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As usual, it’s time for Dashu to express his acceptance speech today.

This is the fourth time Dashu has written this kind of single chapter, but to be honest, this is the one with the most emotion. Whether it’s the Ice Dragon’s small achievements or the Thunder God’s harassment, or even the players trying out the comprehensive comic, it’s nothing compared to

This time it made the tree... embarrassed.

Because Dashu experienced for the first time what it means to cry without tears.

The decline of pirate fandom is inevitable, and the necromancer theme is not favored.

The title of the book did not pass the review, the introduction did not pass the review, the subject matter was restricted, and there were various conflicts. As a result, Dashu deleted and deleted the detailed outline he had prepared. He typed for four hours every day and checked for two hours the next day. He was frightened.

Trembling hair came up.

But despite my limited talent, I still haven't been able to write a... interesting story.

The editor Ruoye helped with all his efforts, so that the book did not start with ordinary newcomers to test the water, but pushed it to the sixth channel and then pushed it. But until now, it has 300,000 words, and it still only has 10,000 collections.

Fortunately, all the book friends have persisted in giving me the confidence to put this book on the shelves.

I really deserve it.

Thank you all for this!

Then continue to cry miserably...

I can’t help but cry. There are only 10,000 collections in total.

The light novel category is a very magical category. Here you can see monsters with a subscription ratio of several to one, and you can also see a 20:1 rush. On average, the subscription ratio is around 15:1.

In other words, if Dashu's collection of ten thousand is replaced by follow-up subscriptions, he will only have seven or eight hundred at most.

As an elderly person who has finished two books, this achievement is beyond compare.


Therefore, if you are able, book friends, I sincerely hope that you can come to Qidian to support genuine reading. For you, a subscription article worth a thousand words is a few hours of dedication and effort by an author.

Everyone needs a sense of recognition. How does the author of a chapter know if it is well written or if there are any problems? He can only look at the official backend, follow up orders, and leave comments. No matter how much you support pirated users, the author has no way to know that you have good intentions.


So whoever spreads rumors like asking for one yuan to read a chapter at the starting point, you should slap him!

Beat it to death!

I still don’t know how much money I get?!

If the cloud player forgets you, why should he still be the cloud author?

Ahem, that's too far off topic.

Dashu can only give back to you with updates, so that everyone can enjoy watching it in their spare time.

As a working dog, working from 9 to 5, Dashu gave up almost all his leisure time to code. It would be hypocritical to say that he doesn't want results, so please!

After being put on the shelves, this book has changed from an ornamental object to a commodity, and Dashu must take it seriously.

I originally planned to give back to you all ten chapters, but since I deleted all the original manuscripts, Dashu only has 5 chapters in total now. In addition, it will be released at 12 noon tomorrow, and I just have to go to work, so I can only do it if nothing happens tomorrow.

Chapter five.

With Dashu’s character, I believe I won’t be the kind of five-chapter who was in his early 2000s.

And then this month, regardless of rewards, I will insist on three updates with full enthusiasm. Lasting is the last word, right?


The rules for adding updates are still the same, one update with a reward of 10,000 yuan, and one update with a monthly ticket of 200. Dashu has a small notebook to calculate how much he owes. The last book of Thor still owes 7 chapters, but the book is finished, emmmmm...

ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘

Let’s talk about it later!

Finally, please recommend me, please give me a monthly ticket, please subscribe, and please be happy!

Thank you everyone!

I didn’t expect how it would end, so I would like to wish you all a happy new year and a happy New Year!

This chapter has been completed!
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