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Chapter 183, Interpretation of Devil Fruit

"The world government won't help."

Dressrosa, King's Heights.

After dealing with the officials sent by the government, Doflamingo said with a cold voice before the veins on his forehead dissipated.


Diamanti was stunned for a moment and asked.

That's the Shichibukai!

Regardless of their status, they are all thugs affiliated with the World Government.

If you don't protect the Black Earl, you will undoubtedly be slapping yourself in the face!

"Hey, don't take Five Old Star's face too seriously, Diamanti."

Doflamingo smiled sadly: "The government will only care about their face when they are in need."

"Shichibukai? It's just a chess piece used to weigh the situation in the sea."

Diamanti remained silent.

Doflamingo still hasn't finished speaking.

The same is true for the Celestial Dragons.

"But there is another possibility."

He held his cheek with his fist, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "That is, the world situation has changed dramatically within a year, giving the government reason to respond."

Hearing this, Diamanti clenched her fists.


With the help of the turmoil caused by the one-year appointment, the government cleverly covered up the fact that Vergo, the 5th branch of the New World, was taken away for investigation. This is the main reason why Dahai can't hear the slightest news now, but the Black Earl has become famous.

Someone is adding fuel to the flames to cover up the real darkness!

That "person", without a doubt, is only the World Government!

"As expected, the government has now begun to eliminate the traitors that have been snooped in by various forces. In the past, the justice of the navy was just a joke. There were unruly navy scoundrels everywhere on the sea, wreaking havoc on one side. Once they wait for them to cut off the dead branches and leaves,

, to re-hold this ace card, the Navy needs a big victory to appease people's hearts."

Is there anything more appropriate than a victorious battle with the Yonko?


"Torebol, how are the things I asked you to prepare?"

His cold gaze swept over, and in the corner of the palace, the sloppy uncle was stunned for a moment, holding a cane made of gold with a playing card plum blossom logo on the top.

"It's ready."

He raised his head: "Hey, Dover, do you really want to do this?"

"Virgo will understand me, and I believe you will too."

The voice was so cold and ruthless that Diamanti and Torebol couldn't help but shiver.

"Don't forget, there is someone in the Navy who is good at interrogation. If she takes action, Vergo will not be able to keep any secrets, including the truth about the toys!"

The cold and boiling murderous intent gradually spread out, and the domineering aura rose and fell, proving how angry Doflamingo was in his heart when he made this decision.

"We can't go back, Torrebol."

Hearing this, the two of them were shocked.

Yes, there is no turning back.

After finally serving the young master until today, do you really have to start everything from scratch for Vergo?

"I see."

The first half, the harbor of Questra Island, the Leviathan.

The commotion and discussion in the outside world continued to ferment, but on the Leviathan, as a party involved, Lovett was not interested.

Isn’t it natural for mortals to respect mages?

Lovett is not that boring.

Rather than enjoying the mixture of admiration and fear in the eyes of the world at this moment, as a mage, he wanted to do more experiments and solve the doubts in his heart.

"What a clever chimera technology! Not only the body cells, but also the soul are integrated with it, regardless of each other."

On the operating table, strips of runic light shining with silver light bound a transparent and illusory soul together, making it unable to move.

Caesar went from despair and fear at the beginning to numbness now.

Even if you fall into the hands of the Black Earl, death is not the end!

He used his evil magic to imprison his soul and help him study the secrets of devil fruits.

Well, being studied is also a kind of "help".

At this moment, Lovett used a shining red scalpel to cut open Caesar's soul shell, allowing him to expose everything about himself. What bad things had he done in his life? At what age did he stop peeing his pants? That would make Caesar himself...

Lovett knew all about the unanswerable questions.

Of course, Lovett doesn't care about these, he only cares about two points.

1. What exactly is a Devil Fruit?

Second, why can armed color domineering touch the natural system.

Now the second problem has been solved.

"Back on Fish-Man Island, I discovered that it was not so much that the domineering energy restrained the elementalization from taking effect, but that the flowing entanglement of the domineering energy interfered with the process. However, it turns out that I was only half right."

Silently ordering the quill to record the experiment in his notebook, Lovett thought.

"It's not interference, it's cancellation!"

"The body of a person with natural fruit abilities is like a shell made of elemental substances. The real core is not in the elemental body."

"The high-speed flow of mixed energy generated by the armed domineering energy can peel off the shell and expose the pulp inside."

"It's like the transformation spell in curse magic. It looks like it's transforming a person, but it actually creates a brand new container to put the original body in."

Thinking of this, Lovett couldn't help but shake his head.

"I thought too much. I didn't expect it to be so simple."

There are no complicated formulas at all, it's just a simple transformation witchcraft.

The transformed creature is separated from carbon-based life in its basic composition, but the doll can still feel pain and have its own thoughts, but because the body is no longer human, some things that humans cannot do after turning into a doll

It can be done easily.

For example, if the arms are removed, the doll will still have feelings, but it can be put back together at any time, even with just one screw.

This kind of curse magic hides the real person behind the container of the doll, not the "inside". Only through special techniques can the human body be touched.

This is the secret of the natural elemental torso.

A shell composed of elemental matter!

"The same principle can be applied to other fruit-powered users, but they are not as thorough as the natural system. They only mutate part of their body, and with the help of these fruit factors, they develop superpowers."

Lovett looked down at Caesar's "open-hearted" soul.

A normal soul emits white light in the form of translucent water, but is as light as catkins and disperses when blown by the wind.

But Caesar's soul is different. His inside is filled with densely packed star-like shining light points. These light points are integrated with the soul, like the screws of a combined machine. Once they are taken apart, the soul will fall apart.

After Caesar's "death", these light spots also dissipated. He used magic to fix them, keeping Caesar's soul from collapsing.

Lovett named these things "fruit factors".

He dissected Charlotte Owen and Caesar Courant and found the same particles.

Not only in the soul, but also in the body.

But when trying to remove one for study, Charlotte Owen's body quickly collapsed and her vitality quickly dissipated. This told Lovett that, as expected, these were the "true forms" of Devil Fruits.

"Because the fruit factor is not a whole and is peacefully distributed in flesh and soul, Vegapunk discovered the bloodline factor technology and extended the devil fruit transfer technology so that pacifists who are not Kizaru can also use the Shining Fruit ability.


"Similarly, because the fruit factor does exist, they can reversely study the devil fruit, extract the fruit factor, and create an embryonic devil fruit."

"But as to why the horny particles can inhibit the fruit factor from taking effect, Vegapunk is still interpreting it, and Caesar doesn't know much."

Once one problem is solved, countless more problems arise.

Lovett took a deep breath.

"No matter where in the world, scientific research is so complicated."

He is still as far away from the answer as he is trying to understand the ocean after picking up a shell on the beach.

Silently closing Caesar's soul, under the latter's aggrieved gaze, Lovett crumpled it into a ball and threw it into the bottle, then sealed it casually.

Researching devil fruits is too complicated.

So, I won’t learn anymore!

If you have time to do this, wouldn't it be nice to study one or two more spells?

Lovett arranged his clothes and took out another experimental project, the poison!

"Compared to why the Sea Tower Stone can restrain the fruit's power, I just need to know what to do to produce the same effect. So compared to the Devil Fruit, this is the most important thing."

"A year's appointment"

I don't know what he thought of, the corners of Lovett's mouth turned up, and the green lanterns and ghost lights made his eyes flash with a ghostly light, full of malice.

"I hope you can hold on until that long, yo!"

Sorry everyone, there are two updates today and I will return it tomorrow.

This chapter has been completed!
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