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Although it was daytime, I was startled by the sudden sound in the wild mountains. I quickly stood up and followed the sound.

It is surrounded by rocks and wild grasses. Since this place is deserted, the wild grasses are as tall as a person. When the wind blows, the wild grasses sway and make a rustling sound.

The cry came from the thick weeds.

I asked Yuchen, "Yuchen, is there a ghost in the grass?"

This is next to Huangquan Road, and is also the entrance and exit of Gui Cha.

Ghost missions capture evil spirits and enter the underworld from here, so it is possible for evil spirits to escape. In addition, the cry is really penetrating.

I looked at the grass, and I had a feeling that a green-faced and fanged ghost might rush out of it in the next second.

Yuchen glanced at the grass and said to me, "Well, there is a female ghost hiding in it.

Lin Xi, don't pay attention to her.


He was weak and needed rest. He had no extra energy to waste on the female ghost, and he was worried about letting me see the female ghost alone.

Although I think I can beat a ghost, I can still beat it.

But then I thought, at this time, I'd better be obedient and don't let Yuchen worry about me anymore.

So I sat next to Yuchen, hugged his arm, and listened to what he said.

Yun Ling hasn't come yet, and Liao Ruchen is alone at the entrance of Huangquan looking for rescuer Bing Ying.

What we have to do is to wait for salvation and die, and to ask for help and death will appear.

As long as the female ghost does not delay our business, there is no need for us to cause trouble to the female ghost.

After the female ghost cried for a while, she seemed to realize that her crying was of no use, so she gradually stopped crying.

The surroundings returned to quiet.

I looked at the woods in front of me and asked Yuchen, "Yuchen, should we hide? We are sitting here openly. When Yun Ling comes, won't he see us?"

Yuchen said, "I just want him to see it.

Lin Xi, you find a treasure, but for some reason you are unable to dig it yourself. If you ask your friends to help you, what will you do when your friend digs the treasure?"

I thought for a moment and said, "I will definitely stay by the side, just in case my friend needs help when digging for treasure. Besides, I also want to see the treasure as soon as possible..."

Having said this, I understand what Yuchen means.

This is simply a psychological game.

Yuchen calculated all the details accurately.

While I was sighing, a plaintive sigh suddenly came from behind me, and then a woman's voice floated into my ears.

"He is very smart and scheming, and everyone around him is within his calculations.

Do you feel safe or scared when you are with such a person?"

I was stunned for a moment and quickly looked back.

Behind him were messy weeds. The grass was so dense that it was impossible to see what was in the grass.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing me turning around to look at the weeds again, Yuchen asked me.

I was very surprised to hear him ask me what was wrong.

I looked at Yuchen, "Yuchen, didn't you hear?"

Yuchen's eyes were puzzled, "What did you hear?"

I was shocked and couldn't figure out what was going on. Yuchen's cultivation level was higher than mine, and his senses were more sensitive than mine. How could I hear it but he couldn't?

I pointed to the grass and said to Yuchen, "The female ghost inside spoke, didn't you hear it?"

When I finished speaking, the female ghost's voice came again, "It's useless, you are the only one in the world who can hear me, because you and I are the same person.

Little Fairy Girl, I am a goddess, your past life, and the foundation of your soul.

We met here, don’t you want to come in and see me?”

The female ghost's voice was ethereal, as if coming from another dimension.

Who did she say she was?!

I stood up in shock.

Yuchen noticed that I looked strange, stood up after me, and asked me, "What did the female ghost say again?"

"Don't tell him," the female ghost said, "Little fairy, I only want to see you, not him.

He caused me a tragic death, and I hate him so much.

Little Fairy Girl, come in and see me, and I will tell you what exactly happened back then.


She was tempting me to come in.

Yuchen didn't wait for me to reply to his question. He glanced at the grass and then asked me, "Did the female ghost speak again?"

I nodded, "She asked me to go in and find her.


"Maybe it's a little ghost who is just looking for a substitute. She tricked you into it and asked you to be her substitute so that she could be reincarnated.

"Yu Chen said, "When Xiao Yuan comes, let Xiao Yuan deal with her.


I nodded.

After waiting for a while, we did not wait for Xiao Yuan, but Yun Ling did.

A ray of red fire came quickly and fell into the woods ahead.

The next second, the fire ignited the forest, and the fire burst into flames.

Animals are more sensitive than humans, and the entrance to Huangquan Road has a strong yin energy, so there are no animals living in this forest.

When the fire started, there was no scene of animals running away, but the screams of ghosts being burned to death could be heard from time to time.

The phoenix is ​​a mythical beast, and ordinary little devils will be wiped out when exposed to phoenix fire.

I stood up and said nervously, "Yu Chen, Qiube Die is about to show up.


Yuchen also stood up, "Yeah.

Yun Ling only has half of his inner elixir now, and since there are so many of us, he will not conflict with us at this time, so he will most likely set the fire and leave.

Lin Xi, we have plenty of time to find someone who will kill us.


After Yuchen finished speaking, I really saw a ray of fire flying out of the woods, rushing into the sky and disappearing.

It was Yun Ling who left.

I hope Yun Ling will never know the truth today.

If I were him, I think I would be mad to death, and I would want to kill Yuchen even more.

I don’t even know what Qiubidi looks like, so there’s no way I can help find him.

So I asked Yuchen, what does seeking death look like?

Before Yuchen could answer me, a cool breath floated faintly from the grass behind us.

The breath has a cold fragrance, and when you inhale it into your body, it's like your body has taken a big mouthful of mint. It's cold and refreshing, making you feel very comfortable.

Yuchen's eyes lit up with surprise, "Lin Xi, follow this aura.


I nodded.

Although Yuchen's spiritual power recovered somewhat after resting for a while, he was still too weak now that he had just lost his inner elixir.

I was worried that there was danger ahead, so I took one step ahead of him and got into the grass.

After pushing aside the weeds and walking about twenty steps forward, I saw a hole as tall as a person hidden behind the weeds.

The entrance to the cave is very hidden and can only be seen by pushing aside the weeds. If it weren't for the smell wafting out, I wouldn't have noticed there was a cave at all.

I turned my head and glanced at Yuchen, making sure that he was following me, and then I felt relieved and got into the cave.

As soon as I entered the cave, I felt the temperature around me drop sharply and it was freezing.

The floor and stone walls of the cave are covered with a thin layer of white frost. The further you go inside, the lower the temperature becomes, and the white frost under your feet gradually turns into ice.

The cave is very deep, and the ice on the stone walls and ground gradually becomes thicker, until it becomes an ice cave, surrounded by shiny ice, and there is no more stone in sight.

An ice coffin was parked on the ice. The ice coffin was transparent and you could clearly see what was inside the ice coffin.

There was no body placed in the ice coffin, but a small sky-blue flower bloomed.

When I saw the little flower, I felt happy and turned to look behind me, "Yuchen, that flower means you will die if you ask for it, right?"

This chapter has been completed!
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