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"Little junior sister," Shi Xin said first, "you have absorbed all the power of the sword spirit? Aren't you very powerful? Back then, the sword spirit could change the situation of the battle with one person. Do you have this ability now?"

Before I could say anything, Hu Jinyue couldn't bear it anymore and said first, "If my younger brother Ma had this ability, she would have stopped the war long ago. Do we still need to go to such great lengths to plot against Bai Ziqi here?"

Shi Xin shook his head with a look of pity.

Mingsi lowered his head and looked at the magic weapon, then handed the magic weapon to me, "Without the sword spirit, the magic weapon is just like scrap metal.


I took the magic weapon over.

Even without the sword spirit, the divine weapon is still an artifact forged by Fu Lian. Like Yuchen's Su Yue, it is a rare magic weapon.

Although I thought so, I didn't say it out loud.

Mingsi is someone who is not easy to mess with at first glance, so there is no need to have a conflict with her over this kind of thing.

When I put away the magic weapon, Shi Xin suddenly asked Yuchen, "Is there still a way to revive the sword spirit? The sword spirit is an ancient god, so it shouldn't die that easily, right?"

When we were discussing the magic weapon, Yun Ling had been sitting aside without saying a word, as if he had no interest in our conversation.

It wasn't until Shi Xin said this that Yun Ling suddenly raised his head and looked at Yuchen.

Yuchen shook his head and said, "We know too little about the ancient gods, let's not say whether they can be resurrected.

Even if we could be resurrected, we probably wouldn't be able to do it with our current strength.


Yun Ling said nothing and lowered her head again.

Shi Xin looked disappointed, "I thought I could see the power of the divine weapons again, but now it seems that there is no such chance.


"Okay," Shi Li said, "The Divine Weapon is already useless, and no matter how much we discuss it, she will not be able to regain her former divine power.

Let’s seize the time and talk about how to deal with Bai Ziqi.


Speaking of this, Shi Li glanced at the formation on the ground and said, "The Seven-pointed Star Locking Formation is very powerful and can trap the true god.

The spiritual power required to activate the formation is also very large, and it takes time to form the formation. Before the formation is completed, Bai Ziqi will run away, and we will also lose a lot of spiritual power because of the formation. I think activating the formation

Law is not a wise move.


Shi Li looked wise, and I thought he had some good ideas, so I quickly asked, "Then how should we deal with Bai Ziqi in the light of Senior Brother Shi Li?"

Shi Li's eyes widened, "Fuck him directly! Lead him over, and we'll all come together and fight him to the death!"

"Reckless man.

"Mingsi said with disgust.

Shi Li was not angry even after being scolded, and looked at Ming Si with a smile, "Junior sister, can you tell me what good ideas you have?"

Mingsi said, "I haven't thought of it yet.


Shi Li rolled his eyes, "I'm going to have a head-on confrontation with Bai Ziqi tomorrow, but I don't have time to let you think about it.

Since you don't have a good idea, just shut up and obey.


Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel, Yu Chen said, "We will go all out to deal with Bai Ziqi, and we will not waste our strength on the seven-pointed star-locking array. There will be someone else who activates the seven-pointed star-locking array."

Moreover, the formation only plays a supporting role. Whether we can snatch the Emperor's Seal from Bai Ziqi's hand depends on our strength.


Tomorrow we will have a life-and-death fight with Bai Ziqi. Although we are relaxed on the surface, in fact everyone is nervous inside.

At night, no one could sleep.

Hu Jinyue suggested, "How about we have a drink? Drink and relax."


Shi Li was also simple-minded and immediately nodded in agreement.

Shi Xin glanced at Shi Li indifferently and said, "I won't be able to wake up tomorrow because I'm drunk.

After Bai Ziqi came, he just cut one knife at a time.

This is good, at least you won't feel pain when you die.


"Bah, bah, bah! It's unlucky not to say such things when we die!" After retorting to Shi Xin, Shi Li looked at Hu Jinyue again, "Fox, it's better if you don't drink, you may die easily.


Hu Jinyue licked her lips, looking greedy, "After tomorrow, I must go and have a good drink.


Shi Li nodded, "I'll go too.

Fox, we won’t return until we get drunk!”

As if she had met a close friend, Hu Jinyue moved closer to Shi Li and discussed with Shi Li what kind of wine would be good to drink.

Ming Si sat aside and wiped the long sword in her hand. Her sword was as thin as a cicada's wing, but extremely sharp and shone with a dazzling cold light.

She lowered her head to look at the sword and said to Shi Xin, "If Bai Ziqi can be killed tomorrow, then the divine seals of the second senior brother and the sixth junior sister will be released.


Shi Xin sat cross-legged and meditated. He closed his eyes and responded coldly, "I'll survive from Neng Bai Ziqi's hands tomorrow. It's not too late to think about other people and other things.


Hearing what Shi Xin said, Shi Li rolled his eyes and said to us, "You all, ignore him, he is the best at throwing cold water on others! Whoever loves you will die tomorrow, but I won't die anyway!"

Hu Jinyue also echoed, "I won't die either.


His voice was loud and confident, as if if he said something for sure, it would come true.

The more serious you are, the more nervous you are inside.

I turned to look at Yuchen.

Yuchen stretched out his hand and pulled me into his arms. He lowered his head and kissed my forehead gently, saying in a firm tone, "Don't worry, Bai Ziqi will definitely not survive tomorrow."


No one in the cave spoke anymore.

One night passed.

After dawn, Yuchen asked me to call all the Eight Demon Gods, Xiao Yuan, and Menglou.

I nodded and called everyone over. Yuchen asked the eight demon gods, Xiao Yuan, Menglou, and Weihuang to support the seven-ray star-locking formation.

Yuchen and Yun Ling, as the main force, wanted to fight Bai Ziqi directly. Their strength could not be wasted on supporting the formation.

Everyone knew how dangerous this battle was, so no one said anything. This group of people would do whatever Yuchen arranged.

"Bai Ziqi hasn't come yet, is it too early to activate the formation now?" Hu Jinyue asked in confusion, "And Third Master, is it time for you to set off now and bring Bai Ziqi here.

Otherwise, if Bai Ziqi doesn't come, wouldn't it be in vain for us to arrange these things..."

Before Hu Jinyue could finish her words, a strong wind suddenly blew in from outside the cave.

The wind was strong, with a roaring sound, and the smaller stones in the cave were blown up by the wind, and hit the stone wall with a snapping sound.

Dust was everywhere, and I instinctively squinted my eyes.

As the strong wind penetrated, a huge boulder suddenly flew in quickly from outside the cave and hit several of us.

When the boulder flew in front of us, a green vine chopped down from mid-air and hit the boulder with a snap.

The boulder instantly fell into pieces, exploded with a roar, and turned into countless tiny stones, flying around.

At the same time as the boulder exploded, Yuchen stretched out one arm, and a silver spear appeared in his hand.

Holding Su Yue in his hand, he rose into the air and stabbed forward.

The boulder had just exploded, with rocks flying and dust flying.

Yuchen rushed into the dust all over the sky.

Before I could clearly see what was happening in the flying smoke, I heard another loud bang, and a burst of spiritual pressure exploded.

The smoke in the air was dispersed by spiritual pressure, forming a smoke ring that quickly spread around.

As the smoke rings dispersed, the scene in the center of the smoke rings clearly appeared in front of us.

This chapter has been completed!
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