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I was startled and quickly asked, "Qingluan, what exactly did you find? Why should I burn this book?"

Qingluan's face turned pale, he shook his head and said, "Little Fairy Girl, this is not to be touched.

Destroy this book quickly before someone discovers that you have this book in your possession, otherwise you will be in trouble.


After saying that, as if he was worried that I wouldn't listen to what he said, he added, "Little Fairy Girl, this is a big disaster! She will be killed and the whole family will be buried with her."


He spoke very seriously. I was frightened by what he said, and at the same time I became more curious about the content of this book.

I looked at him and asked, "Who is that other person? The Ancient God?"

Emperor Wuzu is looking for this book, and I am no longer an ordinary person, and the friends and helpers around me are also not ordinary people.

The only "others" I can think of who can easily kill us are the ancient gods.

Qingluan didn't speak, as if he didn't dare to answer my question.

But his silence at this time seemed to me to be a kind of acquiescence.

I guessed it right, "Picture of Sacrifice to Heaven" is a book related to ancient gods, but I couldn't understand the content in the book!

"Qingluan," Yun Ling said, "What exactly is the content of this book?"

Qingluan shook his head and said with a troubled face, "Fenghuang, please don't make things difficult for me.

"He didn't dare to say.

The content in the book makes even an auspicious beast dare not mention it!

What exactly do these formation diagrams record?

I thought for a moment and said, "Qingluan, you don't have to talk about the content in the book.

I just want to ask you one thing, is there any way to contact Yuchen in the book?"

Tomorrow is the seventh day, and the former priest will come to help Yuchen survive.

Yuchen is now in the ancient god tribe. I don't know if Emperor Wu Zu has found a way to save Yuchen, but I know that Yuchen cannot miss the opportunity tomorrow.

This is a matter of life and death for Yuchen. I must contact Yuchen.

Qingluan also knew that today was the last day. Yuchen was the God of War and the master he served, and he did not want the God of War to perish.

He bit his lower lip hard, and with a final expression as if he had made a major decision, he said resolutely, "We can get in touch!"

These four words made me ecstatic.

I was so happy that my eyes were sore, and I felt like I would cry in the next second.

I couldn't hide my excitement and hurriedly said, "Qingluan, please tell me how to contact him?"

Qingluan was not affected by my excitement, he still frowned, "Not only can I contact you, but I can also call the third master back immediately.


They accepted Yuchen's current identity and began to call him Third Master Yuchen.

I was so happy that I didn't notice his choice of words.

I quickly asked, "What should I do?"

At this time, Yun Ling suddenly interjected, "Recall? Qingluan, are you saying that there is a formation in this book that can directly connect to the ancient god tribe and teleport Yuchen who is in the ancient god tribe through the formation?"

Qingluan nodded.

Seeing this, Qilin shouted happily, "With such a convenient formation, why are you hesitating? Qingluan, show it quickly and call the Third Master back.


After Qilin finished speaking, Hu Jinyue raised her hand and slapped Qilin on the head.

Hu Jinyue said, "Are you stupid? Third Master is now in the Ancient God Tribe. No one in the world knows where the Ancient God Tribe is. When we entered the tribe, we were all summoned by the formation map.

Now we have a formation diagram that can connect with the tribe of ancient gods. Do you think the great gods will let us go after they know that we can create such a formation?"

Qilin reacted and quickly shook his head, "The fox is right, this formation cannot be set.


"If we don't set up the formation, how will my father come back?" Xiao Siqin's eyes were red with anxiety, and she pouted, "This formation needs to be set up.


Qilin was unprincipled. Seeing that Xiao Siqin was about to cry, he quickly changed his tune.

Xiao Siqin is a child, and Qilin's IQ is about the same as Xiao Siqin.

So Qingluan ignored them. He just looked at me quietly, waiting for me to make the final decision.

Whoever sets up the formation will die.

While recalling Yuchen, the formation will also alert other ancient gods in the tribe. In order to maintain the tribe's secrecy, the ancient gods will definitely get rid of the person who set up the formation.

Qingluan is waiting for me to make a decision, which actually means that he is ready to die.

I couldn't laugh anymore, and at the same time, I couldn't say anything to ask Qingluan to set up the formation.

I want Yuchen to live, but I can't push Qingluan to die.

I can also set up the formation, but after experiencing the battle in the Demon Sealing Valley, now I don't want to die at all.

If I die, what will Yuchen do? I can't leave him, and he can't leave me. We both have to be together!

Things have reached a deadlock.

We found a method, but there is no way to follow this method.

At night.

I was sitting in the small courtyard in a daze, and Qingluan came to me with the "Picture of Sacrifice to Heaven".

He placed the "Picture of Sacrifice to Heaven" in front of me and said straight to the point, "Little Fairy Girl, I can go and set up the formation. My life was originally saved by the Third Master. Now I give it back to him. I don't complain.

Just I have a request.


He stretched out his hand and pointed at the "Picture of Sacrifice to Heaven" with his finger, "Burn this book.

Little Fairy, the contents of this book should not be seen by anyone who knows the formation.


I raised my eyes and looked at Qingluan.

This was the first time I observed him carefully.

Qingluan is tall and thin. He often wears a sky-blue gown and his face is slightly pale.

Before, I thought it was because he was injured that his face looked ugly.

But after so many days of recovery, his injuries were healed, but his face was still pale.

It can be seen that this is what he should look like.

He looks soft and frail, with a sickly appearance, but his eyes are deep and lively.

At this time, he looked at me calmly, with determination and relief.

I asked him, "What is the content of this book?"

Obviously he didn't expect me to ask this. Qingluan was slightly startled, and then said angrily, "Xiao Xiangu, have you ever taken my words to heart? This book is the best. You don't know that the content in the book is the best."

Little Fairy Girl, don't be curious where you shouldn't be, otherwise the Third Master won't be able to protect you.


"Qingluan," I ignored his accusation and continued, "you are going to die, are you still afraid to tell the contents of the book?"

Seeing that I was not getting enough, Qingluan became angry. He slammed the table hard and said, "Lin Xi! I don't tell the contents of the book, not because I am afraid of my death, but because I don't want you to die!"

I looked at him and chuckled, "So Qingluan, I don't want you to die either.


Qingluan was stunned.

I stood up and just when I was about to tell my plan, a red light suddenly exploded from the sky.

The scarlet light illuminated the entire night sky.

This red light rushed from the ground into the sky, and then exploded in the sky, like a red aurora, floating in the sky in strands.

"What's this……"

Before I could finish my words, Qingluan interrupted me anxiously, "This is the spirit summoning formation! Someone set up a formation to connect with the ancient tribe of gods to summon the Third Master.



I was shocked, and while running towards the light source, I asked, "Who is it? Qingluan, besides you, who else can create this formation?"

"I don't know," Qingluan followed me, his voice anxious, "The summoning formation is very complicated, and connecting with the ancient god tribe is only the first step. There are so many gods in the tribe, who knows which one you are summoning, so

If you want to summon the Third Master, you need to create a small formation based on this formation.

The person setting up the formation now is completely fooling around, he can’t help but alert the ancient gods, if another one who can’t offend the great gods is summoned, we will be in dire straits!”

This chapter has been completed!
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