled and said, "I really want Bai Ziqi to see with his own eyes what you look like now.

He prides himself on being bright and righteous, and never allows any stain on his body, but he, a man who stands in the light, has given birth to a dark son like you.

The world of heaven is really getting more and more interesting.


Wait a minute, I heard something!

I was obviously eating the mistress who pissed off my first wife to death and poisoned her child, but as I kept eating, I felt like it was falling on Yuchen!

Qianchen is Bai Ziqi's son? Bai Qi said that Yuchen is also Bai Ziqi's biological son.

Therefore, this little boy is not Yun Ling, he is Yuchen’s previous life!

Bai Ziqi is still the Emperor of Heaven, and when the Ancient Gods are still in power, Yuchen was Bai Ziqi's son in his previous life, so everyone calls him the eldest prince.

Now the goddess is still alive, there are no magic weapons, and the war between the new gods and the old gods has not yet begun.

Now I finally have a clear idea of ​​Xiao's time and what probably happened.

Qianchen is Yuchen's previous life, so will his younger brother, who possesses ancient divine power, be Yun Ling?

This chapter has been completed!
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