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I opened my eyes with difficulty, my vision gradually became clear from blur, and I saw Yuchen standing beside my bed.

It's not Xiao Yuchen, it's what he looks like when he grows up.

I was stunned for a moment, and my first reaction was that I had left the world of his memories! But soon, I discovered something was wrong.

Yuchen next to me is wearing ancient clothes.

He looks about twenty years old, wearing a black robe and a belt of the same color around his waist.

She has long hair like a waterfall, part of which hangs down behind her and the other part is tied up with black satin.

Apart from his dress, if you look closely at his face, you can actually tell that he is not Yu Chen in reality.

He is much younger than Yu Chen in reality.

The aura on Yuchen's body has accumulated over a long period of time, and is cold and hard, giving people a strong sense of oppression like a superior person.

But compared to the Yu Chen he will be a thousand years from now, the aura he exudes seems thinner.

He stood beside the bed, looking at me from above, with a cold light in his black eyes, "Who are you?"

I didn't answer him, but sat up and looked around.

This is a cave. I was lying on the only big bed made of stone in the cave. There was nothing else in the cave except this bed, and it looked empty.

"Where is this?" I asked him.

Has Yuchen ever lived in a cave?

I thought about it and suddenly thought that after Yuchen was rescued by the Liu family, he went into the mountains to practice for hundreds of years.

In other words, I jumped directly from the time when the Demon Kingdom still existed to when Yuchen was dug for dragon balls and suffered from cramps.

Now the Kingdom of Demons is destroyed, Yun Ling is under the Forgetting Curse, Yu Ling is dead, and the Dragon Clan and Long Family are also destroyed.

Yuchen ruined the love between Yun Ling and Yu Ling, leaving Yu Ling unable to survive the love crisis.

Because of this, the Emperor of Heaven's plan to obtain the divine weapon was ruined, so the Emperor of Heaven poached the dragon balls and removed the dragon's tendons.

It was the Liu family who rescued him at this time, and he lived as the third master of the Liu family from then on until he came out to find me in the future.

After sorting out Xiao's memory of what period of time I was currently in, a question popped up in my mind, how did I end up here?

Before I fell asleep, I was clearly still in his memory from hundreds of years ago.

And the most important thing is that in that memory, I am about to see Chiqu.

Suddenly, hundreds of years later, are Chiqu still in the Yangshi? Have they already gone to the Demon Sealing Valley? How should I find them? Is there any way I can leave here?

The more I thought about it, the more anxious I became.

Seeing me looking at him in a daze, Yuchen frowned dissatisfied. He asked me again in a cold voice, "Who are you? Who sent you here?"

I came back to my senses and opened my mouth. Just when I was about to say something, the world in front of me suddenly changed.

Yuchen and the cave are like phantoms projected by a projector. Now that the projector is turned off, the phantoms are getting blurry and blurry until they finally disappear.

The cave turned into the hut where I used to take a bath, and I changed from sitting on the stone bed to soaking in the tub.

The water in the tub was still hot, and through the door panel, I could hear Zhu'er and Xiao Yuchen talking outside the hut.

Zhu'er said that she would go find Chibo now. If everything goes well, she would be able to bring Chibo to see us tomorrow afternoon.

The conversation between them shocked me.

Because I've heard these words before! Just before I fell asleep in the tub!

In other words, the time I am living in now is a time I have already experienced once.

The timelines overlapped and I went back in time.

In addition to the fact that I just met Yuchen hundreds of years later, these are all telling me that this is a world of memory, which is unreal and chaotic.

Pearl said that if the soul-locking thread is broken, I will be lost in Yuchen's memory world.

So, is this what it means to be lost?

The timeline is confusing. I am here one second and may be somewhere else the next.

The time can't be connected, and the events are even more disconnected. For example, a few hundred years after I went there, I left Xiao Yuchen, so Xiao Yuchen's help me find Chibo was naturally interrupted.


Of course I can ask Yuchen hundreds of years later to continue to help me find him, but if the timeline is messed up again during the search like now, wouldn't it mean that I will never be able to complete the task of finding Chibo!

I don't know when Yuchen's memory world will change again. All I can do is to find Chiqu and get out of here while the world is still stable!

Since arriving here, this is the first time I have truly felt fear.

I have to get out, otherwise I might not be able to get out!

I took a deep breath, calmed down my emotions, then grabbed the towel on the side, wrapped myself in it, opened the door, and ran out of the hut.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Xiao Yuchen and Zhu'er, who were standing in the small courtyard, both turned to look at me.

Seeing that I was only wearing a bath towel, Xiao Yuchen's eyes suddenly widened, and then his face instantly turned red like a fire.

"You...you!" He blushed, anxious and angry, "Why did you come out like this! Go back and put on your clothes!"

I completely lost my thoughts on teasing Xiao Yuchen, I ignored him, walked up to Zhu'er, and said to Zhu'er, "Zhu'er, I'll go with you to find Chi Qiu.


Zhu'er probably didn't expect that I came out in such a hurry just to say this. She was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Girl, the red turtle lives at the bottom of the sea. It may not be convenient for you to go there. You and your benefactor can just stay here and wait for me."

I will bring Chiqu back as soon as possible.


Xiao Yuchen took off his robe and came over to put it on me, "Don't rush for a day or two, I'll wait here with you.


"I'm in a hurry!" I said.

Xiao Yuchen's expression froze.

I'm really afraid that something will happen if I keep waiting. I don't have time. I don't know if the world will change in the next second!

I looked at Xiao Yuchen and said, "Yuchen, you come with me to find him. I want to see Chi Qiu as soon as possible."


Xiao Yuchen looked at me, the blush on his face slowly faded, and a cold light appeared in his black eyes, "Lin Xi, it's only been a day or two, are you leaving in such a hurry?"

I was stunned for a moment, and then asked him in a joking tone, "Yuchen, are you reluctant to let me go?"

With his arrogant temperament, he would never admit it.

I also planned this, but he denied it, and then I followed his instructions and asked him to go with me to find Chiqu.

But unexpectedly, Xiao Yuchen didn't hesitate for a moment and answered directly, "Yes.


Pearl was very discerning, so she smiled and left.

Xiao Yuchen looked at me with a serious expression, "Lin Xi, I don't want you to leave.


I can understand that Xiao Yuchen has feelings for me. First, I always flirt with him.

Secondly, I am the first person who has no use for him at all and is completely focused on him.

Yu Ling is also kind to him, but Yu Ling belongs to Yun Ling, and I belong to him.

I gave him a sense of belonging.

If this were reality, I think I might choose not to leave.

But this is memory, I can't stay here.

I said, "Yuchen, I can't bear to leave you, but I have to go.

I want to go back and find you when you grow up.


Yuchen said nothing.

I don’t know what he was thinking, but he took my hand and put it on his face.

He lowered his head and stared at me with a pair of black eyes. His voice was soft and his tone was somewhat pleading, "Do you dislike me for being young now? But sister, I will grow up."


This chapter has been completed!
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