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Chapter 171, the four emperors gather together, more and more lively!

The Navy Headquarters has been sitting on the sea for 800 years. It is the most powerful force in the world!

With such a huge creature, it is impossible for Virgo to be the only spy.

Some wealthy naval families who have been in the military for generations have even started working as spies several generations ago, helping the money masters behind the scenes to spy on intelligence.

Vergo is just the one who has gone the furthest.

Under normal circumstances, ordinary spies can at most get some scraps of information, which is harmless, but now, the dignified Lieutenant General of the headquarters may also be a spy from other forces?!

Not only the Warring States Period, but also the Five Old Stars would be furious and ordered a thorough investigation of the navy.

Until then

“It will be quite interesting!”


The bodyguard suddenly punched Vergo and knocked him unconscious. Lovett released the bone shackles and ordered: "Help him treat him and hang on to his life."

Nodding silently, the bodyguard dragged Vergo by one leg, like dragging a dead dog, leaving a bloody trail on the ground, and walked away.

"It's a pity that he didn't confess Doflamingo in the end."

Silently putting away the orange-striped photography bug that had followed them all the way from the East China Sea, the housekeeper frowned lightly.

He knew what his master's plan was, but it was a pity that he used magic to force it, so not many people believed the answer.

Everyone knows that Earl Black has weird methods. Even if there is video evidence, who can guarantee that Earl Black did not do anything?

"It doesn't matter, it's just one less excuse to threaten the flamingos."

Lovett doesn't feel sorry for this.

"And that way he can also be sure that I don't have a good impression of the World Government, which gives him an advantage over me. He is a Celestial Dragon, and I can't compare with him."

The housekeeper was solemn when he heard this and almost forgot about this.

Both Tianyaksha and Black Count, who are both hostile to the government, got absolutely different answers!

"Besides, the harvest is not small."

Suddenly, Lovett said softly.

The housekeeper thought silently for a second and asked: "Is it to cut off the Flamingo's way of asking for information?"

"Yes and no."

Lovett smiled and said: "There are many talented people in the navy. I can't torture them, but that doesn't mean they can't do it. Even without torture, some dangerous fruit abilities can make him tell the secret easily."

"Until then"

"What do you think the various forces involved in this matter will think?"


The housekeeper raised his eyebrows.

Then flamingos will probably become the target of public criticism!

"So he will definitely kill people and silence them!"

It's too late for Virgo to tell the secret!

"Then don't we have something to threaten him with?"

Lovett blinked and smiled evilly.

Curse magic to seek revenge!

The effect of this magic is easy to understand. It feeds back to the caster what the victim saw before death, helping them seek revenge.

Normally, this spell would only be used by mages on their family members or subordinates, but now it is just as suitable to be used on Vergo.

Therefore, if Flamingo doesn't take action, that's all. Once he does, Lovett will have another reason to threaten him.

"You can't entrust such an important task to a black market assassination group, Doflamingo!"

On the boundless blue sea, Jiu led the warship to ride the wind and waves, pursuing in the direction of the intelligence left by Lovett.

"Sure enough, we can't give these outsiders too much freedom!"

The white windbreaker with the black government cross pattern was rustling in the strong wind. The dove's face was cold under the mask, and his fingers scratched the guardrail, leaving clear marks.

What does a group of scientists have to care about?

Who would take them seriously except us?

These were the words of a senior government official who received the news when 0 proposed making life cards for Caesar Courant and others.

The existence of the life paper can effectively prevent the target from defecting, but the divisible nature of the life paper also puts an unnecessary risk on the target.

Finally, considering the psychological pressure and negative impact that making life paper would have on members of the scientific force, Wulaoxing rejected the plan.

Except for Vegapunk, the entire scientific force is untraceable.

Including Caesar!

The second-in-command of the scientific force who cannot achieve high or low.

But what about now?


Jiu couldn't help but crush the guardrail.

Caesar defected, and the gas accident destroyed their important stronghold in the New World, causing heavy losses!

"I'll advise Wulaoxing when I get back, and we can't continue to let them go!"

Jiu thought angrily.

At this time, a man in a white suit walked up, and even though his face could not be seen clearly through the mask, Jiu could smell the fear radiating from his body.

