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Although Yuchen is annoyed with Fu Lian, he still has respect for Fu Lian, and he will never call Fu Lian impatiently.

I realized something was wrong, so I hurriedly took a few steps back and stared at 'Yuchen' warily, "You are not Yuchen, who are you?"

'Yu Chen' had cold eyes and said expressionlessly, "Who I am has nothing to do with you.


After saying this, 'Yu Chen' looked at the little monkey parked on the tree trunk in front of him and said coldly, "Look at Xiao clearly, how I caught him.


Then the last note fell, and 'Yu Chen' tapped the ground with his toes, rose up, and landed on the nearby tree trunk. Then, he stepped on the branches and leaves, and flew out again, his body like a black butterfly flying up and down in the air.

He caught up with the little monkey that I couldn't catch no matter how hard I tried. He reached out and grabbed the little monkey's neck.

He was holding the little monkey in his hand, stepping on the small tree trunk with his feet, looking at me with lowered eyes, his eyes as cold as water, without any emotion, "Have you learned it?"

What did I learn? Did he teach me?

I looked at him and said nothing.

‘Yu Chen’ let go of the little monkey and said to me, “Go and chase him.


After saying that, when he saw that I was standing still, he picked off a leaf and hit it at me.

The leaves cut through the air, making a whistle, and struck me as fast as a flying knife.

I was worried about being hurt, so I could only jump up and avoid it.

I jumped up and as soon as my feet landed on the tree trunk, another leaf flew over.

I could only hide away again in panic.

In this way, I was chasing the little monkey while avoiding his attack.

I don’t know if it was because he was forcing me from behind, but this time, the distance between me and the little monkey actually shortened! But I still couldn’t catch up.

After chasing for a while, I got tired.

Fortunately, 'Yu Chen' was still quite humane. When he saw that I was tired, he called me and asked me to rest.

I fell to the ground and leaned against the big tree, breathing heavily.

He landed next to me, waved his hand, and a dark wind blew away the fallen leaves on the ground, sweeping away a clean open space.

He knelt down, picked up a branch, and started drawing on the open space.

"Lin Xi, do you know why the distance between you and the one-horned ape shortened just now?" While drawing, he told me, "Because every time you land, I have calculated it, and I am not asking you to simply chase the monkey.


He said that if you want to catch up with the little monkey, you must predict where the little monkey will stop next, and then adjust your steps according to the prediction to approach the little monkey's next foothold.

This way you can close the distance and even catch up directly.

Fu Lian didn't ask me to come here simply to chase monkeys. He wanted me to exercise my perception and prediction abilities.

In future battles with the enemy, even if I can only predict a moment in advance, the situation will be favorable to me.

Because I predict my opponent's moves in advance, I naturally have time to react.

The reason why I was asked to learn this is because I don’t lack spiritual power now, what I lack is a good skill.

Now I am like a strong man, full of strength, holding a sword, and only use brute force every time I swing the sword.

Of course it’s okay for me to meet people who are not as good as me.

But whenever I encounter an opponent of equal strength to me, they can use their skill to overcome my brute force and defeat me.

Martial arts training is a long process, just like Yu Chen, Wei Huang and others, they have received various trainings since childhood, and their body skills are developed through learning and practice.

But for the past twenty years, I was just an ordinary person. I didn’t have any foundation in martial arts. It’s too late for me to learn now, and it’s impossible for me to learn it in a short time.

So Fu Lian asked me to train my perception ability. This was actually a kind of opportunistic way to make up for my shortcomings.

After listening to this, I really feel that Fu Lian is so kind to me that I have nothing to say.

He took great pains to cultivate me.

I squatted next to 'Yu Chen' and listened carefully to what he said about how to use spiritual power to perceive and observe opponents.

He is a good teacher. He speaks very carefully and in an easy-to-understand way. As soon as I heard it, I felt that I can do it!

But once I put it into practice, I discovered that my brain said I had learned it, but my body was shouting that my brain was lying.

Once you hear it, you will know it; once you practice it, you will lose it!

The day passed quickly, and until dark, I had only shortened the distance between me and the little monkey a little.

The impatience on ‘Yu Chen’s’ face became more and more obvious, and in the end he was so disgusted that he didn’t want to look at me anymore.

I thought it would be great if I could make such progress in one day. I spoke for myself and said, "I have also made progress.



"'Yu Chen' sneered, with disdain on his face, "When the old man taught me, it only took me half an hour.


I choked.

I admit that you are a genius, okay?

I still need him to teach me, and I'm afraid that he will leave in anger and leave me alone.

I thought about flattering him.

So I ran to the beach and jumped into the water and caught two fish.

He ran back to the forest, made a fire and grilled the fish.

After it was almost done baking, I raised my head and looked at 'Yu Chen' who was sitting on the tree trunk, closing his eyes and concentrating.

"Senior brother, are you asleep?" I called him, "I grilled the fish, do you want to eat it?"

'Yu Chen' opened his eyes and looked at me coldly, "Who is your senior brother!"

I said, "You.

Fu Lian is my master, and he has taught you, so aren’t you my senior brother? Senior brother, eat fish.


"I don't need to eat.


After saying that, without knowing what he was thinking, he turned over and jumped down from the tree, walked to the fire and sat down, looking sideways at me.

A pair of dark eyes reflected the firelight, like a deep pool, deep and cold, "Lin Xi, that old man is not worthy of being my master.

You are the old man's apprentice, so you should call me uncle.


I was stunned for a moment, I didn't expect him to care so much about his seniority.

I looked at him and put the grilled fish in front of him, "Uncle Master, do you want to eat grilled fish?"

'Yu Chen' probably didn't expect that I would be so obedient. He was slightly startled, then took the grilled fish and started eating it without saying a word.

I glanced at him cautiously, thinking about all the questions I wanted to ask, but I was afraid of offending him, so I was hesitant to speak, when I suddenly heard him say in a cold voice, "If you have anything to say, just say it.


When I heard him ask me to ask, I wouldn't be polite.

I said, "Uncle Master, do you know a person named Yuchen?"

Did you know that you two have exactly the same face?

‘Yu Chen’ glanced at me lightly, “I know you.


I quickly asked, "Uncle, what is your relationship with Yuchen?"

‘Yu Chen’ took a bite of the grilled fish and didn’t answer me, but asked, “Did you just eat it secretly?”

I was stunned for a moment, and then I realized that he was asking me if I had eaten any fish.

I shook my head hastily, "No, I just caught two fish, and they are both here."

I haven't eaten anything for a day.


‘Yu Chen’ looked at me and said, “It turns out I haven’t eaten anything.

I thought you were full and came to inquire about me.



What is your business? This is my husband’s business, okay?

I didn't dare to offend him, so I didn't say anything.

I only raised my eyes and glanced at him a few times. Looking at his familiar and cold profile, I suddenly thought of a person.

This chapter has been completed!
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