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Chapter 226, Traces of the Revolutionary Army!

It's just that her reputation as "the most beautiful woman in the world" is a bit watery in Lovett's eyes.

After all, the two competitors in the original setting were both somewhat shady... oh no, rarely known.

Princess White Star of Fish-Man Island is cute, but unfortunately she has been staying in the Shell Tower for several years. She finally came out recently to help Neptune appease the people of Fish-Man Island after the chaos.

And the other Kozuki Hiyori is still a "dead person".

But that didn't stop Lovett from being amazed by the woman in front of him.

She has milky white skin with a hint of pink, a perfectly curved figure that is hard to add or remove, and three-dimensional facial features that are carefully crafted and matched with reasonable proportions. Every inch of her body reveals a kind of intoxicating perfection.

It's like a work of art!

Lovett was ashamed to have discovered these ugly things like Aka and the bodyguard.

I feel like my life has been wasted all these years.

It’s the same piece of meat, why is the one I made so ugly?!


She was completely unaware of Lovett's true thoughts, but Hancock was used to that kind of look, especially coming from a crow's eyes, which almost made her look like a bug with disgust on her face.

Fortunately, this is not the main point. After looking at the port that was "strewn with corpses", Hancock said in disgust.

"Sandasonia, move these things out of the way."


Hearing this, Boya Sandasonia, the second among the three Boya sisters, waved back, and a group of female warriors quickly rushed out of the crowd and dragged Marigold and others away in the middle of the road.

Lovett: "..."

Very good, she is the empress I know.

Later, Hancock came to the port and looked at Lovett across the sea not far away.

Looking at the red-eyed raven, she said slowly: "Don't you dare to show your true colors? Black Earl."

"A few days ago, I was wondering who the Black Earl was who could make those guys work hard, but it turned out to be a bird."

Hearing this, Lovett was unmoved.

"It will not do me any good to go to war with you, Hancock, this is my sincerity, you should understand."

I'll come here and call the troops to investigate.

Even Hancock, who is also a Shichibukai, has only one option: war.

It's just a matter of face.

But not sending just Aka here is also a kind of shock. I tell the other party that I take this matter very seriously and stop making ulterior motives.

In response to this, Hancock snorted and said nothing.

Of course she understood the propriety involved, which was also the reason why she chose to stop just now.

Lovett has made her attitude clear and has not even forced her way to the island. If she continues to take action, the other party will have only one choice.

The most important thing in the King's Shichibukai is reputation!

It is not only about personal appearance, but also closely related to their status.

When the topic came to this point, both parties understood each other tacitly.

Then, Lovett asked.

"But you just said 'those guys', right?"

"who are they?"

Hearing this, Hancock said softly.

"There's nothing to hide. After all, you're not the one I'm guarding against."

At this point, she suddenly changed the subject.

"But I want to know, how did you find Nine Snakes Island? Logically speaking, the misunderstanding between you and me has been resolved."

"...Is it weird?"

He didn't expect her to ask this question. Lovett was stunned for a second and smiled.

"'Pirate Empress' Hancock... Even if the World Government asks you to hand over the things you grabbed, you won't be able to give in."

"[Because I am so beautiful, no matter what I do, I will be forgiven.]"

"This sentence is your mantra!"

Upon hearing this, Hancock's expression instantly became dull.

After a moment, he held his forehead with his slender green-white fingers and frowned slightly.

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple."


There was a hint of speechlessness on Hancock's delicate face.

But considering the past, this concession is indeed unjustifiable.

The story of "The Wolf Cried" actually makes sense when understood from another perspective.

Such as Hancock now.

"Okay, I understand."

Waving his hand to summon Salome, the pet python with a cow image but in white and pink colors, Hancock sat on the chair formed by Salome's coiled body and said calmly.

"Then I will also answer your questions."

"Those people...are the revolutionary army!"

Hearing this, the crow's combing of feathers stiffened, and it raised its head in disbelief.

"If I'm not mistaken, they are also the ones who deliberately spread rumors and said that grain is jewelry, because I discovered one of their strongholds in the Windless Zone."

After saying that, Hancock showed a trace of disdain on his face.

"Those madmen underestimated our Amazon Lily's ability in the windless zone. In the nearby sea area, there is no movement that can escape our notice."

Hancock was indeed lured by the rumors at first and hijacked the merchant ship.

But he soon discovered that he had been deceived, and at this time, someone reported that a revolutionary army stronghold had been discovered nearby.

So, when the tea dolphin came to her door, she just followed the trend and threw the hot potato out.

Regardless of whether the Revolutionary Army was behind the scenes, Hancock didn't want Amazon Lily to be associated with those lunatics.

The situation of the Revolutionary Army was very bad now. To be fair, she admired those guys who resisted the government and even dared to kidnap the Tianlong people, but that didn't mean that she was willing to block the entire country and get involved in this troublesome matter.