"What happened?"


The man in the white suit swallowed silently and handed the phone to the bug: "Sir, something big has happened. There is a call from Wulaoxing!"


Jiu immediately ignored his anger and took the phone call.

"Yes, it's me!"

The phone bug murmured a few words, and then


A cross appeared on his forehead, and Jiu opened his mouth in disbelief.

"How can this be?"

"We also consider this, but the Black Earl is known for his intelligence and it is impossible to joke about such a big matter!"

On the other end of the phone, Goatee Wu's face was so dark that he said: "And he also sent the video to Warring States. Even Warring States couldn't find an excuse to excuse Vergo."

"So give up the mission immediately and escort Vergo back quickly!!"

The voice was so cold that it made people shiver.

For such indifferent Five Old Stars, Jiu remembers that after Roger surrendered more than ten years ago, they issued an order to publicly execute Roger.

It is conceivable that this matter really touched the five old stars' reverse scales!

It is the instinct of superiors to send people to secretly monitor the navy, but how can they allow others to snore in the place where they sleep?

Moreover, he is even a high-ranking Lieutenant General of the headquarters!

If this matter is not investigated clearly, Wulaoxing will not be able to eat or sleep.

They had just been beaten by the revolutionary army and were waiting for the World Conference to turn around. But now it was revealed that even the top brass of the Navy had been infiltrated by the enemy.

That kind of chill that comes from the bottom of my heart makes Wulaoxing so angry that he just wants to kill someone!

Investigate, investigate thoroughly, investigate thoroughly!

Although the new world is calm now, in the first half, with Marineford as the center, violent storms are spreading rapidly, sweeping the entire ocean.

The cause was just a phone call from Lovett.

At the same time, in the same ocean, the brightly colored cake boat was swaying and moving rapidly forward.

Like the flagships of other members of the Charlotte family, the bow statue of this ship is also the cartoon version of Katakuri.

But no one dares to look down on the people on board just because of their cute appearance.

Because in the new world, such a distinctive style can only be owned by a group of people.


The Yonko are undoubtedly cruel, but the ships are lovely.

The coexistence of cuteness and cruelty, this contradictory feeling like a murderous teddy bear, is the unique feature of the pirate group.

At this moment, Katakuri was holding his own weapon, the trident, and the murderous aura in his cold eyes made the crew tremble.

"Katakuri-sama has even taken out his weapons, he is going to kill someone!"

A crew member said cautiously to his companions.

Under normal circumstances, Katakuri would hide his weapon in his wrist, but now that he had taken it out, it showed his determination for this trip.

"Shh, keep your voice down. Didn't you see that Lord Perospero and the others came to Jam Island together to see Lord Katakuri leave? Something big must have happened."

"Are we going to start a war with the Four Emperors? That's not right. Only one of the Four Generals will be dispatched."

"Don't worry about it anyway, just do your own thing."

Glancing at Katakuri, who was familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time, the man swallowed and nodded repeatedly.

Katakuri heard the crew's comments, but he didn't care. Even if there was a war with the Yonko, the crew would fight to the end.

Because you may die if you fight, but if you don't fight, you will definitely die!

"So does world government!"

Silently holding on to the burning paper of life, Katakuri looked at the ocean ahead.

"I won't give you the chance to continue hurting them, not at all!"


"Look over there quickly, that's the ship!!"

Suddenly, a scream sounded.

Katakuri frowned silently, turned his head, and his eyes suddenly widened.



The blue-and-white pirate ship crashed into the ocean with great momentum. On the deck, famous figures in the new world were clenching their weapons, with clear anger in their eyes, looking in the same direction as him.

Noticing the cake boat in the distance, on the deck, a mane of yellow hair concentrated near Tianling Gai, with a pineapple-like expression on Marco's face, was surprised.

"It's Katakuri, the fourth general of the pirate group! Why is he here?!"

this problem

Katakuri wants to know too!

I was originally planning to post the first three chapters after the fourth update was completed, but when I saw it was already nine o'clock, I hurriedly posted the first three chapters.

Fourth update, wait a minute, we are working on the yard now, go dig some food out of the big tree first.

By the way, please give me some monthly recommendations. This is really important to me!

This chapter has been completed!
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