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Chapter 155, Punk Hassad

But Lovett was not kidding, eliminating fear... No, the best way to defeat the mad dog wave is to face the mad dog wave.

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave one wins!

On the other ship, Jiu also issued the same order.

Facing the oncoming huge waves, they had nowhere to hide. Once they tried to escape and turned the ship sideways to the waves, the surging currents would instantly overturn and sink them.


So, with a deafening crash, the two ships smashed into the ocean and rode on giant waves. With the help of the upwelling current, they suddenly turned from bottom to top at an angle that violated the rules of gravity, and turned all the way up.

"So I really don't want to come to the new world!"

With tears in his eyes, Wallace hugged the chair tightly, his body became parallel to the ground, and he was thrown flying.

When we met for the first time, New World was too enthusiastic!

New World, Punk Hassard.

This is one of the few islands in the New World that is close to the Red Earth Continent and is under the jurisdiction of the World Government. The lush vegetation is full of life, and from time to time, hares and other creatures jump out of the forest and chase them playfully.

But this is just an appearance. In the huge steel building in the center of the island, a series of inhumane experiments are being carried out.


The laboratory door was opened heavily, and a tall man wearing a cloud-like coat, purple eyeshadow, and a tall figure walked in.

"Damn it, that guy from Vegapunk, why doesn't he just want to take my advice?!"

In the laboratory, several researchers in white coats trembled when they heard the words, immersed themselves in their work and pretended not to hear.

His commander, Caesar Courant, and his chief scientist, Vegapunk, have been at odds with each other for a day or two. The big guys are fighting, and little guys like them dare not interrupt.

The issue the two men were arguing about was simple.

Vegapunk is committed to researching blood factors, and through the extended Devil Fruit transfer technology, he is preparing to transfer the Shining Fruit ability of General Kizaru to the pacifist under development, but Caesar Courant believes that as a weapon, the destructive power of laser

Limited and not as practical as virus weapons.

Then, he was rejected by Vegapunk for being too cruel.

"What's too cruel? He's obviously afraid that my weapons will be more powerful than his, which will make his title of number one scientist untenable!"

Arriving in front of the research desk, Caesar Courant muttered angrily, then glanced at the data on the file and smiled: "But even if you don't agree, you can't stop my experiment."

He and Vegapunk are both scientists in the Navy's scientific force, and there is no distinction between superiors and subordinates. Vegapunk is currently focusing on conquering the Pacifist Project, while he alone leads the team to conduct research on artificial devil fruits.

"sad", the necessary raw material for artificial devil fruits.

Now he has not cooperated with Doflamingo, and the nickname "smile" full of bad taste has not appeared, but is uniformly called by the artificial devil fruit.

However, the current ability of artificial Devil Fruits is limited, they must be of the animal type, and the failure rate is extremely high. In addition, even if the success effect is not as good as the original animal type fruit, it will turn people into half-human, half-animal monsters, so the government has not officially invested in it.


Pacifists and artificial Devil Fruits are two things that the government values ​​​​very much, so it gives them considerable freedom.

Therefore, on Punk Hassad Island, the two of them were each responsible for a part, allowing Caesar Courant to have considerable autonomy.

Just like now...

"What happened to Sample No. 13?"

Picking up the document, Caesar asked coldly.

When he enters working mode, he doesn't care about anything except the progress of the experiment.

Hearing this, a man in a white coat quickly replied: "It should be that resistance has developed. After all, our latest stage of poison gas is all improved from the original basis, and the essence has not changed..."

"But don't worry, sir!"

Seeing Caesar frowning, the white coat quickly added: "We have drawn blood for testing, and we will know where the problem is soon."

Vegapunk couldn't control his team, so Caesar Courant laid off most of his staff to continue his poison gas experiments. If the government didn't send people to check the progress regularly, he even wanted to completely abandon the artificial devil fruit related work.


"No, it's not necessary."

Suddenly, under the astonished gaze of the researchers, Caesar grinned evilly: "This research is too inefficient. Let's start the second phase of testing directly."

"But...the Swordsman Tower..."

The white coat said hesitantly: "We haven't tested whether the container can withstand the high pressure during release. Is this... too dangerous?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what you said is wrong."

Caesar Courant let out a breathtaking laugh and turned around: "The security devices in the base were designed by Vegapunk himself. If he can't even withstand this test, doesn't it prove that there are loopholes in his design?"

I see.

Is this the truth?!

Hearing this, the white coat and the others looked at each other and nodded: "I understand."

When gods fight, mortals suffer disaster. With a helpless sigh, a group of people immediately got busy, preparing to skip the tedious research on drug resistance and directly verify the lethality.

The glass chamber was not completely soundproof. Upon hearing this, Sample No. 13 showed a living person who had been mutilated by the poisonous gas. His eyes widened in horror, and he let out a low howl for mercy.

But no one cares.

This group of prisoners was not sent to Impel Down but was escorted here. It had only one purpose.

As a human guinea pig, I contribute to research.

After the storm, everything calms down.

In the center of the boundless blue ocean, people in white suits were running back and forth, directing the handymen on the ship to repair the ship.

Facing the terrible climate in the New World that is countless times more violent than the previous half, no ship can guarantee that it will still be safe and sound while sailing in the New World. Therefore, the presence of shipwrights is essential, as well as daily maintenance and emergency treatment.

So Leviathan is very proud.

The storm that greeted them covered a terrifyingly large area. It took them two days and two nights to finally break out of the storm area.

CP0's ship was seriously damaged and was leaking water in all directions. Emergency repairs were made, but I was fine!

In this regard, Jiu wanted to remind him that you are really not a ship.

It's just a monster with the shape of a ship!

But he was rational enough not to speak. Leviathan accompanied them when the weapons were robbed last time, which was a very harsh lesson.

"Tell you Captain..."

Looking at the steward passing by on the deck with a pile of sundries in his arms, Jiu shouted: "We can't set off tonight, so we can only rest here."

Hearing this, the housekeeper nodded silently: "I understand."

Then he opened the cabin door and walked in... But in Jiu's sight, the butler seemed to have gone to another world after stepping into the cabin. His back foot was still outside the door, but the foot and half of his body that stepped forward were strange.

's disappeared.


The cabin door automatically closed when there was no wind, and it was slowly closed.

Jiu shuddered.

"What a mysterious guy... As is the case with people, so is the boat."


I'm stuck. It's so uncomfortable. It took me a day to write three chapters.

This chapter has been completed!
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