After hearing what she said, Aka and Lovett looked at each other.

The speculation is established!

Participation is false, avoiding disaster is true!

No wonder the navy didn't tell them anything, because they probably didn't know that the revolutionary army was involved.

Hancock is not stupid. Rather than telling the truth and then clearing the suspicion, treating it as if nothing happened from the beginning can minimize the trouble.

Immediately, Hancock changed his posture, condescending like an emperor, and continued.

"You should be very clear, Black Earl...the World Government has no trust in our Shichibukai, especially at this juncture. Anyone who has anything to do with the revolutionary army will lose his skin even if he doesn't die."

"Are you satisfied with this answer?"

"Satisfied, of course satisfied!"

Lovett laughed.

Through soul magic, he confirmed that Hancock was not lying.

So this clue has been connected. This time the merchant ship was robbed for the second time, the revolutionary army was definitely involved.

Moreover, the harvest is not only that...

Looking at the messy port, Lovett smiled and said: "Thank you, Empress, for helping me clear up my confusion. I deeply apologize for the losses caused this time."

"Food, daily necessities, arms and weapons, gold and jewelry, whatever you want, the queen, just ask."

After learning how much Totes' annual income was, Lovett found that he had somehow become one of the rich people at the top of the pyramid in the sea.

Rich and wealthy!

This is his current portrait.


Unfortunately, the answer was a cold snort, and Hancock looked full of disdain: "Amazon Lily doesn't lack those things."

"Leaving here is what I want most!"

Lovett shrugged, not surprised.

The topic has been discussed so far, and with Hancock's temper, it is enough restraint not to take action.

But Hancock didn't dare to take action against himself.

Lovett knows this very well.

Because there is indeed someone else they are guarding against... Ridiculously speaking, it must be the revolutionary army.

The feat of kidnapping the Celestial Dragons was too appalling.

It was so horrifying that Hancock, who also hated the Celestial Dragons, could not help but feel palpitated by their madness.

Now that we are facing a ban from all Dahai affiliated countries, there is no guarantee that some people will not jump to the wall in a hurry.

And he accidentally intervened to rob the merchant ship and ruined their plan. As the emperor of Amazon Lily, Hancock did not dare to have such naive thoughts as "all those who are hostile to the Draco are good people".

Immediately, Aka directed the sailors to slowly slide the oars, control the merchant ship's steering, and sail toward the unknown ocean.

After he left, among the crowd, the emperor of Amazon Lily three generations ago, Croliosa, came to Hancock and whispered.

"Thank you for your hard work, Your Majesty."

Sweat unknowingly wetted her clothes. In the crowd just now, she had been wary of Hancock's bad temper playing on her.

At this moment I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"As one of the three kings of the dark world, the Black Earl is now very powerful, with many soldiers and generals, and is even involved with the government. If we conflict with him again, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"You don't need to remind me, old woman!"

Hancock's face was as cold as frost, and he raised his chin in displeasure.

"I am the Emperor of Amazon Lily, and I know what to do."

He may seem arrogant and willful like a tyrant, but Hancock actually attaches great importance to Kuja Island, including becoming the Shichibukai, in order to protect Amazon Lily from invasion.

Immediately, she asked: "You said that the ship was hijacked later. Is the news true or false?"

Nine Snake Island has very good control over the nearby sea area, but after all, it is deep in the windless zone and can easily lose contact with the outside world, so its intelligence sources are very limited.

"I wasn't sure..."

Guluoliosa paused her crutches and replied: "But now that even the Black Earl has come in person, the news should be true."

"But it has nothing to do with us. Let the revolutionary army and the Black Earl fight dog by dog."

"Also, don't be so willful next time, Hancock."

At this time, Guluoliosa said earnestly.

"If you hadn't snatched that batch of goods because you wanted to decorate your room with jewelry, we wouldn't have been targeted by these troublesome guys."

"What a shame! Who do you think you are, Obasan!"

In the commotion, Guluoliosa was kicked out as expected.

"Just wait and see!"

"I will get my humiliation back today. Don't hold me back then."

Leaving Jiu She Island, the merchant ship sailed slowly on the sea.

Aka asked: "Master, where are you going next?"

The investigation is progressing smoothly.

With the information about the Revolutionary Army, many clues have been verified.

It was obvious that the opponent was playing a big chess game. The fact that they had not made a move for more than a month was not hiding and licking their wounds, but secretly plotting a big show.

"Those people probably didn't expect that Hancock would accidentally intervene in this matter, let alone that she would return the goods... but after careful consideration, they still chose to take action."

Without answering his question directly, the red-eyed raven sat on a special chair and spoke in a relaxed tone.


"Can't we just follow this clue and investigate?"

Lovett laughed.

"Don't you realize that we are only one step away from the truth?"

Aka: "..."

Have it?

This chapter has been completed!
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