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Chapter 147, an axe floats from the sky

Dong Dong Dong Dong!

In the state of hyperplasia of flesh and blood, every punch and kick of Lovett has a terrifying power that is no less than that of Jinbe in his normal state. Otherwise, it cannot form a balance with the soul-destroying fist and "lock" Jinbe in the middle position.

But the pain also stimulated Jinbei to wake up from the frightening scream. He gritted his teeth and activated his armed domineering energy to protect his whole body and resist the attack from the opponent.

"Armed and domineering, it is indeed interesting."

Lovett's eyes narrowed slightly, the light of wisdom inside them was completely different from what he was doing at the moment.

Why the armed domineering energy can touch the body of the natural ability user is a topic he has been studying.

He can see through the body composition of a natural ability user at a glance. It is similar to the elemental spirit created by an elemental mage. It has no vital points and no priority, so it can ignore physical attacks. Like a mage, if the spirit is immortal, there is no death.

the concept of.

But on this basis, they also possess the characteristics of living beings, which is very different from the elemental spirits.

"Suppose you don't use Armed Haki, it's not that you can't touch elemental matter, but that you can't touch the part of a person with abilities that belongs to [normal people]... But how does Armed Haki do this?"

The fusion of vitality and spiritual power, and the restrained relationship between the elements, are incompatible.

"Having both elemental spirit characteristics and living human characteristics, the source of the ability that exerts its effect is, not surprisingly, the [Devil Fruit]... However, Armed Haki does not restrain the fruit's ability. You will still be hit when you should, just in front of you.

It can have some additional effects on natural types."

Lovett suddenly complained.

Could it be that the old thief Oda designed various nature-type opponents, and then found that the straw hat alone could not deal with them, and could not copy all the sand crocodile attribute restraints, so he conceived the idea of ​​​​armed color Haki to touch the nature type?

If you think about it carefully, this is really a possibility!

But from the fantasy world to reality, what is placed in front of Lovett is this illogical restraint effect, waiting for his answer.

"Maybe... I should also try to master the three-color Haki?"

Rather than looking around for experimental materials, treating yourself as an experimental material is the second traditional skill of the Necromancer.

Just do it if you think of it!

Lovett, who had even developed a new spell such as "White Burial", had already figured out the true face of Armed Haki. Suddenly, a strong sense of threat made Jinbei look surprised.

"This feeling……!!!"


There was a buzzing sound in the air, and Lovett's right index finger slowly lifted up, but this simple movement seemed to be weighing down a thousand kilograms of weight.

He frowned silently. His vitality was not particularly strong after all. Without damaging his body, the armed domineering force he could control could only cover one finger.

"Control the fusion of vitality and mental power, imagine water flowing on the surface of the body, gradually compress them on the surface of the skin, and accelerate the entanglement..."

Under Jinbei's shocked gaze, thin black lines like water patterns gradually appeared on Lovett's fingers, like silk cocoons, covering the skin bit by bit.

"The faster the flow rate, the more destructive it is, but the harder it is to control."

Silently glancing at the layer of defensive armor on Jinbei's body, and comparing it, Lovett found that his armed domineering was as precise as a machine, with no more or less in each position, very even.

But Jinbei is different, hegemony rises and falls in different thicknesses throughout his body, and in some places they even overlap and conflict.

But on the contrary, it has a mysterious feeling of ingenuity!

"Don't be too deliberate, you have to follow its instinctive flow..."

Looking back, Lovett suddenly realized.

The next second, as Jinbei looked at God, the dark fingers suddenly erupted with a heart-stopping breath, causing the air to vibrate violently and buzz.


Lovett couldn't help but groaned, and blood bleeded from the corner of his mouth.


As a result, there was a gap in the frantic beating. Jinbei turned over and stood up. When the soul-destroying fist struck again, he stepped on the huge phalanges and ejected outwards.


The pain all over his body was unbearable, and he was unable to control his balance. Jinbei fell headfirst into the forest, smashing into large rocks.

But he didn't care about this, he stood up quickly while covering his broken ribs, and looked at Lovett in horror who was wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"You are actually learning...no, imitating!!!"

He looked at Lovett with uncontrollable fear in his eyes: "Imitate my armed domineering attitude!!"

In just a few seconds, he went from being a beginner to a level of armed Haki that would be difficult for ordinary people to master in several years. It took even Luffy two years to fully develop it!

This is armed and domineering!

Among the three colors of Haki, the armed color Haki has the highest learning requirements and the least shortcuts!

Willpower, physical strength, and skill level are the three major difficulties that must be overcome one by one. None of them can be missing!

But it's such an armed and domineering attitude, and he actually learned it in a few seconds?

And... he is still imitating his own armed domination!!

This is the high-level armed domineering spirit he has honed over decades!!

Apart from "monster", Jinbe can't find any other adjective.



But Lovett ignored his surprise. When he saw Jinbei taking the opportunity to escape, he waved his hand and dispersed the soul-destroying fist below.

Looking at his broken index finger, he silently concluded.

"So that's it, in line with the instinctive direction of the armed domineering flow, I gave the initiative to them. Without my restraint, they will forcibly inspire stronger armed domineering. This is their [rule]




The flesh and blood squirmed, and a circle of tiny fangs sprouted from the skin at the base of the finger, chewing off the broken index finger. Then the flesh and blood reattached to the wound, stacked layer by layer, and soon formed a new finger.

Silently moving his newly grown fingers, Lovett laughed self-deprecatingly.

"Controlling it too finely is equivalent to digging a river channel, which disperses the impact of the water flow itself... and following the instinct to increase the level, logically speaking, it requires constant exploration and practice to know, but I directly discovered it with the strength of my sublimated soul.

The actual attempt was to undermine the success and hurt myself.”

"Armed color domineering, flow, elemental spirit and living characteristics... I seem to have caught something."

Slowly raising his head, his cold gaze swept across, making Jinbei feel like he was facing a formidable enemy, with cold sweat dripping down his forehead.

But to his surprise, Lovett did not continue to take action, but asked.

"Are there people with natural abilities on Fish-Man Island?"

He had an idea and urgently needed to test it.

Although he didn’t understand why Lovett wanted to find people with natural abilities, Jinbei still replied: “No, there are very few people with abilities on Fish-Man Island, let alone rare natural abilities.”

"Ah, is it true?"

In my own impression, Fishman Island is indeed a special place.

Because they are born close to the sea, fish people and mermaids will eat devil fruits and become landlubbers in proportion... No, it can't be called a proportion, but a weird one!

It's hard to find such a weirdo among millions of people.

In Lovett's memory, it seems that in the entire story of Fish-Man Island, there was only one person with fruit abilities.

What is it called... Target Fruit?

call out!


A flying ax whirled and hit the back of Lovett's head, but he quickly turned around and used his domineering fingers covered in armed colors to pierce the side and hang it in his hand.

Lovett: "..."

"Ah Qiu!!"

At the same time, in the deep sea, the cabin of the ark.

Vanderdyken sneezed heavily and touched the white star photo hanging on the wall through the waterproof coating, with a sick look on his face.

"Have you received my love, Princess Shirahoshi?"

He moved his face obsessively and scratched the photo repeatedly.

Then he looked fierce and whispered ferociously.

"You are mine! You can only be mine! Sea King, Poseidon!!"


A bunch of stingy guys... The third update is here, I'll run away!

This chapter has been completed!
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