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Chapter two hundred and eighty seventh, the death of Zefa, the gray world

Now that things have happened, there is nothing Qing Pheasant still doesn’t understand.

"Are you crazy?!"

He roared unwillingly: "Why do you do this?!!"

The Black Earl is very ambitious. If he successfully establishes himself in the new world, what benefit will it bring to the franchised countries?

In response, an old man sitting on one side of the dance floor paused his crutches and coldly snorted: "Watch your words, General Qing Pheasant."

"We are not your subordinates. It is not up to the Navy to take care of what we do!"

It was even said that if Aoki Pheasant wasn't strong enough, the old man's word would definitely be "watchdog".

The strong often have privileges.

But what's the use?!

Aoki's face turned red and he wanted to say something, but Kizaru held him back.

"That's enough Aokiji, we can't stop this!"

"We can't understand the pain of being old and lying in a hospital bed waiting to die."

"Hmph! General Kizaru is a sensible person!"

The old man sneered.

He looks no different from a living person, but if you wipe off the makeup on his skin, you will find that corpse spots have already covered his skin.

"So get out of here after reading this, Navy!"

"Don't worry, we have no time to interfere in the conflict between you and the Black Earl. We just want to live and enjoy our wealth and power, that's all."

Sinister laughter came from the deck.

"Alive...Yes, no matter how healthy your body is, we are still alive."

Among the crowd, an old man in a red dress looked at the old man next to him and said, "I heard that your son-in-law has been a bit dishonest in the past two years. He has been contacting nobles everywhere to build relationships. When you come back, he will probably be scared to death."

"Hmph! If I didn't know that I don't have much time left and would not betroth my daughter to the son of Altluk III, I know exactly what their family is thinking!"

"But I am the king of Goa Kingdom!"

"It was the same before and it will be the same in the future!"

Wealth, power, fame...

The things that people in the world pursue the most are nothing more than these three things.

"One Piece" Roger used these three things to even set off a new era of great pirates, allowing countless people to set sail with dreams and sail to the unknown ocean in search of the legendary secret treasure "one piece".

But what about those who already have wealth, power, and fame?

What will they do?

Birth, old age, illness and death are like the rising and setting sun over everyone's head. No matter how much astonishing wealth one has accumulated during one's life and how powerful one's hands are, after death everything disappears like a lamp going out.

Maybe someone will spend your money to sleep with your wife and beat your son.

Therefore, immortality is the dream of every person in power.

They do not live for the sake of "living" itself, but for everything they have.

As long as you can do this, what if you become a monster that is neither human nor ghost?!

My wealth has not changed, my rights have not changed!

This is living.

No one can stop these old guys from pursuing their desire to live, not even the world government!

The greatest threat is death, but they are the ones who are going to die.

Therefore, this mentality was exploited by Lovett.

Specially send people to contact the important people who are about to die and provide them with a chance to live.

Secretly plotting against Chen Cang has never been his only reliance. These old guys are Chi Guoguo's conspiracy.


Qing Pheasant fell silent.

That terrifying woman whose name I can’t even remember, the army of tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of undead, countless nobles and royal families relying on them, and...

Golden Emperor!

A brand new dark force that is not inferior to big mom appears on the page!

And he even cooperates with the World Government, and is a giant in the dark world. The World Government did not take action against Baroque News Agency or cut off the cooperation as soon as he fell out, because some things of the government need his shipping industry services.

Qing Pheasant suddenly woke up.

Today's Black Earl is indeed no longer the pirate who needs to look at the navy's face to act.

He himself is his own confidence.

The soul's aura flickered on and off, and Lovett knew that Qing Pheasant was shaken.

So he decided to add another fire.

"Don't forget, General Qing Pheasant."

He chuckled and said, "I used to be a second lieutenant in the navy, but your people forced me to become a pirate."

"You are right, but apart from you, how many people in the Navy are so purely righteous?"

Being an ensign is just a joke, the point is later.

The more you understand the justice of others, the lonelier you will be. This is a logic game.


Kizaru suddenly felt a chill running down his spine. He couldn't help but look at the blue pheasant who lowered his head and said nothing.

"Hey, Kuzan, calm down, he is trying to change the concept, you..."

The evil necromancer!

As soon as this sentence is said, combined with reality, the suffocating feeling of darkness surrounding oneself like an endless tide can easily crush people.

Kizaru had already seen more than one admiral fall because of the darkness in the Shampoo Land, but this time the target was Aokiji.

Fortunately, Qing Pheasant was not as miserable as he thought.

"I know he can't shake my determination."

Opening his mouth and spitting out a mouthful of white mist, Aokiji interrupted Kizaru: "Leave the rest of the matter to the government. Our mission is completed, right?"

No, it failed.

Kizaru didn't answer. He glanced at the group of gloomy undead, especially Tezoro, and turned his head silently.


Suddenly, shrill shouts echoed in the sea under the night sky, and the bodies of Kizaru and Aokiji who had just turned around were shaken at the same time.

Then, the green pheasant suddenly turned back.

"Black Count!!!"

"Jie hahahahaha! Hahahahaha!"

Standing on top of the bone dragon, Lovett laughed and turned forward and back, his whole body trembling.

Kizaru grabbed Aoki's shoulders tightly, and even used his own fruit awakening to suppress the burst of cold air.


He held back the word through his teeth without any hesitation, clenching his teeth.

At the same time, he raised his head and looked ahead, seeing the figure lying on his back in front of Shuzuo who was kneeling on the ground.

Tezzolo's eyes were dull and he murmured to himself: "Hey, you have done something great, Black Earl!"

On March 5, 1519, in the Great Pirates' Age, former general "Black Arms" Zeffa died of injuries sustained during a raid on the Black Count. He was 71 years old.

When the news came out, the whole world was shocked!


Holy Land, Marie Joa.

Wulaoxing Office.

"The Navy is planning a funeral for Zefa..."

The bearded Five Old Star slowly spoke: "Song asked me before when I wanted to wait."

"Tell him to do his duty and not worry about so much."

"The Black Earl is indeed a serious problem, but he is not the person in the prophecy."

Hearing this, there was silence in the office.

Yes, he is not the biggest threat yet.

A threat that could turn the world upside down.

"Can you really not see who the target is?"

The bald five-star said impatiently: "Every time the other party has to cause big trouble before we are allowed to take action, it's too difficult."

"Lord Im has his own considerations. Besides, if we just talk about threats, there are many threats in this world. We can't kill them all."

"Okay, don't talk about adults, let's talk about business."

Everyone listened and listened.

"The Blood Curse Weapon business should stop, otherwise if someone sees us, we will be in even greater disadvantages."


The bearded five-old star took out a list: "We can't eat more. Unlike normal arms, this thing doesn't suffer much loss. Counting the next five years, we will only need three batches at most."

The navy is the largest military force of the world government. There are not many troops stationed in the Holy Land itself. In addition, the Blood Curse Weapon cannot be widely promoted, so so far, the demand is approaching saturation.

Flamingo also saw this, which is why the city of gourmet food was created.


"Hmph, I bet that bastard planned this thing as well, do you believe it or not?"

One link after another, perfect timing.

The five old stars with beards ignored this and continued: "But the gluttony will still continue. That is a good thing for us. Let's leave this matter to Don Quixote's kid and him. Let's take this opportunity to escape."


The others nodded.

As it should be.

"at last......"

"About the Baroque News Agency and those affiliated countries..."

The bearded Five Old Star couldn't help but rub his temples: "Golden Emperor, what does that bastard Tezoro want to do?"

Such a large network of interests can really shake the world!!

This chapter has been completed!
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