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Looking at Wan Shangyu's shrewd smile, I suddenly felt that he was not here to greet us, but for Yuchen's gift.

But having said that, I'm also curious.

I just mentioned that I would prepare gifts for Gu Han and Wan Shangyu's children, but I don't know what Yuchen has prepared.

I raised my head and looked at Yuchen curiously.

Yuchen looked at Wan Shangyu with cold eyes, "Wan Shangyu, you will be punished by heaven for leaking secrets, so in order to avoid punishment for you, I won't give you any gifts.


The implication is that if you don't give a gift, Wan Shangyu's calculations are wrong, so this cannot be regarded as a divination.

Wan Shangyu stared, obviously not expecting Yuchen to react like this.

He was stunned for a moment and said, "Third Master, this is not a leak of secrets. God doesn't care about matters as big as sesame seeds and mung beans.

Furthermore, this is not the result of divination. I have promised Gu Han not to do divination again in the future. I just threw a few copper plates in my spare time, and the hexagrams shown by those copper plates were revealed.

This is not divination and has nothing to do with divine punishment.

Third Master, just give me the gift. To keep my daughter safe, you are actually doing your son a favor. Otherwise, if something happens to my daughter, your son will end up alone..."

At the end of the sentence, Wan Shangyu seemed to realize that he had said too much, and he quickly reached out to cover his mouth.

It was too late for him to cover his mouth. I had already heard everything he said.

I looked at him in surprise, "Wan Shangyu, what did you say? Your daughter will be my daughter-in-law in the future? Which son? Is it Xiao Sigu, or is this the one in my belly?"

"Of course it's Xiao Si, there's nothing left in your belly..." Realizing again that he said something he shouldn't have said, Wan Shangyu raised his hand and hit himself twice in the mouth.

I looked at him curiously, "What's wrong with this thing in my stomach?"

Wan Shangyu glared at me dissatisfied, "Lin Xi, can you stop trying to trick me right away? If I die young, you will definitely be responsible. Can you bear to let Gu Han become a widow?"

"Wan Shangyu, your daughter is looking for you..." A crisp female voice floated across the atrium.

Then, I saw a neatly dressed woman wearing half-sleeves and shorts carrying a child from the backyard through the atrium, running over like a gust of wind.

When she saw me standing outside the gate, the woman was stunned for a moment. The next second, as if she had seen a long-lost relative, strong joy burst out in the woman's eyes.

She threw the child into Wan Shangyu's arms and rushed towards me, "Lin Xi!"

Seeing the child being thrown into the air, Wan Shangyu was so frightened that he quickly reached out to catch it, "My daughter!"

I said to Yuchen, "Yuchen, quickly catch our daughter-in-law!"

As soon as I finished speaking, Yuchen disappeared from my side.

The next second, Yuchen hugged the child, and Gu Han hugged me.

"Lin Xi!" Gu Han picked me up and spun me around before putting me down. He looked me up and down excitedly, "You heartless person. You've been gone for more than a year and you don't even miss me! Why do you think so?"

You don’t even know how to come back and see me! I really want to find you, but I don’t even know where you are! Lin Xi, you don’t even… don’t you miss me…”

At the end of the story, Gu Han started to cry.

My eyes were also red, and I hugged Gu Han, "Stop crying, am I here now?"

Gu Han clenched her fist and hit me lightly a few times. She was reluctant to use force, but she wanted to vent her anger.

"Lin Xi, do you know why I stay in Wanjia honestly? Because you know that I am here, and you can find me at any time when you want to find me.

I've been waiting for you, but when I gave birth, you didn't even come! I was really angry.


I cried loudly and felt like a scumbag.

I coaxed her for a few words, then looked at Yuchen and urged, "Yuchen, take out the gift quickly.


After saying that, I said to Gu Han as if I was offering a treasure, "Gu Han, I brought a gift for your daughter.


Seeing the contrast in my attitude before and after, Yuchen was slightly startled.

Wan Shangyu leaned over and said with a cheesy smile, "Third Master, we probably have to sleep together tonight.


As he spoke, Wan Shangyu reached out and hugged his daughter.

Yuchen turned sideways slightly and avoided Wan Shangyu's hand reaching out to hold the child.

Wan Shangyu was stunned for a moment, "Third Master, this is my daughter!"

"My daughter-in-law.


The words were meant to quarrel with Wan Shangyu, but Yuchen kept looking at the little guy in his arms.

He held the child in one hand, stretched out the other hand, opened his palm, and a green jade lock appeared in the palm of his hand. The jade lock was hung on a gold collar, in the shape of a safety lock.

I was stunned when I saw this safety lock.

It looks so familiar.

This is the original piece of soul-locking jade! Wu Jie has been raised in this piece of jade, waiting for Yuchen to help her find a container to resurrect.

Later, Wu Jie died, and I never saw this jade again.

Unexpectedly, it has always been in Yuchen's hands.

"Thank you, Third Master.

"Seeing the safety lock, Wan Shangyu smiled as if he had received a huge treasure.

Having said that, this piece of jade can nourish people's souls. Even if they die, this piece of jade can nourish people's souls and even help people come back to life.

Having this piece of jade is like having a second life.

From this angle, it is true that this piece of jade is a big treasure.

Hearing Yuchen talk about his daughter-in-law, Gu Han seemed to suddenly think of something. She took my hand, pulled me to Yuchen's side, pointed at the chubby baby in Yuchen's arms, and said to me,

"Lin Xi, what do you think my daughter looks like? Do you like her? If you don't mind it, how about we make a baby kiss?"

Can I dislike this?

I nodded quickly and said yes.

He took the child from Yuchen's arms.

The little guy is more than six months old, with a chubby little face and a pair of big eyes like two black grapes, looking around curiously.

And the little one didn't recognize strangers at all. After she got into my arms, she raised her little hand, as if she wanted to touch me, and scratched the air twice, then she giggled, revealing her two small dimples.

Soft and cute.

This is a normal human baby. How can he walk and talk within six months?

Gu Han told me that the little guy’s first name was Wan Yue and his nickname was Xiao Lucky.

The nickname was given by her, which indicates that the child will be lucky throughout his life.

After playing with the child for a while, the little one soon got tired. Gu Han handed the little one to the nanny, then took me into the room.

It can be seen that this room is her and Wan Shangyu's bedroom, with a large double bed and a wedding photo of the two hanging above the bed.

The wedding photos were taken in Gu Han's style. In the photos, Gu Han was dressed like a little Taoist nun, and Wan Shangyu also wore Taoist robes. The two of them knelt in front of the altar table, pointing their fingers in the sky and swearing to the sky.

If it weren't for the marriage certificate on the altar table, I wouldn't have believed it was a wedding photo.

Wan Shangyu was able to take such photos with Gu Han, and even agreed to put them on the bedside, which shows that they are truly in love.

After entering the room, Gu Han asked me to sit on the bed. She opened the closet, took out a small bundle and put it on her back. Then she turned to me and said, "Lin Xi, let's go!"

There were questions in my head, and I blinked, "Where are we going?"

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Wanbenshen Station wayqge

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