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Chapter 1: Resurrection

When I was thirteen years old, I fell seriously ill. My parents took me to many hospitals but could not find a cure. Apart from a fever, they could not even find out the cause of the disease.

After my grandfather heard about it, he ordered my father to take me back to his hometown.

When I returned to my hometown, my grandfather just took one look and knew that I had lost my soul!

My grandfather was a fortune teller and had been in the fortune telling business all his life. Because my father didn’t believe in my grandfather’s story, after we got married, he took my mother and my newborn me and moved to the city.

I could only come back to spend time with my grandpa during winter and summer vacations! Grandpa’s business was very good. I remember that at that time, many people would line up to ask for fortune telling from him every day.

That night, my grandfather took a knife-tipped meat and scented wax paper candle, and asked my father to take me with him to a crossroads in our village. Grandpa said he would shout for my soul here!

Our local saying is that after people lose their souls, they will come to the crossroads to wait for the master's call. And all crossroads are connected, so no matter which crossroads they perform services, the lost soul can hear it.

When we arrived at the crossroads, it was already past 11 o'clock in the evening! Grandpa lit candles, burned four sticks of incense and placed them at the crossroads, and then began to perform soul-calling rituals for me.

I don’t remember the process of the ritual. I only remember that my grandfather tied ink thread around my neck, feet, and hands.

It was strange to say that night, the moon and stars were sparse, but when the ritual was about to be completed, lightning started to thunder, and then it started to rain heavily.

The day after the ritual, my illness healed, but I couldn’t remember the memories before I was thirteen. I couldn’t even remember my parents and grandpa. If they hadn’t told me, I wouldn’t have.

I didn't know they were my closest relatives.

After I recovered from my illness, my grandfather wanted to keep me by his side. Because my parents refused, they had a big fight. I remember in the end it was my grandfather who said that it was not my soul that was summoned that night, but my soul.

If someone else's soul wants me to continue to live, I have to listen to him.

It was only after saying this that my parents stopped arguing!

From that day on, my parents left me with my grandfather. My grandfather enrolled me in the middle school in the town, and I also transferred from the city to the junior high school in the town.

My parents said that my grades in the past were very poor, and my total score in Chinese and Mathematics exams was less than 100 points! But after I transferred to another school, my grades changed dramatically, and my scores in both subjects together reached 180 points.

My parents were also very surprised when they saw my results, but they were more relieved.

After living with my grandfather for half a year, he began to give me some books on studying the Four Pillars and Eight Characters. Strangely enough, when I read those books, I felt like I had seen them somewhere before, and I knew the meaning of them as soon as I read them.

After reading "Four Pillars and Eight Characters", my grandfather started to let me read "Five Geography Techniques", which is a book about Feng Shui. I seem to have a superior talent in this area, and I will stick to all the books I have read.


In three years, I learned horoscopes, Feng Shui, physiognomy and Chinese medicine. However, my grandfather never let me read these things to others. I don’t know why, but I listened to my grandfather because he could not harm me.

One day three years later, my grandfather took out an abacus and began to teach me fortune telling! From this time on, my grandfather no longer told anyone’s fortune. No matter how much money others paid or what their status was, he did not count.

It took me two years to learn my grandfather's fortune-telling skills.

In the blink of an eye, I turned eighteen.

On my eighteenth birthday, my parents came! We all

My family had a very happy reunion dinner. My parents were full of praise for my college entrance examination results and asked me which school I should apply for.

My parents were happy, but I saw that my grandpa’s face was very ugly. He didn’t say more than five words during the whole process.

After dinner, when our family was chatting, grandpa suddenly said something seriously. Grandpa said that I can no longer go to school!

I was very puzzled when I heard what grandpa said. I had no idea why. My parents were also extremely shocked! So I asked grandpa why.

Grandpa didn’t say why, but said seriously, “I said I can’t, I just can’t! Not only can’t I go to school, but I can’t stay here anymore!”

After finishing speaking, grandpa walked up to me and said with a serious face, "Li Yao, maybe you will resent grandpa, but there is only so much that grandpa can do for you. Grandpa can no longer accompany you in the future."

Yes! I left a letter under your pillow, and you open it three days later!"

"Be sure to remember the contents of the letter."

Having said this, my grandpa suddenly hugged me. I have lived with my grandpa for five years, and he has always been cold and cold, rejecting people thousands of miles away. But now, he actually hugged me and said this to me.

Way to express his love for me.

When he let me go again, I saw his eyes were red!

I don't know what happened, but grandpa looked like he was leaving.

"Grandpa, where are you going?"

Grandpa looked into the distance and murmured, "The distance. Remember, don't come to me!"

After saying that, grandpa walked out resolutely. I don't know where grandpa is going, but I know that once he leaves, he will never come back.

My parents were baffled by my grandfather’s departure, because

Because they haven't gotten the answer yet as to why I can't go to college.

The next day and the third day, grandpa did not come back. My parents organized many people to go out and search for him. They searched for ten miles but could not find grandpa. From that day on, grandpa never appeared again.

Three days later, I opened the letter left by my grandfather.

Inside the letter are the words my grandpa wrote to me. "Li Yao, grandpa is gone. This departure may mean goodbye forever! My son, grandpa is sorry for you. If it weren't for the spiritual call five years ago, maybe we wouldn't be able to meet each other, and we wouldn't be able to become friends five years ago."

's grandparents.

I still remember that you always asked me about your past. If I didn’t tell you, it wasn’t because I didn’t want to tell you, but because I didn’t know.

Perhaps it is fate that brings you to my grandson Li Yao. Over the years, I have always regarded you as my grandson. I have tried my best to understand your fate, but my ability is limited.

, ultimately unable to penetrate.

I can only teach you all my skills. I hope that one day, you will be able to understand your own destiny and know the meaning of your life. You are extremely talented, and I believe you can definitely understand it all!

Son, grandpa will tell you three things next!

First, leave the village and go south, keep walking! Only when you meet a woman wearing black clothes talking to you can you stay in that place.

Second, the skills I teach you can help you make a living, but you can only use them after meeting a woman named Huang!

Third, remember not to tell fortunes for people named Ma!

After reading the letter left by my grandfather, I felt mixed emotions in my heart! Tears could not help but flow down the corners of my eyes. I knew that my grandfather died for me and for the soul-calling five years ago.

Everything is my fault!

The next day, after packing my things, I set off!

This chapter has been completed!
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